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Re: Adam has to be real.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 12:19 pm
by PaulSacramento
RickD wrote:
PaulSacramento wrote:Are plants and trees alive?
Yes. But they aren't creatures. And they don't have souls.


And btw, trees are plants. ;)

Asking if plants and trees are alive, is like asking if humans and Canadians are alive. :mrgreen:
LMAO, fair enough.

Aquinas seems to think they did and, to be honest, based on the OT use of the term soul as applied to pretty much anything that is living I have no problem with plants having a soul.
That said, if they don't I am ok with that too.
It can be one of those gray areas that doesn't really matter to me to be honest.

Re: Adam has to be real.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 12:22 pm
by RickD
The real question is do shoes have soles? y:-?

I say, if they are made from an animal(leather), then yes.

Re: Adam has to be real.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 12:29 pm
by Nessa
RickD wrote:The real question is do shoes have soles? y:-?

I say, if they are made from an animal(leather), then yes.
Lol! On top form today..

You know Im hopeless at watering flowers that im given...
I feel rather evil now....

I made them suffer...tortured them... :shakehead:

Re: Adam has to be real.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 12:32 pm
by RickD
Nessa wrote:
RickD wrote:The real question is do shoes have soles? y:-?

I say, if they are made from an animal(leather), then yes.
Lol! On top form today..

You know Im hopeless at watering flowers that im given...
I feel rather evil now....

I made them suffer...tortured them... :shakehead:
Remind me never to give you dead flowers. You might kill them! Wait...what? y:O2

Re: Adam has to be real.

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 9:49 am
by Jac3510
abelcainsbrother wrote:I'm concerned about him losing his faith and I'm just offering other suggestions that might help him.Anybody else can do the same for their creation interpretation.I would'nt have a problem with it. Theistic evolution,YEC,OEC,Progressive Creationism,etc it makes no difference to me as long as he does'nt lose his faith.He can decide,he has several to choose from.
He doesn't need a right few of Genesis. Rick dealt with that in his first or second post.

To the OP, there is a place--and important place--for discussions about the relationship between Scripture and science, Adam and evolution. But it is not and cannot be a place in which faith is rooted (which, for the record, while I am YEC, is one of the reasons I object to AiG's ministry).

My advice, and I say this in all sincerity and for a host of very deeply defined theological and philosophical reasons I won't and don't have the time to bore you with here: forget about the evolution v Scripture argument. Seriously. Just forget about it. Don't study it. Don't try to answer it. You'll be chasing your tail. Instead, spend that time studying the resurrection of Jesus Christ. That is the root of our faith, both theologically and historically, and everything else only matters insofar as it relates to that singular event.

There is a LOT of material out there on that subject. So learn that. Get really good at that subject. I promise you, every minute you spend on creationism questions that you could have spent on resurrection questions is a minute eternally wasted.

Re: Adam has to be real.

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 9:56 am
by EssentialSacrifice
Quite honestly, as sound and immediately pertinent bit of advice if there ever was ... +10 Jac
Instead, spend that time studying the resurrection of Jesus Christ. That is the root of our faith, both theologically and historically, and everything else only matters insofar as it relates to that singular event.
in fact, these are literally words to live by ... eternally ...

Re: Adam has to be real.

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 10:52 am
by RickD
Great advice Jac!

Re: Adam has to be real.

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 6:28 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Jac3510 wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:I'm concerned about him losing his faith and I'm just offering other suggestions that might help him.Anybody else can do the same for their creation interpretation.I would'nt have a problem with it. Theistic evolution,YEC,OEC,Progressive Creationism,etc it makes no difference to me as long as he does'nt lose his faith.He can decide,he has several to choose from.
He doesn't need a right few of Genesis. Rick dealt with that in his first or second post.

To the OP, there is a place--and important place--for discussions about the relationship between Scripture and science, Adam and evolution. But it is not and cannot be a place in which faith is rooted (which, for the record, while I am YEC, is one of the reasons I object to AiG's ministry).

My advice, and I say this in all sincerity and for a host of very deeply defined theological and philosophical reasons I won't and don't have the time to bore you with here: forget about the evolution v Scripture argument. Seriously. Just forget about it. Don't study it. Don't try to answer it. You'll be chasing your tail. Instead, spend that time studying the resurrection of Jesus Christ. That is the root of our faith, both theologically and historically, and everything else only matters insofar as it relates to that singular event.

There is a LOT of material out there on that subject. So learn that. Get really good at that subject. I promise you, every minute you spend on creationism questions that you could have spent on resurrection questions is a minute eternally wasted.

Thanks Jac for the advice and it is very important to not put any creation interpretation above Jesus where it is our total focus at the same time Jac I have a heart for scientific minded people who have been decieved.I look out and see how much the theory of evolution has decieved so many people away from God and one of the reasons for it is because the church has been teaching creationism wrongly to where it has divided the scientific minded people away from God and the bible.

It is very important that we get the truth of God's word out there because then we can have a chance to share the gospel with them. No matter what creation interpretation somebody comes down on it does'nt effect our salvation but it does effect our knowledge of the truth if we don't have the proper view. Nothing the church has did has effected this deception and yet I know that had the church taught Gap Theory creationism instead of say YEC the theory of evolution would have been defeated along time ago by creationism and we would not have so many decieved people.

It can be easy to overlook the deception and just ignore it,hey the bible prophesied great deception inb the last days and false prophets and false teachers but it really hurts to see so many people decieved away from God when you realize the church has been using the wrong weapons against this deception. I still have alot of respect for you and your wisdom but I think of when David wanted to go up against Goliath and everybody told him he could'nt,yet he did.It is time we end this deception and so the Gap Theory is very important and is that one stone in David's sling that can slay this giant.

Re: Adam has to be real.

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 6:50 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Once we slay this evolution giant then we have science covered biblically because all of the other science lines up with the bible.Then Intelligent Design will be much more useful and OEC's have the Big Bang covered,it is evolution that is still the problem that needs to be dealt with.

Re: Adam has to be real.

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 8:53 am
by Jac3510
You're right, ACB. I repent in dust and ashes. The sooner we quit talking about the resurrection of Jesus and start talking about the Gap Theory, the sooner we'll destroy the evil that is evolution and people will finally be able to overcome the thing keeping them from coming to Christ.

To the OP, forget what I said. Every minute you spend looking at the resurrection of Jesus is time wasted. It's not important. By all means, read everything you can about the gap theory. That's far more important of a subject and when you finally do slay the evil giant of evolution you'll have a much deeper faith for it. In fact, if you can find a version of the Bible that has Jesus talking about the gap theory, you should go buy it. Maybe one that translates John 3:16 as something like, "For God so loved the world that He created a gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2, that whosoever believes this will not believe in evolution but have eternal life."

Definitely the way to go! :amen:

Re: Adam has to be real.

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 10:23 am
by Storyteller
abelcainsbrother wrote:Once we slay this evolution giant then we have science covered biblically because all of the other science lines up with the bible.Then Intelligent Design will be much more useful and OEC's have the Big Bang covered,it is evolution that is still the problem that needs to be dealt with.
Why is evolution a problem?

Its perfectly plausible that God put evolution in place.

Re: Adam has to be real.

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 11:14 am
by Philip
Hey, Jac, glad to see you rejoin us!

But, yeah, who really comes to Christ based on how well they can perfectly harmonize the Bible with their scientific understandings? Fact is, that while many do INITIALLY start down a faith journey because they can logically see that a universe beginning where there was previously nothing, and subsequently/eventually, life beginning WITHOUT God existing, the design, complexity, harmony, and functionality of what has been made coming about uncaused makes no sense - yet, they don't let the lack of having a perfect Bible/science understanding keep them from faith. Those whom assert this to be the reason for their lack of faith are using it as an excuse, a smokescreen, denial, etc. No, what really matters is how a person responds to what is in The Gospel and the New Testament, not unsortable issues from The Beginning.

Abel, THINK about it - think of how ineffective your GAP Theory is to persuading even long-time Christians and the overwhelming consensus of properly trained and competent theologians as to its supposed truth, much less to unbelievers. That should show us that this is not a healthy, productive focus for evangelism, of encouraging faith in Christ. It is unprovable and its track record of acceptance is an overwhelmingly dismal failure. So, at best, it's an irrelevant endeavor. What people DO care about is either the truth or falsity of Jesus and The Gospel. ALL of the origins stuff is ultimately a fun, fascinating, often acrimonious, largely irrelevant debate. I have to admit it took me awhile to really get that. Not to mention that what can be known by current science, and to a point, even theology, has certain unavoidable limits. Point is, you just can't PROVE the details and truth of the Bible through science or through key Scriptural obscurities that many mature, Scripturally savvy BELIEVERS don't even disagree on.

As for EVANGELISM, let's focus on issues and areas where there has always historically been success: The Gospel, the teachings of Christ and His Apostles. Other points of focus that ARE important - but to a lesser, but important, bridge-building to considering the Gospel, are evidences that reveal harmony with the fact that God does and HAS to exist for anything else to exist. But getting feverishly focused on the HOW and WHEN as to the specifics of that is to wander into an endless maze of rabbit trails that distract from what is FAR more important: Considering the truths of Jesus and His Gospel.

And Abel, I say this with all brotherly sincerity - your OBSESSION with GAP Theory is one, huge ineffective DISTRACTION. That is not to say you can't be open to some possibilities considering various Scriptural mysteries - but just don't get so caught up in making any one of them your constant focus. That's one of the devil's chief strategies: Keeping believers (and unbelievers) constantly distracted with whatever such distraction they find most addictive, as then they will focus far less on Jesus and The Gospel.

Re: Adam has to be real.

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 1:05 pm
by Jac3510
Philip wrote:Hey, Jac, glad to see you rejoin us!

But, yeah, who really comes to Christ based on how well they can perfectly harmonize the Bible with their scientific understandings? Fact is, that while many do INITIALLY start down a faith journey because they can logically see that a universe beginning where there was previously nothing, and subsequently/eventually, life beginning WITHOUT God existing, the design, complexity, harmony, and functionality of what has been made coming about uncaused makes no sense - yet, they don't let the lack of having a perfect Bible/science understanding keep them from faith. Those whom assert this to be the reason for their lack of faith are using it as an excuse, a smokescreen, denial, etc. No, what really matters is how a person responds to what is in The Gospel and the New Testament, not unsortable issues from The Beginning.
Thanks, Philip. Things are starting to lighten up just a little bit. I still don't have time to post very much -- very sporadically at best for the next few months. But EBTC is coming along well as well as some other projects I've been putting a lot of time into recently. So hopefully I can cruise for a bit.

Anyway, more to the point, this above is exactly the point. I hope winner and everybody else takes that very seriously and not as just some nice words to gloss over. I mean, somewhere (maybe this thread? I don't know, too lazy to look it up) he basically said that he was trying to decide if it was worth staking his life on this crucified Jewish carpenter. See, that's getting to the real issue. All this other stuff is related, I grant that. But even if every single question he and everybody else ever had was given a plausible answer, it would still come down to whether or not he's willing to stake his life on a crucified Jew.

I'm putting together an apologetics certificate right now. As part of the series, we're talking about the place of apologetics--including creationism--in evangelism. One of the points I'm making (and testing my students on ;)) is that apologetics is a branch of theology. And while it is certainly useful in evangelism--indeed, there's a lot of overlap between the two fields--it is still that: theology. It's far more valuable to the believer than it is to the unbeliever, and that's something I bet everybody on this board (especially those who have made the journey from no faith to faith) can attest to.

So by all means, we should continue to talk about theology, about apologetics, about creationism. But we should never be so dense as to think that any unbeliever is going to come to faith once he gets a few theological questions out of the way. The unavoidable and absolute fact that what such people need is not theology, but Christ. They need a Person. They need their Savior. And we really only do well to talk about theology with such people to the extent that it relates back to their need for Christ. Everything else is, as you say, a smokescreen. Or worse, it's a mere curiosity, and to be very honest, to reduce theology--which is the study of God and therefore the holiest of all sciences--to something to study out of idle curiosity ought to be regarded as incredibly offensive. And, as we've all been getting at of course, wrongheaded. After all, theology only comes to life when it deepens our relationship with God, which we only have in Christ.

Bottom line, my sarcasm in the post above aside, I really hope that winner reads the last bit of this exchange and takes it to heart. Study theology later. That includes apologetics and creationism. There is only one question for you: who is Jesus Christ of Nazareth? Is He God, as He claimed to be? Is He the Savior of the world as He claimed to be? He said that whoever believes in Him has everlasting life (John 3:16; 6:47) and worse that those who do not believe in Him are condemned (John 8:24). I mean, really think about how audacious a claim that is! To say to a person, "What you do with me will determine what happens to your eternal soul." I mean, either those are the words of a clinically insane person (or, maybe worse, a truly evil person) or else . . . well, or else, what? If it's true . . . think about that for a bit? If it's true, then nothing else--no one else--matters.

So how do you know if it's true? What would prove it? How about His resurrection? Not just coming back to life, but His resurrection and ascention into glory. Such an event would be the stamp of God's own testimony of the truth of Jesus' claims. And guess what? It IS true. Jesus REALLY died and He REALLY was resurrected. How do we know THAT?

THAT is question you should be asking. You study that, and once you get that out of the way and get your relationship with God right, then you can look at those pesky questions around things like theology. But prior to that, you are wasting your time . . . and, to be a little bit aggressive about it, running the risk of increasing your offense before Him. After all, if what Jesus said and did is true, and if you ignore that to talk about something a trite as the gap theory vs evolution, just imagine what that is saying to God! "I know, God, that You--the Maker of All Things and King Over All--have said that the most important thing is Your Son. But, yeah, I'm not really so interested in that subject. With all due respect to You, You are mistaken. The question of Genesis 1 and how it fits or doesn't fit with modern science is definitely more important. So I'll get around to looking at Your testimony about Your Son later. In the meantime, I'm going to deal with way more important issues."

I trust you can see how ridiculous such a position is . . .

Praying for you. God bless!

Re: Adam has to be real.

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 4:28 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Storyteller wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:Once we slay this evolution giant then we have science covered biblically because all of the other science lines up with the bible.Then Intelligent Design will be much more useful and OEC's have the Big Bang covered,it is evolution that is still the problem that needs to be dealt with.
Why is evolution a problem?

Its perfectly plausible that God put evolution in place.
Evolution is a myth that has decieved scientific minded people away from Christ and the bible.More and more people are accepting it and yet it has never been demonstrated by any scientist.

Re: Adam has to be real.

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 4:55 pm
by abelcainsbrother
Jac3510 wrote:You're right, ACB. I repent in dust and ashes. The sooner we quit talking about the resurrection of Jesus and start talking about the Gap Theory, the sooner we'll destroy the evil that is evolution and people will finally be able to overcome the thing keeping them from coming to Christ.

To the OP, forget what I said. Every minute you spend looking at the resurrection of Jesus is time wasted. It's not important. By all means, read everything you can about the gap theory. That's far more important of a subject and when you finally do slay the evil giant of evolution you'll have a much deeper faith for it. In fact, if you can find a version of the Bible that has Jesus talking about the gap theory, you should go buy it. Maybe one that translates John 3:16 as something like, "For God so loved the world that He created a gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2, that whosoever believes this will not believe in evolution but have eternal life."

Definitely the way to go! :amen:
I talk about both when I'm out trying to reach the lost.And Jac I've made some progress convincing non-believers evolution is a myth and that there are many reasons to believe in Jesus Christ and be saved but Jac alot of them have got their head so full of science and evolution they think it makes the bible wrong and that there is no reason for God because of science.It matters that we get the truth out so that so many people won't be decieved.

By the way Jesus did teach the Gap Theory when he mentioned the "foundation of the world" if you know about the greek word katabole which means the breaking down of something in order to build up something like catobolism.This means the former world was broken down in order for the birth of this world based on other scriptures in both the OT and NT.And we need to teach this truth because there are too many people looking at the evidence in the earth from an evolution point of view.This truth has not been taught enough yet but has been in the background the whole time.There is no reason for people to be looking at dinosaurs like they evolved into the birds in this world,yet they are.