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Will God help guide me in life?

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 5:29 pm
by JoOky
Hello I'm new to this forum and im currently a christian. I was wondering would god help me and guide me in life. And would he help me to get what I want if I pray hard enough like better grades in school or become more knowledgeable? Please help!!! Sometimes I feel that he isn't really there for me

Am I consider not a christian if I havent baptised yet?

Re: Will God help guide me in life?

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 8:43 am
by Felgar
JoOky wrote:Am I consider not a christian if I havent baptised yet?
Anyone who believes in Jesus Christ is in my opinion, a Christian. That's irrespective of having been baptised. Having said that, I think baptism is part of our walk with God.

With regards to God helping you, He definately will. But it's a little tricky because God's intention is for you to Love Him with all your Heart, Soul, and Mind. A big part of that is being committed to learning about Him, praising Him, etc. Also a big part of that is to seek His plan for you and to submit to it. You can believe in God but then not do what you know He wants. If you feel called to go to University but decide to start a band (for instance) then you're straying from God and the provisions that He has promised. Now He'll never forsake us, but I believe that to receive a great many of God's blessings we need to actually be in a position to accept them, and for that it is important that we are seeking and following God's will for us.