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Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:33 pm
by August
Roy Masters: Foundation of Human Understanding

Roy Masters, founder and director, was born Reuben Obermeister to a Jewish family in London, England. At age 15 he worked at his uncle's diamond-cutting factory in Brighton after his father died.

As a young boy he became interested in hypnotism. He added to his hypnotism techniques after studying African witchdoctor rites during his apprenticeship at South African diamond mines when he was 18.

He came to America in 1949, at age 21, to lecture on diamonds. He legally changed his name to Roy Masters in 1954 (yet never acquired American citizenship) and eventually became a professional hypnotist claiming he could "save people by teaching them self-sufficiency meditative hypnosis."

The American Medical Association pressed charges against him for practicing medicine without a license. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail. He likens this "persecution" to the persecution Jesus suffered.

He is a self-described "Christian mystic" combining Eastern mysticism and Gnosticism with Christian jargon, yoga, hypnotism and self-help principles.

As with other Eastern-oriented cults, The Foundation of Human Understanding teaches that God is both personal and impersonal, advocating an almost pantheistic God.

In lieu of dependence on Jesus Christ for salvation, Masters teaches dependence on his meditation techniques. He teaches that mankind is inherently good, thus there is no need for salvation or a savior.

All problems man encounters can be resolved through self effort.

"No form of outer assistance can substitute for inner direction. Direction must come always from within. Moved by the spirit of intuition, we move without excitement, effort or strain. The more we exercise our dependency upon the Within, the stronger this relationship becomes, and we know it to be Grace," (How To Keep Your Mind Well, p. 165, Foundation Press, 1971).

Though he claims to have been saved by the blood of Christ, he states that "one of the biggest curses in Christendom is the false idea that Jesus is God."

According to the late Dr. Walter Martin, the Foundation does not mention the Holy Spirit in any of its publications (The New Cults, p. 310).

Instead of relying on the Holy Spirit for comfort and guidance, followers are taught to rely on themselves (made possible through successful meditation).

Watchman Fellowship is an independent Christian research and apologetics ministry focusing on new religious movements, cults, the occult and the New Age. We serve the Christian and secular community as a resource for cult education, counselling, and non-coercive intervention.

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:55 pm
by August
What makes a church or group non-Christian?

There are many non-Christian religions and cults in America. They all claim special revelation and privilege and those that use the Bible invariably interpret it in disharmony with standard biblical understanding. And, groups like that object to the label "cult" because it often gets an emotional reaction as well as is a label they want to avoid.

The definition for "non-Christian cult" or "non-Christian religion" is a group that may or may not include the Bible in its set of authoritative scriptures. If it does include the Bible, it distorts the true biblical doctrines that effect salvation sufficiently so as to void salvation.

What makes something non-Christian is when it denies the essential doctrines of the Bible.

* The Deity of Christ, which involves The Trinity
* the Resurrection, and
* Salvation by Grace

All of them add to the finished work of Jesus on the cross. Some cult groups even add to the Bible. Cults add their own efforts, their own works of righteousness to the finished work of salvation accomplished by Jesus on the cross. All Cults say that Jesus' sacrifice is sufficient, but our works must be 'mixed with' or 'added to' His in order to prove that we are saved and worthy of salvation. They say one thing but believe another. They maintain that they must prove themselves worthy and that they must try their best to please God and prove to Him that they are sincere, have worked hard, and are then worthy to be with Him. In other words, they do their best and God takes care of the rest.

Edited from: CARM
CARM is 501(c)3 non-profit, Internet based ministry with three main goals:
1. Equip Christians in the truth
* CARM does this by providing information on Christian Doctrine, theology, evangelism, and other subjects. The goal is to present an accurate and biblical representation of Christian truth.
2. Answer opposition to the Christian faith
* CARM does this by documenting the beliefs of cult groups, aberrant religious groups, and alternative religious systems and compares them to biblical revelation.
3. Bring glory and honor to the name of Jesus
* CARM does this by presenting the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ....

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 11:57 pm
by Felgar
August wrote:So Jesus is put on equal footing here with the Bible, and yet you seem to still contend it is a lie. If One part of something is a lie, then everything in it is a lie. There is no partial truth, especially not in the Bible, since that would invalidate the whole. You cannot exclude certain parts of God-inspired scripture, for it is to deny the truth.
Absolutely dead on, as is your follow up post about aberrant Christian teachings. I find hard it believe that you and I have had disagreements in the past. :)

In my mind August has nailed this coffin shut. Well done.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 12:47 am
by seedling
"Seedling, I have to ask, who are you a student of? Who is this person that you heard on the radio that changed your life? Whose teachings do you currently follow?"

August ... I don't follow anyone but I am a student of everyone. I can learn from anyone, anything. That's the point ... you think you have me pegged because I got help from this man Roy Masters ... the meditation he taught helped me greatly, but he and I differ on many subjects. Except Jesus. Whoever, whatever you think Jesus was, the spirit of his words ring true to my spirit. Look, I am an explorer in this universe I was put in ... I will cut my own path to my salvation through listening to the spirits of many voices and testing them out and walking accordingly. I was given that ability by my Creator. "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." Phillipians 2:12. I don't parrot the "party line" of anyone, no person, no group, no philosophy. I need to understand, I need to see a truth and make it part of me. I need to realize for myself.

As to the information you posted from that webpage, it is a bit slanted and some of it just plain wrong ... but hey, it's a respected internet source. Like they all are, right?

Let the man speak for himself.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 12:55 am
by seedling
In my mind August has nailed this coffin shut. Well done.

Yes, well done. All that bible study and he certainly knows how to nail a coffin shut. I thank God I'm not in there ...

I won't trouble you any more with my non-Christian beliefs ...

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 1:07 am
by seedling
If god speaks to us and does not tell us lies, then he speaks the truth.


If we are inspired by god and write down the words of god as spoken to us by god, then they are truth and are infact the words of god.


Therefore the men who where INSPIRED by god who wrote the bible are not fallible.When we are inspired by god we are not fallible.

When we are speaking what our spirit witnesses, we are speaking the truth.

We are inspired by the truth of god as he speaks to our spirit! and since god does not speak lies, but speaks the truth! The the word of God called the bible is not fallible either.

Deborah ... the people who wrote the bible were just like you and I. The Spirit speaks in a million ways. Hang on to the spirit in the Word ... you don't need to force yourself to study it so much or remember verses ... just enjoy the spirit in the word and it will speak to you when you least expect it and you will marvel and joy in the Lord.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 2:30 am
by Deborah
seedling wrote:Deborah ... the people who wrote the bible were just like you and I. The Spirit speaks in a million ways. Hang on to the spirit in the Word ... you don't need to force yourself to study it so much or remember verses ... just enjoy the spirit in the word and it will speak to you when you least expect it and you will marvel and joy in the Lord.
I disagree there! Strongly. Those people who wrote the bible were strong in their relationships with god, they trusted God, and they put all there trust in God. They loved god with all there hearts, minds and with everything they had.
then take me for example, I want a strong relationship with god, I want to love god with all that I have and am, I want to put my life and everything that means anything to me into his hands. But I don't know how, I am not mature in faith, and am just a babe.
As I read about what god did as Jesus for us it bought be to a greater respect and love for my creator. To suggest the bible has lies in it is like saying it is full of lies. The bible says prove all so that is what I intend to do.
I do not think God and the bible need to be separated, I think God and some religions should be separated. the word religion has been muddied by the church of men. Man has corrupted religion with there own twists on things, they twist the word of god to suit themselves and make it look and and sound like something different to what it is.
We need to ask ourselves.
Did god want his word preached in huge expensive churches, while there is a need for homeless shelters and food for those less fortunate.
Did God want his churches to help only those who would turn to him first or in exchange, or did god intend his Church to help all people, people seeing that Christians would be willing to help anyone without expecting anything in return would want to learn what makes us Christians tick, and they would enquire about god and learn how wonderful he is. i know this is a very idealistic way of looking at things. but jesus died so that all men would have a chance to be saved. His sacrifice bought many back to god.
We are christians we are not roman catholic, or methodist, or whomever else we like to call ourselves. We are ambassadors to god, when we call ourself christians we represent god in the eyes of the world, but what we must ask ourselves is in the eyes of god are we his ambassadors or are we a imbarisment to god.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 5:31 am
by seedling

Jesus died so you could be just like one of those people who wrote the bible and have a spirit strong like theirs and a relationship with God equal or more than theirs. Jesus died so you could be like him and have his death-conquering life within you. To expect anything less is to shortchange yourself. His death is powerful ... His life in you, moreso.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 6:20 am
by Deborah
seedling wrote:Deborah,

Jesus died so you could be just like one of those people who wrote the bible and have a spirit strong like theirs and a relationship with God equal or more than theirs. Jesus died so you could be like him and have his death-conquering life within you. To expect anything less is to shortchange yourself. His death is powerful ... His life in you, moreso.
what I am saying is i have a long way to go.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 6:21 am
by August

All I asked was where you received your philosophy. Your rhetoric seemed awfully similar to that of kendrick, who already acknowledged that he was a follower of Roy Masters. It was not about "pegging" anyone, but your response does admit that you use the methods of Masters and the Foundation for Human Understanding. You chose to respond to that, assuming it was aimed at you.
Yes, well done. All that bible study and he certainly knows how to nail a coffin shut. I thank God I'm not in there .
So here we are, you now resort to belittling my beliefs. I said a few posts ago that I respected your right to hold your beliefs, since we are all created unique, and can never believe in exactly the same way. You are saying that if we don't do as you (and Masters) does, we are not true believers, that your philosophy alone is the correct one, and that studying the Bible is a worthless exercise, unless done in the way you believe it should be done.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 7:09 am
by August
Felgar, all glory be to God. I can only do what He empowers me to do, through His wisdom. Phil 4:13

We may disagree on the things of the flesh, but we stand united in our spirit.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 7:53 am
by seedling
"what I am saying is i have a long way to go."

Me too, Deborah. Me too. And it is a fantastic adventure. :D

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 9:50 am
by Felgar
seedling wrote:... you think you have me pegged because I got help from this man Roy Masters ... the meditation he taught helped me greatly, but he and I differ on many subjects. Except Jesus.
August wrote:Though he claims to have been saved by the blood of Christ, he states that "one of the biggest curses in Christendom is the false idea that Jesus is God."
Oh... My... Goodness...
seedling wrote:I won't trouble you any more with my non-Christian beliefs ...
It's not myself that I'm worried about. It's somone like JF who started this post seeking guidance on knowing God better... Obviously there are some of us who can easily recognize aberant doctrines... But I worry for those that might not be able to. Teaching that the Bible is not fundamentally and completely true is incorrect, dangerous, and ultimately a heresy. And you better believe that if I ever hear anyone teaching that, I'm going to do whatever I can to refute it.

FWIW, the attitude that you approach the subject with is partially what I take issue to. You are saying things like "the Bible is not true, and we need only seek guidance from within to grow in the Lord." Whereas, I'd have much less concern if you would say something like, "I feel called to seek God on a personal emotional level through prayer and devotion, focusing on the Holy Spirit within much more than I am inclined to study the Bible and seek Him intellectually. What can I do to hear the Holy Spirit?" Essentially they are two things saying the same thing, but I agree with the second and not the first. The first claims the Bible has falsities, and also asserts that everyone should do as yourself. Whereas the second makes no false claims and clearly identifies that the topic of discussion is about your own calling and your own personal relationship with Him.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 10:28 am
by seedling
FWIW, the attitude that you approach the subject with is partially what I take issue to. You are saying things like "the Bible is not true, and we need only seek guidance from within to grow in the Lord." Whereas, I'd have much less concern if you would say something like, "I feel called to seek God on a personal emotional level through prayer and devotion, focusing on the Holy Spirit within much more than I am inclined to study the Bible and seek Him intellectually. What can I do to hear the Holy Spirit?" Essentially they are two things saying the same thing, but I agree with the second and not the first. The first claims the Bible has falsities, and also asserts that everyone should do as yourself. Whereas the second makes no false claims and clearly identifies that the topic of discussion is about your own calling and your own personal relationship with Him.

Felgar, honestly ... did you actually read any of my posts? I did not make a blanket statement that the bible is not true and we need only seek guidance from within to grow in the Lord. You really didn't read anything I wrote, did you? Just what you wanted to read. Neither did I say or even imply everyone should do as I do. I am just sharing what I am seeing in my spiritual walk up to this point in my life, that's all. Why are you so threatened?

Brian will get all kinds of advice from everywhere ... ultimately he has to hear what the spirit is speaking to him and not be indoctrinated by anyone to believe anything. He will go out into this jungle of a world like all the rest of us with the precious seed God has given him inside and he will get battered and beat and confused and put down and lose hope and find it again ... and the seed will continue to grow because of the spirit within him, if he waters it and nurtures it.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 11:19 am
by Anonymous
Okay, for me, this is what I believe. I believe that the Bible is inspired by God breathed to men just like you and me and that the Bible is not false. But then again, it could be :roll: . I believe that most scripture in the Bible was inspired by God, but a minute part of the scripture may have been written down uninspired. But then, that means I have half-belief and that isn't acceptable for a growing faith. That is why I labled this thread - What Do You Do When You Start To Lose Faith? See, I partially lose faith because I can't deal with some of the scripture in the Bible because it seems tainted, it reads true, but doesn't feel God inspired, but the real jist of it is I really didn't know what went on back 2000+- years ago. So I don't know. I don't agree however with some of the people on this thread saying Jesus is not God and has cult like qualities to their posts (you know who you are :evil: ), Man is fallible, that is expected in a fallen world, we can become Christ like and yes Christ would much rather have people like that, BUT it isn't completely neccessary just as long as you are trying to become someone in Christ. I agree with Kendrick to some level that you can't just confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is savior to be saved, you have to put grunt work into it, making sure that your confessing means you will folllow in God's will. God is loving, but you have to earn your way up the ladder. To finish it off, we can't really know, we think we know, but we don't, what it will be like after death to have gone through the judgement and to see how our loving God judges us. There are hints in the Bible. If you profess your love into Christ and at least TRY to follow in his footsteps you are doing great, if you follow Christ exactly, you are doing excellent, but one over the other isn't neccassarily better when it comes to entering heaven, you still will be rewarded for your faith and doing what you could in the will of God.