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Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 10:27 am
by Felgar
Am I missing something? If David actually does reference Solomon's temple then that would only serve to reinforce that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Obviously David can't see the future but God can.

Revelations is an entire book of things yet to come (of at least were yet to come when they were written) so this whole argument is pretty ridiculous as far as I'm concerned.

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 10:35 am
by Mr.Gay.UK
no it doesnt, because it is the psalms of david, that is what they are,, so how possibly could he have written that.

the bible according to u is the word of God, if so, then it wasnt god who got a pen out and wrote about it, he used humans to write it for him, if so why would God give David the power to see into the future,

also the books of moses,

there are 5

how did moses write the last of his 5 books becuase if it serves me correctly the 5th book talks about Moses's death!

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 10:57 am
by Felgar
Mr.Gay.UK wrote:no it doesnt, because it is the psalms of david, that is what they are,, so how possibly could he have written that.

the bible according to u is the word of God, if so, then it wasnt god who got a pen out and wrote about it, he used humans to write it for him, if so why would God give David the power to see into the future,
DUH - he could have written that because God revealed the future to him.

Yes God used humans to write it, but He told them what to write. And why would God allow David to see the future? Obviously to demonstrate that the Bible is God's Word rather than something written by mere man.

The only thing I have to say is that I encourage you to really question your beliefs because I don't think that you're on the right track, which is to strive to seek God and walk with Jesus. I think the same thing I've been saying to ongelovige about having a foundation for his faith applies to you also. I hope you read them. ... ght=#10085 ... ght=#10244

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 1:07 pm
by Mr.Gay.UK
why are you so ignorant?

why cant u possible forsee that what you beleive mite not be the truth,

i know that what i am saying might not be the truth, atleast i admit that there is a posibility that there is something else,

but you are just being ignorant making up excuses so that your nice little religion works,

i have an extract from the bible which is 'God' saying that the words in the Bible arent his words!

and another part of the bible which says it is?

which is it to be?

the Bible is not all the perfect, infallable word of God.

all scripture is by inspiration of God (II Timothy 3:16),

but also tells us that some of its parts are not from divine inspiration (I Corinthians 7:6. 5:12: II Corinthians 11:17).

What could be clearer?

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 2:09 pm
by Shirtless
Felgar wrote: I'm just refering to the posts earlier in this thread. You asked WHY we believe homosexuality is a sin, and I posted 3 verses that demonstrate how it is. ... ight=#9973

But from your response about wanting time I'm thinking you remember that. So I'm not sure what you mean about you not being sure. :) Erk.
I thought you were refering to another post a long time ago I had about biblical inerrency, where I didn't remember you being involved. When you made the reference about trusting the Bible, I thought you were saying I don't trust the Bible. I was thinking, just what discussion is he talking about? So, I might as well restate my view: I believe in inerrency, always have, always will.

There's an example I gave on another message board about Biblical misinterpretation, and it aplies to this situation as well:

A large army of infantry and cavalry are about to do battle. The General is about to charge the enemy with the cavalry, but first he wants to tell the archers to get ready. All of a sudden, he recieves a information from his messenger.
"Sir," says the messenger. "The King has said that he does not want you to use archers."

"What?" says the General. "Why not?"

"He didn't say, sir."

"What were his exact words?"

"He said, 'Advise the General that arrows might be ineffective against that armor.'"

"Well," said the General, "That does not mean I cannot use arrows."

"Well, that's what he meant. He is your King, you must trust him."

"I do trust him, I just don't trust you."

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 2:24 pm
by Mr.Gay.UK
well why would God give the people the power to write his words if he knew they were going to make a pigs ear of it and that still does not explain why in one part of the bible it says that it is the word of god and in another it says its not"

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 2:41 pm
by Shirtless
Mr.Gay, are you talking to me? If yes, then you're going to have to clarify the two conficting passages you're talking about--sorry I haven't been paying attention if you've already written it. :oops:

But as far as...
why would God give the people the power to write his words if he knew they were going to make a pigs ear of it
The messenger in the story is NOT the Apostles. The Apostle writers were divinely inspired, so what they wrote about was inerrent; therefore, I just elliminated the middle man. The NT writers in this story might be, say, the King's personal secretary who told the messenger what to say. The messenger is simply an imperfect human, like all of us.

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 4:32 pm
by August
no it doesnt, because it is the psalms of david, that is what they are,, so how possibly could he have written that.

What's the matter, don't you read so good? I already provided you the quote that showed that that Psalm was not written by David, yet you continue with your erroneous argument. David wrote 73 Psalms, Asaph wrote 12, the sons of Korah wrote 9, including the one you are complaining about, Solomon wrote 2, Heman, Ethan and Moses each wrote 1, and 51 Psalms are anonymous.
also the books of moses,

there are 5

how did moses write the last of his 5 books becuase if it serves me correctly the 5th book talks about Moses's death!

If you are not going to bother coming up with anything relevant we might as well stop now. The last part of Deuteronomy was written by Joshua, and a miniscule amount of research will tell you that.
why are you so ignorant?

Uh, you claim that the Bible is false because of some contradictions that you cannot show, provide some arguments that cannot stand up to the most basic of scrutiny, and you call us ignorant?
why cant u possible forsee that what you beleive mite not be the truth,

That is for you to prove.
i know that what i am saying might not be the truth

I thought you had this irrefutable proof that what you were saying was true, what is this about?
atleast i admit that there is a posibility that there is something else,

What is the "something else"? How do you know that there may be something else?
but you are just being ignorant making up excuses so that your nice little religion works,

That is for you to show. So far, you have not shown anything approaching proof. Or is this your opinion, not based on any facts, but your personal insecurity that you may be accountable to a Higher Power?
i have an extract from the bible which is 'God' saying that the words in the Bible aren't his words!

and another part of the bible which says it is?

I can't wait.....Love the quotes around 'God', btw.
the Bible is not all the perfect, infallible word of God.

That is for you to prove.
all scripture is by inspiration of God (II Timothy 3:16),

"2 Tim. 3:16 (NIV)
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,"

Finally, you got one right.
but also tells us that some of its parts are not from divine inspiration (I Corinthians 7:6. 5:12: II Corinthians 11:17).

1 Cor. 7:6 (NIV)
I say this as a concession, not as a command.

1 Cor. 5:12 (NIV)
What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside?

2 Cor. 11:17 (NIV)
In this self-confident boasting I am not talking as the Lord would, but as a fool.

Knew it couldn't last.
What could be clearer?

Please enlighten us how the Scriptures that you quoted from Corinthians mean in any way what you say they mean?

I also notice that you have not answered any of the questions from my previous post. I'll gladly continue to indulge in exposing your lies, but we can only have a proper debate if you start answering my questions too.

I have responded in detail to yours, now why don't you respond to mine?

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 1:05 am
by ochotseat
Shirtless wrote:Darwin,

I personally believe that homosexuality, along with homosexual acts, are not sinful in the slightest. I firmly believe that all anti-gay feelings (that have become synonymous with Christianity) have no basis in the Bible, and that anti-gay arguments based on the Bible hold no water.

Of course this an interpretation of passages, and others could argue against my views. But as a former homophobe (yes, it is possible), I think the few passages that deal with "homosexuality" deserve a more critical eye. Here's a site that addresses the subject in detail:
Are you gay? You may feel the way you do, because you are part of a more liberal denomination. Liberal and conservative denominations translate Christ and his word differently.

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 5:21 am
by Mr.Gay.UK
yet again i am sorry for the inconsistency of my arguments,
and i thank you for pointing out the mistakes i will look into those asap,

in the meanwhile im sorry but i do not know which post you are refering to, if youd be so kind as to refresh my memory (honestly no sarcasm is intended if it seems so)

Genesis 23:1 God tempted Abraham.
James 1:13 God tempts no one.


Genesis 6:4 The Nephilim (Giants) lived on earth prior to the Flood.
Genesis 7:23 Only Noah and his family, and the animals on the Ark, survived the Flood.
Numbers 13:33 Long after the Flood, the Nephilim (Giants) still lived.

Posted: Mon May 09, 2005 12:59 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Have you noticed, also, that the Bible is full of prophecy? And not those cheap vague ones like "you will meet a dark stranger" which isn't hard to mess up. You meet strangers everyday, and you could meet a black dude, a tanned dude, or a guy with a dark sense of humor, or a pessimistic outlook on life....the Bible is specific.."THIS, THERE, THEN"

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 1:17 am
by ochotseat
Mr.Gay.UK wrote:yet again i am sorry for the inconsistency of my arguments,
and i thank you for pointing out the mistakes i will look into those asap,

in the meanwhile im sorry but i do not know which post you are refering to, if youd be so kind as to refresh my memory (honestly no sarcasm is intended if it seems so)

Genesis 23:1 God tempted Abraham.
James 1:13 God tempts no one.


Genesis 6:4 The Nephilim (Giants) lived on earth prior to the Flood.
Genesis 7:23 Only Noah and his family, and the animals on the Ark, survived the Flood.
Numbers 13:33 Long after the Flood, the Nephilim (Giants) still lived.
This is a serious question: do you eventually plan to waive your love for the phallus?

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 8:43 am
by Mr.Gay.UK
AttentionKMartShoppers wrote:Have you noticed, also, that the Bible is full of prophecy? And not those cheap vague ones like "you will meet a dark stranger" which isn't hard to mess up. You meet strangers everyday, and you could meet a black dude, a tanned dude, or a guy with a dark sense of humor, or a pessimistic outlook on life....the Bible is specific.."THIS, THERE, THEN"
well if your prophecies are correct then why does the world have an ocean, becase according to the bible the new world will not have a sea

revelation chapter 21 verse 1-2

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 8:51 am
by Felgar
Mr.Gay.UK wrote:well if your prophecies are correct then why does the world have an ocean, becase according to the bible the new world will not have a sea

revelation chapter 21 verse 1-2
Because we aren't in the new world. In the illustration notice Earth recreated is at the very end, and we haven't yet seen step 4 on that chart. This is off-topic though - we need a new thread to discuss prophecy and end-time interepretation if you'd like to discuss it.

Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 8:58 am
by AttentionKMartShoppers
well if your prophecies are correct then why does the world have an ocean, becase according to the bible the new world will not have a sea
:shock: Have you seen the new heaven and earth? Take a picture? I'd like it. :roll: :wink: