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questioning abuout love in the bible.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 12:07 pm
by Xo In LoVe Xo
Hey, My name is Summer and I have a question. Someone PLEASE give me a response b/c I have searched through the internet looking for an answer and haven't found a good one yet. It is known to be a sin to marry outside your race,marry someone of the same sex or marry someone younger than you. I am in a Lesbian relationship..but I still go to church and serve God the best way I can,I believe in him, love him,and trust him with all my might like it says in the bible...
Deuteronomy 6:5 - And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.
Well my friend told me that there was some where in the bible a passage stating that all should be with who they truly love...
I haven't found it yet.. so I was wondering if anywhere in the bible it said anything like that..b/c it would REALLY help me.
thank you so much!
<3 always,

Re: questioning abuout love in the bible.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 12:44 pm
by Felgar
Xo In LoVe Xo wrote:Hey, My name is Summer and I have a question. Someone PLEASE give me a response b/c I have searched through the internet looking for an answer and haven't found a good one yet. It is known to be a sin to marry outside your race,marry someone of the same sex or marry someone younger than you. I am in a Lesbian relationship..but I still go to church and serve God the best way I can,I believe in him, love him,and trust him with all my might like it says in the bible...
Well the first thing I'd like to point out is that it is not a sin to marry someone of a different ethnic group. Nor is it a sin to marry someone younger than you (which is a ridiculous concept to endorse by the way because when you think about it, that would make 1 person in EVERY marriage a sinner by default)! :D

Now it IS a sin to engage in sexual activity with other people of the same sex. By extension, I would say that homosexual marriage is also a sin.

Sorry, I don't think there are any verses that properly support same-sex marriage. There are verses that are often presented as support, but under analysis and proper interpretation it becomes clear that they in fact do not support (or even condone) gay marriage.

I would also like to call back your attention to the scripture you also just quoted. Notice that in Matthew 22:36-40 when Jesus quotes Dueteronomy 6:5, he states "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind" as the greatest commandment. I believe the mind is important, because that is the means by which we are compelled to study God's word and to understand it, in order that we may know His will.

So I'm glad that you're beginning to consider the Lord's will on these matters. Welcome to the forums XO.

Re: questioning abuout love in the bible.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 8:46 pm
by Kurieuo

Before tackling your main question, an issue raised within your post is that of the purpose of marriage. I believe marriage acknowledges and respects the whole design God set in place for us, which begins at the uniting of a woman and man. In New Zealand, I believe the government saw "marriage" as having such a religious meaning, which is why they introduced a "civil union" act allowing two people of the same sex to united together under law although technically not "married" (see ... ivil-Union).

Now one purpose of marriage is to endorse and pay tribute to God's design for us. Looking at God's design of the sexes, it seems fairly obvious that He created a man and woman to compliment each other physically, and I believe many would also agree emotionally even if this may not always be the case. Such reveals God's love for us, since He thought enough of us to setup a dependancy upon each other that involves a giving and receiving. Not just a dependancy between a woman and man, but also their children who are dependant upon their parents each fulfilling a different role in their life, and nurturing them through to maturity. We can learn much about God from His design and the way we ought to do things. And if an intended design is carried through upon despite whether or not we agree with it, I believe things are more likely to work out better than they would have otherwise. Although I think we must also pursue treating and/or coming to a resolution on our disagreements.

As for the "one" you truly love, I'm not much of a fatalist when it comes to love. I think we can find many people out there, although the first person we become attracted tends to be the "one we truly love." Getting to your main question, I don't recall any passage in Scripture supporting the idea as being with the one you truly love. I believe you would have found such a passage on being with the one you love if it existed within Scripture, as it would perhaps be the best scriptural ammo against Christians who believe God does not like homosexual acts. However, such a concept I think is steeped in the culturalism of how our Western society romanticises (if not distorts) love by relegating it all to be being a feeling. No marriage will survive based on a feeling since feelings come and go as time goes on. The famous 1 Corinthians 13 passage defines love as being based more upon actions:
  • 4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Now I've likely babbled on a bit, but to end I would encourage you to keep maintaining your relationship with God. It is obvious your relationship with Him means much since you're troubled over this issue. On this I'm sure God would be pleased, and however complex things may seem to get Christ still has your back. Sometimes however our conscience can become seared by certain actions we do that we really know God does or may not like, and this can impact upon us continuing to come back to God. If this is ever the case, don't ever let it stop you coming back to God, for we can only be healed and changed by going to Him. Hence the importance of dealing with those issues in our lives that may sear our conscience.


Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 5:28 am
by j316
I have had a lot of experience with love and marriages, but I know I could not sum up the christian perspective of the issue as well as Kurieuo just did.

Summer, you should consider his advice carefully, he is right on the mark.