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Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 5:33 pm
by marys_little_one
ochotseat wrote:
marys_little_one wrote: The catechism of the catholic church explains certain things that are found in the Bible such as about homosexuality, adultary, contraception, etc. So by finding it in the should tell you that it IS in the Bible...somewhere! See...the Bible was written in a different time than of course they were not going to write about condoms and things like that....but they DID give some information about contraception. The job of the CCC is to allow "literal" catholics ( people that take everything in the bible as literal and not symbolic) and doubtful people to understand that certain actions and ways of living ARE immoral....even if the Bible didn't word for word explain it!
I hope most Catholics don't put more emphasis on a catechism than what the Bible has to say. That was one, among many, of the reasons for the Reformation.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church is a book that explains more in depth the beliefs of the Holy Bible. There is noting that is in the CCC that is NOT in the Bible. It is a book that is used to just explain more in depth certain issues. One of the reasons of why the CCC was written, was to show that the bible was not literal but it was symbolic. Some things that the bible teaches are so grasp to understand...that the Bible explains it in simple words. But it's just explaining the bible.

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 8:20 pm
by ochotseat
marys_little_one wrote: The Catechism of the Catholic Church is a book that explains more in depth the beliefs of the Holy Bible. There is noting that is in the CCC that is NOT in the Bible. It is a book that is used to just explain more in depth certain issues. One of the reasons of why the CCC was written, was to show that the bible was not literal but it was symbolic. Some things that the bible teaches are so grasp to understand...that the Bible explains it in simple words. But it's just explaining the bible.
It's better sometimes to go directly to the horse's mouth (Bible) rather than to something that the papacy wrote, since history has shown that Popes aren't infallible.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 7:12 am
by marys_little_one
ochotseat wrote: It's better sometimes to go directly to the horse's mouth (Bible) rather than to something that the papacy wrote, since history has shown that Popes aren't infallible.
I agree with's just that the CCC is a book that is very useful for catholics that are a bit confused about their faith. (regarding wether some things are moral or immoral) Know what I mean?

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 11:39 am
by XenonII
Oral sex is sex in its own right. Its a perversion. It cant result in life. Nuff said. If you want foreplay leading up to sex try kissing not one form of immoral sex followed by the right kind of sex. :?

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 3:54 pm
by ochotseat
XenonII wrote:Oral sex is sex in its own right. Its a perversion. It cant result in life. Nuff said. If you want foreplay leading up to sex try kissing not one form of immoral sex followed by the right kind of sex. :?
Why do you reprehend oral sex while seemingly turn the other way when it comes to anal sex?
marys_little_one wrote: I agree with's just that the CCC is a book that is very useful for catholics that are a bit confused about their faith. (regarding wether some things are moral or immoral) Know what I mean?
No, I know what you mean. A few people don't even consider Catholics to be Christians, but I consider them to be believers in Christ, though I disagree with some of their dogmas. I think there's a thread in the theology section that talks about this.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:38 pm
by kateliz
Little One, (I find offense in your placing yourself at the feet of Mary, who was equal to all other Christians and not above them,) I'm worried for you. You have been taught so much by your Church, and you believe it all without, apparently, hesitation or any doubt of any kind. People are so infallible you absolutely cannot trust them as speaking for God if you aren't positive the Bible agrees whole-heartedly with what they're saying. You can quote the Catechism, but couldn't quote the Bible.

They're both big books, Little One. And since the Catechism tries to explain the Bible, you should know the Bible a thousand times better than the Catechism. Call me a hypocrite on this, (I well deserve it,) but you should read the Bible if you don't know it that well, not the Catechism. It's like reading the review of a play and saying it's just as good as seeing the play for yourself. Trust God's Word, and whatever lines up with it as you can prove it does, and not what you are taught by those who claim to know so much of it and you're told shouldn't be questioned about that.

Plato had a theory about something, (forgot,) that can illustrate here. He believed people are born in an intellecual cave of sorts, where they see shadows of the real world, or truth, but not the truth itself. Only when they step out of the cave do they see what the shadows really were, and then know the truth. People writing commentaries on the Bible cast shadows that are supposed to help us understand the truth in the Bible better.

That's just fine and dandy if you know what's really in the Bible for yourself. If you don't, then you are looking at the shadows and believing they're reality. And shadows are quite deceptive sometimes. Commentaries paint their shadows very differently, and so only when you know what the shadows actually are can you...

I've lost myself. Good analogy gone bad! But, I believe the point I tried to make is hinding in there waiting to be found: test everything agaisnt the Bible to be sure it agrees with the Bible. Do not trust blindly for fear you'll fall into a pit of falsehood and half-truths that distort the truth!

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 10:06 pm
by marys_little_one
kateliz wrote:Little One, (I find offense in your placing yourself at the feet of Mary, who was equal to all other Christians and not above them,) I'm worried for you. You have been taught so much by your Church, and you believe it all without, apparently, hesitation or any doubt of any kind. People are so infallible you absolutely cannot trust them as speaking for God if you aren't positive the Bible agrees whole-heartedly with what they're saying. You can quote the Catechism, but couldn't quote the Bible.

They're both big books, Little One. And since the Catechism tries to explain the Bible, you should know the Bible a thousand times better than the Catechism. Call me a hypocrite on this, (I well deserve it,) but you should read the Bible if you don't know it that well, not the Catechism. It's like reading the review of a play and saying it's just as good as seeing the play for yourself. Trust God's Word, and whatever lines up with it as you can prove it does, and not what you are taught by those who claim to know so much of it and you're told shouldn't be questioned about that.

Plato had a theory about something, (forgot,) that can illustrate here. He believed people are born in an intellecual cave of sorts, where they see shadows of the real world, or truth, but not the truth itself. Only when they step out of the cave do they see what the shadows really were, and then know the truth. People writing commentaries on the Bible cast shadows that are supposed to help us understand the truth in the Bible better.

That's just fine and dandy if you know what's really in the Bible for yourself. If you don't, then you are looking at the shadows and believing they're reality. And shadows are quite deceptive sometimes. Commentaries paint their shadows very differently, and so only when you know what the shadows actually are can you...

I've lost myself. Good analogy gone bad! But, I believe the point I tried to make is hinding in there waiting to be found: test everything agaisnt the Bible to be sure it agrees with the Bible. Do not trust blindly for fear you'll fall into a pit of falsehood and half-truths that distort the truth!
ok...I feel really weird writing this because I really think I shouldn't have to. My user name is Mary's little one adoptive mother's name was Mary and she always used to call me her "Little one". She passed away a year ago and I chose this username in rememberance of her. I did not pick it for any other reason. However....Mary the Mother of GOD....was not like any other women...."She was blessed among ALL women"....just like the Hail Mary says it. "Blessed are you among all woman and blessed is the fruit of YOUR womb Jesus".

Now...I believe in the Bible with my WHOLE heart. I aslo believe in the catechism of the catholic church! When people began to ask questions about this topic...I remember doing a project on this and I had to find like 4 quotes from the CCC...that's why I knew where to find those easily! I just wanted to make people's lives easier so they wouldn't have to go reasearch it themselves. I was only trying to be helpful...I didn't know that it would offend someone because I had not quoted the Bible. If it did.....I am sorry. I meant no harm by this.

You shouldn't be worried about me because I know....that I KNOW my faith and religion! I am a christian and and I am very close to many people who lead a religious for most of my life I have had many wonderful examples of how I should LIVE my life! You said that I believe everything my church has taught me without any hesitation or's true....and that's called FAITH! I don't fully undersand everything about my religion such as the Trinity and how there are 3 people in ONE GOD....but I believe it because it IS in the Bible and it is part of my faith.

Just on the side note....things such as "contraception" are not exactly found in the bible. But there ARE stories in there that talk about unwanted pregnancies.

Such as the one found in Genesis 38:8-10:
"Then Judah said to Onan, “Go in to your brother's wife, and perform the duty of a brother-in-law to her, and raise up offspring for your brother.” But Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so when he went into his brother's wife he spilled the semen on the ground, lest he should give offspring to his brother. And what he did was displeasing in the sight of the Lord, and he slew him also. "

The words "contraception" NEVER appear in this passage. But that is EXACTLY what God was trying to tell us...that contraception is morally wrong. Some catholics don't grasp this idea by just reading the passage....that is why the CCC explains what GOD was trying to tell us. The bible was writen in a different time than it was writen for the needs of the people that first read it. They didn't have condoms and things like that....but some of them did attempt to do this.....that's why the CCC is sort of like a dictionary to the bible. I'm NOT saying that the CCC is more important than the BIBLE....nor do I put more emphasis on it....but I just really enjoy reading what God is really trying to tell me.

"Live a lot.....Love a lot.....Laught a lot"

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 1:00 am
by ochotseat
marys_little_one wrote:
ok...I feel really weird writing this because I really think I shouldn't have to. My user name is Mary's little one adoptive mother's name was Mary and she always used to call me her "Little one". She passed away a year ago and I chose this username in rememberance of her. I did not pick it for any other reason. However....Mary the Mother of GOD....was not like any other women...."She was blessed among ALL women"....just like the Hail Mary says it. "Blessed are you among all woman and blessed is the fruit of YOUR womb Jesus".

Now...I believe in the Bible with my WHOLE heart. I aslo believe in the catechism of the catholic church! When people began to ask questions about this topic...I remember doing a project on this and I had to find like 4 quotes from the CCC...that's why I knew where to find those easily! I just wanted to make people's lives easier so they wouldn't have to go reasearch it themselves. I was only trying to be helpful...I didn't know that it would offend someone because I had not quoted the Bible. If it did.....I am sorry. I meant no harm by this.

You shouldn't be worried about me because I know....that I KNOW my faith and religion! I am a christian and and I am very close to many people who lead a religious for most of my life I have had many wonderful examples of how I should LIVE my life! You said that I believe everything my church has taught me without any hesitation or's true....and that's called FAITH! I don't fully undersand everything about my religion such as the Trinity and how there are 3 people in ONE GOD....but I believe it because it IS in the Bible and it is part of my faith.

Just on the side note....things such as "contraception" are not exactly found in the bible. But there ARE stories in there that talk about unwanted pregnancies.

Such as the one found in Genesis 38:8-10:
"Then Judah said to Onan, “Go in to your brother's wife, and perform the duty of a brother-in-law to her, and raise up offspring for your brother.” But Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so when he went into his brother's wife he spilled the semen on the ground, lest he should give offspring to his brother. And what he did was displeasing in the sight of the Lord, and he slew him also. "

The words "contraception" NEVER appear in this passage. But that is EXACTLY what God was trying to tell us...that contraception is morally wrong. Some catholics don't grasp this idea by just reading the passage....that is why the CCC explains what GOD was trying to tell us. The bible was writen in a different time than it was writen for the needs of the people that first read it. They didn't have condoms and things like that....but some of them did attempt to do this.....that's why the CCC is sort of like a dictionary to the bible. I'm NOT saying that the CCC is more important than the BIBLE....nor do I put more emphasis on it....but I just really enjoy reading what God is really trying to tell me.

"Live a lot.....Love a lot.....Laught a lot"
Kate's disagreement lies in the differences between Protestantism and Catholicism.

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 6:06 am
by marys_little_one
ochotseat wrote:
Kate's disagreement lies in the differences between Protestantism and Catholicism.
Honestly....I still don't see what Kate was trying to say (sorry Kate)...yeah....there ARE differences between the Protestant and Catholic religions. It's still the same bible. Well actually....the Protestant version of the Bible includes 7 less books than the Catholic one.

I'm confused at the message that was trying to be I really can't respond to it.

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 7:19 am
by Kurieuo
marys_little_one wrote:Such as the one found in Genesis 38:8-10:
"Then Judah said to Onan, “Go in to your brother's wife, and perform the duty of a brother-in-law to her, and raise up offspring for your brother.” But Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so when he went into his brother's wife he spilled the semen on the ground, lest he should give offspring to his brother. And what he did was displeasing in the sight of the Lord, and he slew him also. "

The words "contraception" NEVER appear in this passage. But that is EXACTLY what God was trying to tell us...that contraception is morally wrong.
Actually, I believe Onan was condemned for his disrespect towards his father and dead brother, not for "spilling his seed." It is written that he continually chose to do such an act in order to keep from producing offspring for his brother. (Genesis 38:8-10)

Additionally, the Apostle Paul writes 1 Corinthians 7:
  • "since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband. 3The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. 4The wife's body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband's body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife. 5Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of selfcontrol."
It seems Paul, who wrote Scripture which we both believe to possess truth, saw sexual intimacy within marriage as a valid way of controlling sexual lust and temptation. Therefore, it seems sound to reason that sex isn't only for procreation.


Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 1:48 am
by XenonII
ochotseat wrote: Why do you reprehend oral sex while seemingly turn the other way when it comes to anal sex?
I don't and I reprehend both. You reprehend anal sex and turn the other way when it comes to oral sex why is that? SIN is SIN! Both are as bad as each other! BOTH are disgusting, revolting, immoral perversions and a SIN! :)

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 8:00 am
by bizzt
marys_little_one wrote:
ochotseat wrote: It's better sometimes to go directly to the horse's mouth (Bible) rather than to something that the papacy wrote, since history has shown that Popes aren't infallible.
I agree with's just that the CCC is a book that is very useful for catholics that are a bit confused about their faith. (regarding wether some things are moral or immoral) Know what I mean?
The CCC however adds on to the Bible! Does it give more Meaning? Or does it add on like the Pharisees added onto what the Old Testament said? I would rather use the Bible to tell me how my Faith should be not the CCC. My Thoughts... oh oh oh. BTW Welcome to the Forums Mary's Little One. I hope you find Peace not Hostility here :)

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 7:13 pm
by marys_little_one
bizzt wrote: The CCC however adds on to the Bible! Does it give more Meaning? Or does it add on like the Pharisees added onto what the Old Testament said? I would rather use the Bible to tell me how my Faith should be not the CCC. My Thoughts... oh oh oh. BTW Welcome to the Forums Mary's Little One. I hope you find Peace not Hostility here :)
Yeah...the CCC just further explains... sort of in detail... what the Bible teaches....and thanks!! I hope I find peace too! :)

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 2:06 pm
by bizzt
marys_little_one wrote:
bizzt wrote: The CCC however adds on to the Bible! Does it give more Meaning? Or does it add on like the Pharisees added onto what the Old Testament said? I would rather use the Bible to tell me how my Faith should be not the CCC. My Thoughts... oh oh oh. BTW Welcome to the Forums Mary's Little One. I hope you find Peace not Hostility here :)
Yeah...the CCC just further explains... sort of in detail... what the Bible teaches....and thanks!! I hope I find peace too! :)
However take some Teachings of the CCC does it confirm what the Bible says or does it add to it?

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 5:37 pm
by marys_little_one
bizzt wrote:
Yeah...the CCC just further explains... sort of in detail... what the Bible teaches....and thanks!! I hope I find peace too! :)
However take some Teachings of the CCC does it confirm what the Bible says or does it add to it?[/quote]

Oh...I see what you mean now...

The CCC CONFIRMS what the Bible says. Whatever teaching that there is in the Bible...the CCC explains it and sort of puts in english so that we are able to understand it!

The Bible was not meant to be taken literally....and MANY things are symbolic. So, for "slow" people (like myself) who sometimes can't see the meaning behind a saying or passage...the CCC explains it! I hope I made myself clear....

It makes sense in my head...I'm not so sure how to explain it right....But I DO hope that you understood me!!!

God bless,
mary's little one