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Re: bully in school and guns

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 6:19 pm
by beckyandretti
tarreyl wrote: do you think that many people should die to fight for freedom when they don't even want us there and and it did to give you fact bush said that sadam had nuclear weapon then US goes in and we find out he doesn't we have so many organizations that should be finding this out in secertarie of defence told President Bush that sadam was having his men train in flight school in the US and that they planed to hijack and planes. President Bush drilled for oil pretty fast after getting ride of sadam?

early one millon student carrie a gun to school during the 1997-1998 year and nearly a half of them were armed six or more times

63% had theatened to arm a another student

a recent survey found nearly 40% of US students think violents is the biggest promblem in america today, and three out of four say that United states NEED STRICTER LAW FOR GUNS BUYERS
Bush went for the oil because that was the ONLY way for that country to get back on its feet, oil is in fact how they have a have any kind of money for schools, hospitals etc (amazingly enough its a oil producing country in the middle of a desert that uses the oil for its own country, yes that means it sells the oil). As for the children shooting children... I carried a rifle to high school, why you ask? I was on the rifle team in my school. Also amazingly enough there were no shootings of anyone in my school as a result of me bringing it (in otherwords I didnt shoot people and no my rifle didnt run down the hall shooting people) The gun didnt shoot the kids in columbine, the wack job child that should have been locked up long before that incident did. He had exibited behavior that would have had an adult incarcerated long before that but because he was a minor he was allowed to roam free. Again .. not the fault of the gun. You know if the teachers (who had concealed carry permits) had been able to have their guns at school there would have been a lot less loss of life. Pick your battles, but dont wage war without knowing the facts. Sadam had WMDs and he had also reneged on the treaties made so that President George H.W. Bush would pull back after the invasion of Kuwait. I have lost loved ones in the war, I have had family memebers in every war since WWI. America doesnt love war, no sane person does, but we (America) do what is morally and ethically necessary and who put us in this position? We did, by being the only superpower left in the world.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 7:50 pm
by Jbuza
I don't know if anyone has seen it, but when I was at a discount store today I saw a book that was titled Micheal Moore is a Big Fat Stupid White Man I didn't pick it up and look at it, but I thought to myself, boy the writer has sure hit the mark here.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 7:03 pm
by stixandstones
Hate to be the one to burst all your bubbles but Moore is not USA's problem. The freedom you so casually speak of is the reason war came to US soil. Prophaganda labels the attack terrorism but it is what it is, an invasion, an act of war. Unless your all willing to call many of the past conflicts, up to and including US's invasion of Iraq, in which the US was an aggressor Terrorist attacks? I'm still waiting to see those WMD's alledgedly in Iraq. It's those so called "freedom movements" the US carry out that brought War to the US. You would have your freedom if the US government wasn't such a BIG BULLY

Oh oh, if they Bush saw this, he'd change the name of Canadian Bacon to freedom bacon, how childish is that?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 9:11 pm
by Jbuza
stixandstones wrote:Hate to be the one to burst all your bubbles but Moore is not USA's problem. The freedom you so casually speak of is the reason war came to US soil. Prophaganda labels the attack terrorism but it is what it is, an invasion, an act of war. Unless your all willing to call many of the past conflicts, up to and including US's invasion of Iraq, in which the US was an aggressor Terrorist attacks? I'm still waiting to see those WMD's alledgedly in Iraq. It's those so called "freedom movements" the US carry out that brought War to the US. You would have your freedom if the US government wasn't such a BIG BULLY

Oh oh, if they Bush saw this, he'd change the name of Canadian Bacon to freedom bacon, how childish is that?
Ok OK I tried to resist. What? I do agree that 9/11 was an act of War. It's a Holy War, they hate christians and Jews, and freedom, and anything Good. Any of the infidels plotting death to christians, and Jews and everyone not Islamist will tell you that it is Holy Gihad. There is the house of Islam and the House of War. They are always at war with us, unless they feel they can not overcome the enemy in which case their will be a cease fire.

I reject your idea that the freedom movements had anything to do with the Jihadists going to war with us, since they are always at war with us by default. What freedom movements in the time prior to 9/11 are you refering to?

I hope that the USA continues to be the biggest bullies on the block. If an evil force like Sadaam and his sons take over Canada, and start murdering and torchering people, raping women and having disreguard for its citizens that we come over there and bring a freedom movement to Ottawa. Just like we did for Paris when the Nazis took over, Just like we did for Kuwait City when sadaam tried bringing his opressive regeim into Kuwait.

Perhaps we should return to the day sof Empires, you seem to sympathize with dictators.

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 12:14 pm
by Forge
Jbuza wrote:I hope that the USA continues to be the biggest bullies on the block. If an evil force like Sadaam and his sons take over Canada, and start murdering and torchering people, raping women and having disreguard for its citizens that we come over there and bring a freedom movement to Ottawa. Just like we did for Paris when the Nazis took over, Just like we did for Kuwait City when sadaam tried bringing his opressive regeim into Kuwait.
Careful with that term, "bully." It generally has bad connotations. :wink:

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 1:57 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Forge wrote:
Jbuza wrote:I hope that the USA continues to be the biggest bullies on the block. If an evil force like Sadaam and his sons take over Canada, and start murdering and torchering people, raping women and having disreguard for its citizens that we come over there and bring a freedom movement to Ottawa. Just like we did for Paris when the Nazis took over, Just like we did for Kuwait City when sadaam tried bringing his opressive regeim into Kuwait.
Careful with that term, "bully." It generally has bad connotations. :wink:
It's called mocking someone

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 2:14 pm
by Forge
That's what the smiley was for. 8)

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 6:50 pm
by beckyandretti
I'm a bully... hey we are the government, we're here to help