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Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 8:23 am
by bizzt
Prodigal Son wrote:bizzt:
yes however weed is a relaxant.
okay :?:
Am I wrong?
What I am trying to say is doing Drugs no matter if it is Marjuana or Cocaine you are still putting something in your Body that Effects your Mind. Do you not see the problems that would create in a person? As does Alcohol if you abuse it.
Prodigal Son wrote: that's cool. so don't drink and don't smoke out. and hopefully you don't feel any pressure from me to do either just because i think weed should be legal and alcohol should stay legal. if you were pressured, i'd be a little worried.
Not at all it is not about Pressure but it is about the exposure of Sin. Just as Alcohol is legalized and even getting Drunk is legalized! However being Drunk does what? It limits your motor Functions, Makes you look and act like an Idiot!! (Not Christ Like), I could go on and you get the point! Pot however has some of the same implications! Affects your motor Functions, it affects your mind and ability to comprehend. So saying as a Christian that you think it should be legalized is basically saying that the problems that it causes are ok as well!
Prodigal Son wrote: me, i be burnin' not concernin' what nobody gotta say...recognize it; legalize it. :P well, actually, i haven't smoked since i became christian (soon to be one year!); am trying to stop drinking. but those, again, are decisions between each person and God.
So you have no problems with the legalization of Homosexual Marriage, and no problems with the legalization of Pot. So if the Government legalized Cocaine or Heroin would that be ok with you? The Bible should be the Clear Picture not what the Government OR what your opinion is. There are always 3 sides to the Story 2 opinions and the Truth. The Truth is the Bible and the Bible says Homosexua Acts are a Sin! Period!
Prodigal Son wrote: oh yeah, this is a homosexuality thread, you know?
That is why I tried to lean my last bit towards the Topic :wink:

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 11:12 am
by Prodigal Son
do you not see the problems...
i see the problems. i also see the benefits. you haven't read anything i've posted yet, have you?
saying as a christian that you think it should be legalized is basically saying that the problems that it causes are ok as well!
it is causing more problems because it is illegal than it would if it was legal. again, didn't read anything i said, did you?
so if the government legalized cocaine and heroin would that be okay with you?
actually, it wouldn't be. they are very different than both alchohol and marijuana.
the truth is the bible and the bible says homosexual acts are a sin! period!
the bible says many things are a sin and the fact is that you do many of those things everyday, so don't be a hypocrite. it is not the government that should determine if two people should live in sin or not (when they aren't harming anyone but themselves). it is between them and God.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 3:50 pm
by bizzt
Prodigal Son wrote:
do you not see the problems...
i see the problems. i also see the benefits. you haven't read anything i've posted yet, have you?
saying as a christian that you think it should be legalized is basically saying that the problems that it causes are ok as well!
it is causing more problems because it is illegal than it would if it was legal. again, didn't read anything i said, did you?
so if the government legalized cocaine and heroin would that be okay with you?
actually, it wouldn't be. they are very different than both alchohol and marijuana.
the truth is the bible and the bible says homosexual acts are a sin! period!
the bible says many things are a sin and the fact is that you do many of those things everyday, so don't be a hypocrite. it is not the government that should determine if two people should live in sin or not (when they aren't harming anyone but themselves). it is between them and God.
I am not like some other people that may have not read anything the person has posted. However you have not posted anything scriptural to support your Claim. Your Posts were good and all but it does not support what the Bible says about using Pot.

However Prodigal Even if I live in Sin as everyone does it still gives me a right to denounce Sin that is not Active in my own life. So how can i be hypocrite if that Sin is not Active in my Life. It is like telling Peter, or Paul to stop being a Hypocrite. You are doing the same to me! If it is a Sin then Period it is a Sin!!!

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 4:46 pm
by Prodigal Son
i'm glad you read what's posted. so many others don't. it gets annoying.
you haven't posted anything scriptural to support your claim.
i didn't think i needed to. the bible says "do not be a drunkard." that would be an alcoholic or an alcohol abuser. if you don't do those things, and when you drink, you don't get out of control, or unruly, or whatever, then it is okay to drink. if you drink occasionally, and this does not interfere with your relationship with God, then you are fine. the same follows with marijuana. just because some people abuse alcohol and marijuana, doesn't mean they should be illegal. if that's the case, we should make sex illegal, because people abuse sex.

alchohol and marijuana are not sins--abusing them is a sin.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 8:54 pm
by LittleShepherd
Prodigal Son wrote:alchohol and marijuana are not sins--abusing them is a sin.
You're right about alcohol, but any kind of nonmedical use of marijuana is completely unbiblical and sinful, and even medical use of marijuana is controversial.

Alcohol is a strange thing. A small amount can actually be good for you in many ways, but overindulgence leads to drunkenness. We are commanded to have a clear mind and to practice self-control, and drunkenness hinders those.

Marijuana on the other hand leads to a situation similar to drunkenness, albeit not exactly the same, even when a very small amount has been consumed/smoked. Loss of motor functions isn't quite as severe as with alcohol, but it most definitely clouds the mind and makes clear thinking difficult.

You can consume a small amount of alcohol with no negative or sinful consequences, but that's not true with marijuana at all. Any use of marijuana(except perhaps[and controversially] medical use) is an abuse.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 9:40 pm
by ochotseat
LittleShepherd wrote: You're right about alcohol, but any kind of nonmedical use of marijuana is completely unbiblical and sinful, and even medical use of marijuana is controversial.
Little, don't even try to explain it. Anyone who's willing to ignore credible medical and social research (which I posted in earlier posts on this thread) won't be eager to listen to what others have to say. Pro-marijuana activists claim that tobacco and alcohol are just as terrible as marijuana. That argument is illogical in itself, because why would they want another thing that's so bad to be legalized in the first place? They're just contradicting themselves. If you didn't know, there are even people out there who believe the moon landing was staged. :roll:

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 8:30 am
by Prodigal Son
littleshepard, that is a good point, but not good enough. it's not as black and white as everyone wants it to be. it should be decriminalized. no sense in going to jail and serving more time than some murderers for a bunch of pot that isn't even as dangerous as alcohol. the medical benefits are astounding. so, denying them and thinking they're controversial is a load of s....

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 9:10 am
by bizzt
Prodigal Son wrote:i'm glad you read what's posted. so many others don't. it gets annoying.
you haven't posted anything scriptural to support your claim.
i didn't think i needed to. the bible says "do not be a drunkard." that would be an alcoholic or an alcohol abuser. if you don't do those things, and when you drink, you don't get out of control, or unruly, or whatever, then it is okay to drink. if you drink occasionally, and this does not interfere with your relationship with God, then you are fine. the same follows with marijuana. just because some people abuse alcohol and marijuana, doesn't mean they should be illegal. if that's the case, we should make sex illegal, because people abuse sex.

alchohol and marijuana are not sins--abusing them is a sin.
Maybe Sex illegal outside of a Marriage :wink:
Seeing I have never smoked Marijuana or Cigarettes. Does one Dube make you High?

I also wanted to say that if you Drink or Smoke up and people do not believe you should and it threatens their Faith in Christ then you should not do it. I am looking for the Scripture
1Cr 8:9 But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumblingblock to them that are weak.
1Cr 8:10 For if any man see thee which hast knowledge sit at meat in the idol's temple, shall not the conscience of him which is weak be emboldened to eat those things which are offered to idols;
1Cr 8:11 And through thy knowledge shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ died?
1Cr 8:12 But when ye sin so against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, ye sin against Christ.
1Cr 8:13 Wherefore, if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend.

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 9:51 am
by Prodigal Son
does one dube make you high?
:) most likely. but you don't have to smoke the whole thing. there are also different strengths of marijuana just as there are different strenghs of alcohol. you also have the option of just taking a hit or two if you can't handle it. besides, the "impairment" is totally different than alchohol's. pot makes you relax. alcohol makes you want to do negative stuff.

hey, maybe i should be smoking instead of drinking. in all seriousness. i've been not doing it because it's "illegal" and i thought it was bad. but, the more i discuss it, the more i realize its positives as opposed to alcohol.

bizzt, thank you for your concern. i know you are a good person and have my best interests at heart. i did see the scripture you posted. but, i don't see the badness that you see about marijuana. i will think about it some more.

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 10:07 am
by bizzt
Prodigal Son wrote:
does one dube make you high?
:) most likely. but you don't have to smoke the whole thing. there are also different strengths of marijuana just as there are different strenghs of alcohol. you also have the option of just taking a hit or two if you can't handle it. besides, the "impairment" is totally different than alchohol's. pot makes you relax. alcohol makes you want to do negative stuff.

hey, maybe i should be smoking instead of drinking. in all seriousness. i've been not doing it because it's "illegal" and i thought it was bad. but, the more i discuss it, the more i realize its positives as opposed to alcohol.

bizzt, thank you for your concern. i know you are a good person and have my best interests at heart. i did see the scripture you posted. but, i don't see the badness that you see about marijuana. i will think about it some more.
Hey Prodigal you also have remember we have to obey the laws of the Land and smoking and possession of Marijuana is illegal. When you smoke Marijuana what is the main purpose of the Drug? To get high is it not? Then that is a Sin. So that does not make it useful for your walk with Christ. Hey Brother I am just concerned about your walk with Christ and I am trying to lift you up in that walk so you can better serve the Lord.

In Christ

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 10:27 am
by Prodigal Son
:? alcohol is what's killing me, bizz, not marijuana. but i suppose, for MYSELF smoking might also be bad. i remain an advocate for the drug itself. because others may not have my issues, they can be okay with it.

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 10:57 am
by bizzt
Prodigal Son wrote::? alcohol is what's killing me, bizz, not marijuana. but i suppose, for MYSELF smoking might also be bad. i remain an advocate for the drug itself. because others may not have my issues, they can be okay with it.
I understand that Prodigal. Alcohol is a Hard Addiction to get rid of. Tried AA or a Church Group. Unfortunately being an Alcoholic if that is the issue then Alcohol would then have to be eliminated completely through God's Help and your Will Power! I still believe the Drug itself is very harmful especially if its intent is to get High off of it. However for Medicinal Purposes I can see the Drug being Beneficial for the Pain! There are always a Gray Area in contraversial Issues and sometimes the Bible does not discuss this Gray area as much as we would like it to.

Continue in your Walk Prodigal as you Trust the Lord more. All I can say is pick up your Cross EveryDAY and take it One Day at a Time :)

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 12:47 pm
by neerajp4
Let's get back on track here. The question is whether or not homosexuality is genetic or behavioural.

I agree that a single gene can't determine whether or not you are gay, but there is enough evidence to at least say that genetics can be a determinant in one's sexual orientation.

Genetics is the basis of all biological function (DNA codes for proteins, proteins perform wide variety functions in our cells); so if you want to say that homosexuality has some biological basis, then that means it must have some genetic basis as well. Therefore, someone had mentioned earlier that "biological does not equal genetic." Almost always, biological will equal genetic.

For example, the previous mention of different responses to male and female pheromones definitely has a genetic basis, since the specific smell receptors found in our noses for these pheromones is coded for by genes in our DNA. Based on what gene an individual has, that person may have a smell receptor specific to pheromones of one sex rather than the other.

Someone also asked the question "would it be new information if they discovered that a picture of a man triggered a similar response?" A specific visual stimulus will induce a response by triggering the release of specific chemicals in the brain. The stimulus provides a signal to the brain through passage of the signal through several molecules, usually functional proteins (which are coded for in our DNA). However, one can also be conditioned to provide a certain response to a stimulus rather than another. So, one can respond a visual stimulus in some way naturally through physiological/biological functions, or they can be conditioned in some way to respond the same way or in a different way to the same stimulus. This leads to the idea that both nature and nurture play a part in determining sexual orientation.

Someone mentioned the scrutinizing of genetic determinants of homosexuality, based on studies of identical twins. It has been seen in the past that identical twins, when separated and placed in different environments, can become two very different individuals in terms of their personality. The same can be true for homosexuality. One twin can be in an upbringing that can lead to a homosexual lifestyle, while the other is in an upbringing that can lead to a heterosexual lifestyle.

Scientific studies are refuted quite often, and then proven to be true later on by more solidified evidence.

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 6:09 pm
by Jbuza
My thoughts on homosexuality

I would propose that there is no evidence to suggest that homosexuality is genetically based. It has been proposed that genetics is the basis of all biological functioning, and that is ridiculous. I'm not sure who said it first, but since it is so telling I will use others words, “Genetics determines what we are, and behavior determines who we become”. This view that human behavior is reducible to DNA sequences is laughable, and for those who hold that view I wish to not engage in intelligent conversation with your DNA, but if the essence of who you are wants to discourse on the subject than I welcome you.

First studies like the response to sex pheromones given as evidence for genetic homosexuality is ridiculous and I cannot believe anyone would find it even remotely convincing especially anyone claiming to be a scientist. Consider this. Response to the hormone insulin is largely determined by behavior. The more things that you put into your mouth and the heavier you become the less your body responds to insulin. Conversely if you should begin to eat less and lose weight your body will have a larger response to insulin. The conclusions that people come up with from this type of study are wrong in such a base academic manner that it amazes me. For every effect there is a cause, and engaging in homosexual behavior is more likely to cause a sexual response to the male pheromone than smelling male pheromone is likely to cause homosexual behavior. IT is the same with the studies of brains of Schizo. People or for that matter with the vast majority of studies that try to prove that behavior is genetic. The only thing these studies show is that there is a correlation between some observable difference and the behavior or “defect”. Behavior has an impact on the organism, and it is not that the behavior is determined by the DNA of the organism.

IT has been proposed that nature and nurture determine sexual orientation, and that is ridiculous what makes a person homosexual is deciding to engage in homosexual behavior. It's that simple.

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 6:43 pm
by ryo dokomi
i concure with Jbuza completely, however i dont have scientific proof, i have my own testimony. i have been a homosexual most of my life...however i dont believe that it is genetic. i believe it is caused by circumstances that have happened in peoples lives, such as mine. now i am a Christian and have been one for nearly 3 years now, i still struggle. i do know that in third grade i once liked my best friend who was a was valintines day and i gave her a heart shaped note that was stating my love for her and signed "your secret admireer" but she ripped it up and hasnt spoken to me since, even though i talk to her. but that and many other instances that i will not go into details with have, i believe, caused me to fall into the abominable life that i now have, and i am trying to let the LORD change me but He has yet to do so. but i KNOW it will happen because HIS WORD says it will. so i dont believe it is genetic, and i know that GOD can and DESIRES to change HIS people.