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Re: salvation and works

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 5:41 pm
by B. W.
B. W. wrote:
RickD wrote:
jpbg33 wrote:You are right I have stated it as if you will do work if you are saved and yes the thief on didn't do any work but was saved my mistake. What I meant in what I have said is this. If you are saved and have the chance to do woks then you will do works if you are saved. If you get saved on your death bed then and don't have the chance then you will not do any works.
I guess you "kinda" understanding what we've been saying, is better than not seeing it at all. :?
So, jpbg33, are you are saying that loving Jesus produces a natural progression to do good because one willingly wants too verses the compulsion that one must do good?
jpbg33 wrote:Yes
Okay then...
