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Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 8:06 am
by Kurieuo
RickD wrote:
Hortator wrote:Is there any particular reason we are talking so much about weapons instead of Islamic belief? Because it wasn't a weapon that sprouted legs and walked into the Pulse night club...
Because the liberal left wants to make the issue about gun control, instead of stopping the PC bs, and calling it what it is. A war against militant Muslims.

Instead of their ideology, and those following it, being the real problem, the libs want to shift blame to the US, and its gun laws.
Rick, here's a YouTube clip for you, oh and ACB probably you too will like it:

Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 8:12 am
by melanie
abelcainsbrother wrote:
melanie wrote:Abel the vetting system in place is adequate, keeping in mind that a tiny percentage will slip through who shouldn't. There is no such thing as a perfect system but countries like the US and Australia are very prudent when it comes to asylum seekers and refugees. Much more so than many other countries, especially when screening people from the Middle East.
The next measure save what is already in place would be to just put a blanket ban on any at all coming through. When you do so only to a specific race or religion there begins a very slippery decline into the type of society that I would do everything in my power to stop. ... ted-states
So,it seems that you're implying that they cannot be vetted properly and yet despite this,you're willing to tolerate the threat that always follows Muslims wherever they live in the world,allow them to come in anyway regardless of the threat.Meanwhile Islamic countries will not allow them in their countries for this very reason.I'm willing to ban one religion if it keeps America safe.I think it would cause a change in Islam,if not? It still doesn't effect us. I'm all for freedom of religion,but it is not a suicide pact.

I looked at the link about the vetting process but I do not trust this government and I wonder why you do.also I see nothing in that vetting process that would stop a terrorist and especially the more that are allowed in when the FBI is already over burdened to investigate terrorist threats in the US.
Abel what I was saying was despite a prudent and intensive screening it remains impossible for any process to remain 100% foolproof. That doesn't the process isn't adequate.
Across the board.
We see this in many areas for example the screening for those that work with children. In Australia we call it 'the working with children check'. Every teacher, teachers aid, helper, coach, foster career, pre school worker, cleaners that work in schools, ect ect must be screened and go through this process.
But yet pedophiles fall through the cracks.
It's an extensive screen but it not perfect. Perfection is impossible, there will always be human error and those that will commit crimes in the future but have clean screenings as they haven't been caught or commited indecency previously.
These processes do not have a crystal ball into the future. They work with the info to date and make decisions.
Going by your logic and that it's possible someone could fall through the cracks it would stand to reason we make no one teachers, or coaches or foster careers just in case.
Late last year my hubby and I got full parental responsibility of my niece and nephew. Who are our son and daughter.
It was the most invasive, exhausting process.
Because it meant cutting all ties with the government authorities they need to make sure that the decision is in the absolute best interest of the child/children. We had several checks from within the department, questioning the children, their preschool ect. Then there were independent accessors. Doctors screenings and a full psychological rundown and report from a psychologist on us individually, as a couple and of each child. Again our home was inspected, every room. My eldest two children were also questioned on numerous occasions.
It was intense.
And sadly despite all of the screening on Occassion long term foster children are abused within foster homes.
By your logic because the process isn't perfect then no child should be placed within long term foster homes because of the small percentage of times it goes wrong.

All we have to work with is best practises that are always being improved.
It even counts into the gun issue. A rouge unhinged person making it 'unfair' for every law abiding gun owning citizen. But if one person is going to do the wrong thing then we can't take the chance with anyone. That is working on your logic.

Abel you don't trust your government despite the link I provided. Then what reasoning to you hold too??
Suspicion and a totalitarian distrust against every Muslim based on nothing but fear.
I get that fear is very real but just as real is the fear of condemning, mistrusting and banning every person of the Muslim Faith with no regard for the person or personal circumstance.

Your assertion that even Muslim countries won't take 'them', Syrian refugees is by and large not the case. Majority of Syrian refugees have been taken in by 'Muslim' nations. In fact millions of them.
There refugee camps are over run and sub standard.
More than 4.5 million refugees from Syria have been taken in by just five countries; Turkey, Lebannon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt.

Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 8:23 am
by abelcainsbrother
edwardmurphy wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:Nope,you are not only ignorant but suicidal also.
Not at all. I just happen to believe that, regardless of whether or not he uses some stupid phrase that pundits and morons are obsessed with, the guy that ordered the raid that killed bin Laden takes terrorism seriously. I happen to agree with him when he says that declaring ourselves to be in direct conflict with the world's second largest religion is idiotic, counterproductive and dangerous. Incidentally, his political opponents generally agree with him, with the exception of one loud-mouthed, ignorant, pumpkin-headed buffoon.
abelcainsbrother wrote:You want to see more Americans die from Islamic terrorist attacks and this is why you don't mind Obama flooding our countries with Muslims while thousands of investigations are already going on by the FBI and they warn that we have sleeper cells in America,you ignore it and say come on in and kill us.
Again, no. You've been taken in by hyperbolic rhetoric and your irrational fear has overwhelmed your ability to think critically, assuming that you ever possessed it in the first place.
abelcainsbrother wrote:You also ignore that I have been warning for months on here that Obama is setting us up for Islamic terrorist attacks.I predicted we would see them and I'm right and you are wrong. And we are going to see more,just like I said.I do not know the future,but all you gotta do is listen to the FBI.
Actually, I haven't been ignoring any of that. I've been expecting more attacks for years. And yes, we're likely to see even more, partly because that terrorist mouthpiece is right - the US is a free society where just about anyone can easily get a military-style rifle with a high-capacity clip, and that makes us incredibly vulnerable to lone-wolf homicidal maniacs of all stripes. That said, Muslim terrorists are still not an existential threat to our country. The larger threat is that we'll give away all of our freedom to fear-mongering politicians and we'll never get it back.

The other part that you're missing is that the attacks we've seen were carried out by American citizens, not by refugees or immigrants. Making Muslims feel increasingly stigmatized and unwelcome isn't going to make things better. In fact, when that idiot that you worship talks about instituting a national Muslim registry or an open-ended ban on Muslim immigration it allows extremists to argue that we're just as bad as they claim we are. ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and all the rest want to frame this conflict as being between Islam and the West, and reactionary fools like Trump are playing right into their hands.
abelcainsbrother wrote:But I have been warning about future Islamic terrorist attacks in America,while you downplayed it.Yet I am right and you are wrong and you will continue to be wrong when we do see Islamic terrorist attacks in America just like I predicted based off my research.Your research is proving you wrong and me right.
That first part is a lie, your "research" is a joke, and no, there's really not much that you're right about.

When the insults start flying,it shows that you've already lost.I just give the truth and I don't need insults.But you can't handle the truth.Also it is not fear,it is just recognizing the problem and pointing it out,because you and Obama cannot solve the problem living in denial.You must face the problem to fix it.You refuse to face the problem,but we will face the problem for you and fix it.How can you be siding with the enemy while being angry at law abiding citizens instead?

Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 8:44 am
by abelcainsbrother
melanie wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
melanie wrote:Abel the vetting system in place is adequate, keeping in mind that a tiny percentage will slip through who shouldn't. There is no such thing as a perfect system but countries like the US and Australia are very prudent when it comes to asylum seekers and refugees. Much more so than many other countries, especially when screening people from the Middle East.
The next measure save what is already in place would be to just put a blanket ban on any at all coming through. When you do so only to a specific race or religion there begins a very slippery decline into the type of society that I would do everything in my power to stop. ... ted-states
So,it seems that you're implying that they cannot be vetted properly and yet despite this,you're willing to tolerate the threat that always follows Muslims wherever they live in the world,allow them to come in anyway regardless of the threat.Meanwhile Islamic countries will not allow them in their countries for this very reason.I'm willing to ban one religion if it keeps America safe.I think it would cause a change in Islam,if not? It still doesn't effect us. I'm all for freedom of religion,but it is not a suicide pact.

I looked at the link about the vetting process but I do not trust this government and I wonder why you do.also I see nothing in that vetting process that would stop a terrorist and especially the more that are allowed in when the FBI is already over burdened to investigate terrorist threats in the US.
Abel what I was saying was despite a prudent and intensive screening it remains impossible for any process to remain 100% foolproof. That doesn't the process isn't adequate.
Across the board.
We see this in many areas for example the screening for those that work with children. In Australia we call it 'the working with children check'. Every teacher, teachers aid, helper, coach, foster career, pre school worker, cleaners that work in schools, ect ect must be screened and go through this process.
But yet pedophiles fall through the cracks.
It's an extensive screen but it not perfect. Perfection is impossible, there will always be human error and those that will commit crimes in the future but have clean screenings as they haven't been caught or commited indecency previously.
These processes do not have a crystal ball into the future. They work with the info to date and make decisions.
Going by your logic and that it's possible someone could fall through the cracks it would stand to reason we make no one teachers, or coaches or foster careers just in case.
Late last year my hubby and I got full parental responsibility of my niece and nephew. Who are our son and daughter.
It was the most invasive, exhausting process.
Because it meant cutting all ties with the government authorities they need to make sure that the decision is in the absolute best interest of the child/children. We had several checks from within the department, questioning the children, their preschool ect. Then there were independent accessors. Doctors screenings and a full psychological rundown and report from a psychologist on us individually, as a couple and of each child. Again our home was inspected, every room. My eldest two children were also questioned on numerous occasions.
It was intense.
And sadly despite all of the screening on Occassion long term foster children are abused within foster homes.
By your logic because the process isn't perfect then no child should be placed within long term foster homes because of the small percentage of times it goes wrong.

All we have to work with is best practises that are always being improved.
It even counts into the gun issue. A rouge unhinged person making it 'unfair' for every law abiding gun owning citizen. But if one person is going to do the wrong thing then we can't take the chance with anyone. That is working on your logic.

Abel you don't trust your government despite the link I provided. Then what reasoning to you hold too??
Suspicion and a totalitarian distrust against every Muslim based on nothing but fear.
I get that fear is very real but just as real is the fear of condemning, mistrusting and banning every person of the Muslim Faith with no regard for the person or personal circumstance.

Your assertion that even Muslim countries won't take 'them', Syrian refugees is by and large not the case. Majority of Syrian refugees have been taken in by 'Muslim' nations. In fact millions of them.
There refugee camps are over run and sub standard.
More than 4.5 million refugees from Syria have been taken in by just five countries; Turkey, Lebannon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt. ... der-obama/

Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 8:52 am
by Philip
One of the problems with comparing coaches, youth leaders, etc. who abuse or harm kids with terrorists is that the first group is simply made up of random individuals, and so, of course, out of millions of such adults working with children, there's going to be the odd monster or so. But the terrorist/immigration issue is far from random, in that large, very well-funded terrorist organizations are cooperating and plotting to get as many of their operatives and sleeper cells into Western countries as possible. This determined and STATED goal of many terrorist groups means that continuing immigration as usual/currently done is exceptionally foolish. We can't let in vast millions anyway - despite the fact that the U.S. has historically let in FAR more foreign immigrants than almost all other countries. But the fact that the plotters and evil organizations are ramping up all efforts to take advantage of our immigration policies and inability to screen out the bad guys, means that, as there is NO certain way of vetting such people, that the plotters will continuously be successful at massacring Americans (and citizens in other Western nations). So, if you KNOW that a VERY high percentage of the danger is coming from certain countries, then it SHOULD be a no-brainer that you slam shut that door of opportunity. That risk is unacceptable! Yes, it's sad. But we just can't be stupid over this matter.

And I can tell you that if massacres like in CA and FL begin happening on a regular basis, this won't even be a debate - as the nation will DEMAND the pipeline without a certain filtering ability be slammed shut! If we thought as much about preventing the devastation in the lives of the victims, their families - think how many people are impacted when a family member, friend or co-worker is killed or seriously injured by some lunatic Islamic type - do the math! Every person knows many dozens of people - many of them family, relatives and friends. A nut wipes out 100 people killed or wounded, thousands are impacted, lives disrupted, ruined, etc. So, the risk of leaving a vulnerable pipeline open are unacceptable!

Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 8:56 am
by abelcainsbrother
neo-x wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
edwardmurphy wrote:For those looking for some connection between gun laws and terrorism, here you go.

And ACB, no. You don't understand the process, but I can see that you're comfortable in your blinders so I guess you're free to remain ignorant.

Nope,you are not only ignorant but suicidal also.You want to see more Americans die from Islamic terrorist attacks and this is why you don't mind Obama flooding our countries with Muslims while thousands of investigations are already going on by the FBI and they warn that we have sleeper cells in America,you ignore it and say come on in and kill us.

You also ignore that I have been warning for months on here that Obama is setting us up for Islamic terrorist attacks.I predicted we would see them and I'm right and you are wrong. And we are going to see more,just like I said.I do not know the future,but all you gotta do is listen to the FBI.But I have been warning about future Islamic terrorist attacks in America,while you downplayed it.Yet I am right and you are wrong and you will continue to be wrong when we do see Islamic terrorist attacks in America just like I predicted based off my research.Your research is proving you wrong and me right.
Actually, Abel, I beat you to it a few years ago when I wrote that because of endless meddling in the middle east, drone strikes killing children and innocent people, America is creating a new generation of militants who see America as a bully and they will retaliate somehow. It is easy to recruit people who had suffered collateral damage. The hate doesn't come from religion alone it also comes from lots of other things.
Actually I've been warning about it for years also but for different reasons than you.But just more so over the recent months because of our election.Also it does have a lot to do with religion and the majde and they believe by carrying out jihad it speeds up his return. I heard about the Islamic terrorist attack ya'll had on easter in Pakistan and I thought about you.

Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 9:00 am
by melanie
The US has a long and bloody history of gun massacres. This was the case before last weekend.
Even those living within the US must know that the 'outside' world sees this phenomena as part of the American identity.
It's not to be taken lightly, on the back of this 'phenomena' is many victims and families and I don't make light of that fact.
Sandy hook 2012
Adam Lanza killed 20 children and 6 adults
Virginia 2007
Seung hui Cho killed 32 and injured 17
Pennsylvania 2006
9 killed and 7 injured
Fort Worth 1999
White Supremists Larry Gene opened fire on a church and killed 7 and injured 7.
Atlanta 1999
Mark Barron Wall Street trader opened fired in two investment officers killing 9 and wounding 12.
Columbine 1999
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold opened fired on classmates killing 13 and injuring 21
San Ysido 1984
Welder James walked into a McDonalds and opened fire killing 21 and injuring 19

This is but a mere snapshot of a few of the many Massacrers that have taken place in the US
Any yet we are to believe this is a Muslim issue???
Yes this last massacre was done by Omar Mateen, a Muslim man.
But the issues surrounding America's never ending massacres are far more reaching than a Muslim issue. To make it only about such is missing the bigger picture and forgetting the long history of these horrible massacres.

Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 9:08 am
by edwardmurphy
abelcainsbrother wrote:When the insults start flying,it shows that you've already lost.I just give the truth and I don't need insults.But you can't handle the truth.
Where I come from it's pretty insulting to claim that someone wants more Americans to be killed by terrorists. It's also insulting to ignore what they actually said and put words in their mouth. You may not call me names, but claiming that you don't insult me? That's ridiculous. You insult me viciously and frequently.

Furthermore, the thing that I call you most often is "ignorant." You might not like that, but as far as I can tell it's not an insult, it's an accurate observation. For example, when you talk about marriage equality you don't say that the Supreme Court made the wrong decision, you say that they wrote a law that they had no business writing because it went against the will of the American people. If you were to say the former then we could have a discussion about why you felt that way. But you don't say that. You consistently insist that they wrote a law that went against majority opinion. That tells me that you're ignorant of how our government actually works. I'm not talking about politics here. This isn't about liberal versus conservative. I'm talking about the roles of the different branches of government as laid out in the Constitution of the United States and the fact that you clearly don't know what they are.
abelcainsbrother wrote:Also it is not fear,it is just recognizing the problem and pointing it out,because you and Obama cannot solve the problem living in denial.You must face the problem to fix it.You refuse to face the problem,but we will face the problem for you and fix it.How can you be siding with the enemy while being angry at law abiding citizens instead?
Denial of what? What makes you think that Obama isn't facing the problem? How will using the phrase "radical Islamic terrorism" make any damned difference? How will picking a fight with the world's second largest religion fix the problem? What makes you think that I'm siding with the enemy or that I'm angry at law-abiding citizens? What on Earth are you babbling about?

Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 9:10 am
by melanie
Philip wrote:One of the problems with comparing coaches, youth leaders, etc. who abuse or harm kids with terrorists is that the first group is simply made up of random individuals, and so, of course, out of millions of such adults working with children, there's going to be the odd monster or so. But the terrorist/immigration issue is far from random, in that large, very well-funded terrorist organizations are cooperating and plotting to get as many of their operatives and sleeper cells into Western countries as possible. This determined and STATED goal of many terrorist groups means that continuing immigration as usual/currently done is exceptionally foolish. We can't let in vast millions anyway - despite the fact that the U.S. has historically let in FAR more foreign immigrants than almost all other countries. But the fact that the plotters and evil organizations are ramping up all efforts to take advantage of our immigration policies and inability to screen out the bad guys, means that, as there is NO certain way of vetting such people, that the plotters will continuously be successful at massacring Americans (and citizens in other Western nations). So, if you KNOW that a VERY high percentage of the danger is coming from certain countries, then it SHOULD be a no-brainer that you slam shut that door of opportunity. That risk is unacceptable! Yes, it's sad. But we just can't be stupid over this matter.

And I can tell you that if massacres like in CA and FL begin happening on a regular basis, this won't even be a debate - as the nation will DEMAND the pipeline without a certain filtering ability be slammed shut! If we thought as much about preventing the devastation in the lives of the victims, their families - think how many people are impacted when a family member, friend or co-worker is killed or seriously injured by some lunatic Islamic type - do the math! Every person knows many dozens of people - many of them family, relatives and friends. A nut wipes out 100 people killed or wounded, thousands are impacted, lives disrupted, ruined, etc. So, the risk of leaving a vulnerable pipeline open are unacceptable!
Actually Philip it's not so random.
That is why such a large number of abusers are teachers, coaches ect. It's not a coincidence that they deliberately go into professions where they are constantly surrounded by children. It's deliberate. Its not the odd monster it happens all too frequently.
I have never known an Islamic terrorist but a teacher was stood down at my kids high school last month for irrefutable evidence of child molestation.

Philip you already have massacres happening on a regular basis and the vast majority haven't been perpetrated by Muslim extremists.

Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 9:18 am
by edwardmurphy
Philip wrote:And I can tell you that if massacres like in CA and FL begin happening on a regular basis, this won't even be a debate - as the nation will DEMAND the pipeline without a certain filtering ability be slammed shut!
It's already happening on a regular basis, and we've already DEMANDED that the pipeline of easily accessible guns be slammed shut, or at least filtered a bit better. Alas, nothing came of it.

But you're probably right. If we see a few more attacks by random, crazy, Muslim guys we'll probably shut down immigration, leave guns alone, and wind up back where we started - as a country where random, crazy, Non-Muslim guys routinely commit mass shootings and we do nothing about it.

The only part that I don't understand is how that can be seen as better.

Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 9:23 am
by abelcainsbrother
edwardmurphy wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:When the insults start flying,it shows that you've already lost.I just give the truth and I don't need insults.But you can't handle the truth.
Where I come from it's pretty insulting to claim that someone wants more Americans to be killed by terrorists. It's also insulting to ignore what they actually said and put words in their mouth. You may not call me names, but claiming that you don't insult me? That's ridiculous. You insult me viciously and frequently.

Furthermore, the thing that I call you most often is "ignorant." You might not like that, but as far as I can tell it's not an insult, it's an accurate observation. For example, when you talk about marriage equality you don't say that the Supreme Court made the wrong decision, you say that they wrote a law that they had no business writing because it went against the will of the American people. If you were to say the former then we could have a discussion about why you felt that way. But you don't say that. You consistently insist that they wrote a law that went against majority opinion. That tells me that you're ignorant of how our government actually works. I'm not talking about politics here. This isn't about liberal versus conservative. I'm talking about the roles of the different branches of government as laid out in the Constitution of the United States and the fact that you clearly don't know what they are.
abelcainsbrother wrote:Also it is not fear,it is just recognizing the problem and pointing it out,because you and Obama cannot solve the problem living in denial.You must face the problem to fix it.You refuse to face the problem,but we will face the problem for you and fix it.How can you be siding with the enemy while being angry at law abiding citizens instead?
Denial of what? What makes you think that Obama isn't facing the problem? How will using the phrase "radical Islamic terrorism" make any damned difference? How will picking a fight with the world's second largest religion fix the problem? What makes you think that I'm siding with the enemy or that I'm angry at law-abiding citizens? What on Earth are you babbling about?

The FBI warned months ago we have sleeper cells in America and that they are doing everything they can and have disrupted many terroristattacks but we should remain vigilant because they cannot stop them all and yet Obama is flooding our country with more muslims on top of it.All I did was put 2 and 2 together to get 4, it is not hard.This is in Noway me asking for more terrorist attacks,it is a no-brainer that we will see more. The US Supreme court does not have the authority to write new law like they did.We make the laws and they uphold it with the constitution. You are talking about guns after this attack,which to me is punishing law abiding citezens.,instead of focusing your anger on the real problem -Islamic terrorism.

Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 9:26 am
by edwardmurphy
The Supreme Court didn't write a new law!!! And no, they don't automatically uphold the law! They rule on whether or not the law is Constitutional and then either uphold or invalidate it based on that ruling!

Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 9:31 am
by melanie
abelcainsbrother wrote:
neo-x wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
edwardmurphy wrote:For those looking for some connection between gun laws and terrorism, here you go.

And ACB, no. You don't understand the process, but I can see that you're comfortable in your blinders so I guess you're free to remain ignorant.

Nope,you are not only ignorant but suicidal also.You want to see more Americans die from Islamic terrorist attacks and this is why you don't mind Obama flooding our countries with Muslims while thousands of investigations are already going on by the FBI and they warn that we have sleeper cells in America,you ignore it and say come on in and kill us.

You also ignore that I have been warning for months on here that Obama is setting us up for Islamic terrorist attacks.I predicted we would see them and I'm right and you are wrong. And we are going to see more,just like I said.I do not know the future,but all you gotta do is listen to the FBI.But I have been warning about future Islamic terrorist attacks in America,while you downplayed it.Yet I am right and you are wrong and you will continue to be wrong when we do see Islamic terrorist attacks in America just like I predicted based off my research.Your research is proving you wrong and me right.
Actually, Abel, I beat you to it a few years ago when I wrote that because of endless meddling in the middle east, drone strikes killing children and innocent people, America is creating a new generation of militants who see America as a bully and they will retaliate somehow. It is easy to recruit people who had suffered collateral damage. The hate doesn't come from religion alone it also comes from lots of other things.
Actually I've been warning about it for years also but for different reasons than you.But just more so over the recent months because of our election.Also it does have a lot to do with religion and the majde and they believe by carrying out jihad it speeds up his return. I heard about the Islamic terrorist attack ya'll had on easter and I thought about you.
Could you imagine the outcome of religious extremists using religion and religious prophetic ideologies where they believe devoid of any logic that an entire 'group' of people are 'evil' and it remains the responsibility for those in the 'religious know' to stamp out this threat by whatever means necessary all in the name of religion.

Pit a couple of these ideologies against each other and well......

Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 9:38 am
by abelcainsbrother
melanie wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
neo-x wrote:
abelcainsbrother wrote:
edwardmurphy wrote:For those looking for some connection between gun laws and terrorism, here you go.

And ACB, no. You don't understand the process, but I can see that you're comfortable in your blinders so I guess you're free to remain ignorant.

Nope,you are not only ignorant but suicidal also.You want to see more Americans die from Islamic terrorist attacks and this is why you don't mind Obama flooding our countries with Muslims while thousands of investigations are already going on by the FBI and they warn that we have sleeper cells in America,you ignore it and say come on in and kill us.

You also ignore that I have been warning for months on here that Obama is setting us up for Islamic terrorist attacks.I predicted we would see them and I'm right and you are wrong. And we are going to see more,just like I said.I do not know the future,but all you gotta do is listen to the FBI.But I have been warning about future Islamic terrorist attacks in America,while you downplayed it.Yet I am right and you are wrong and you will continue to be wrong when we do see Islamic terrorist attacks in America just like I predicted based off my research.Your research is proving you wrong and me right.
Actually, Abel, I beat you to it a few years ago when I wrote that because of endless meddling in the middle east, drone strikes killing children and innocent people, America is creating a new generation of militants who see America as a bully and they will retaliate somehow. It is easy to recruit people who had suffered collateral damage. The hate doesn't come from religion alone it also comes from lots of other things.
Actually I've been warning about it for years also but for different reasons than you.But just more so over the recent months because of our election.Also it does have a lot to do with religion and the majde and they believe by carrying out jihad it speeds up his return. I heard about the Islamic terrorist attack ya'll had on easter and I thought about you.
Could you imagine the outcome of religious extremists using religion and religious prophetic ideologies where they believe devoid of any logic that an entire 'group' of people are 'evil' and it remains the responsibility for those in the 'religious know' to stamp out this threat by whatever means necessary all in the name of religion.

Pit a couple of these ideologies against each other and well......

We are just talking about a temporary ban on Muslim immigration until we can figure out why we see Islamic terrorist attacks everywhere they live in the world and to put a better system in place to properly vet Muslims.I don't see this as a religious war,Christianity vs Islam.

Re: European Churches Claim Muslims Are Converting to Christianity

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 9:42 am
by abelcainsbrother
edwardmurphy wrote:The Supreme Court didn't write a new law!!! And no, they don't automatically uphold the law! They rule on whether or not the law is Constitutional and then either uphold or invalidate it based on that ruling!
Yeah and there is no way they can be going by the Constitution by ignoring "We the people" I mean it starts off our Constitution.