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Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 2:19 pm
by mosa

Islam is the complete submission and obedience to Allah (God(.

The name Allah (God) in Islam never refers to Muhammad (pbuh), as many Christians may think; Allah is the personal name of God.

What do Muslims believe about Allah?

1. He is the one God, Who has no partner.

2. Nothing is like Him. He is the Creator, not created, nor a part of His creation.

3. He is All-Powerful, absolutely Just.

4. There is no other entity in the entire universe worthy of worship besides Him.

5. He is First, Last, and Everlasting; He was when nothing was, and will be when nothing else remains.

6. He is the All-Knowing, and All-Merciful,the Supreme, the Sovereign.

7. It is only He Who is capable of granting life to anything.

8. He sent His Messengers (peace be upon them) to guide all of mankind.

9. He sent Muhammad (pbuh) as the last Prophet and Messenger for all mankind.

10. His book is the Holy Qur'an, the only authentic revealed book in the world that has been kept without change.

11. Allah knows what is in our heart

12-He begets not nor is HE begotten

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 3:58 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
13-Allah has no understanding of simple arimethic.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 4:12 pm
by Deborah
My suggestion is Allah and our god is one in the same.
Our beliefs are not so different except mahammed is not the last prophet.
And jesus was indeed god in human form.

We are commanded to avoid offending followers of other religions.
1 Corinthians 10:31-32
31So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 32Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God—

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:20 pm
by Felgar
I will believe in a loving God rather than a just one. A just God would provide what we deserve, which is eternal condemnation. A loving God has given us the gift of eternal salvation though we have never deserved it.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:38 pm
by Judah
Deborah wrote:My suggestion is Allah and our god is one in the same.
Our beliefs are not so different except mahammed is not the last prophet.
I could not disagree more! :shock:

Allah is a false god, an idol, a figment of Muhammad's imagination. Except as an idea, part of a violent ideology, he does not exist.

Our God is a triune God... God in 3 persons, holy trinity.
Allah is not that at all, being described as only one being.
Allah does not have a Son of God, Jesus Christ.
Our God did not tell Muhammad all those things written in the Qur'an that are so completely and outrageously contradictory to the message in our Scriptures.

It is claimed in Islam that Muhammed received revelations from Allah, and it is these revelations which make up the Qur'an.

Listen to this, quoted from the Qu'ran...
Surah 3:85 "And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers."

Deb, are you going to say then that our God wants you to recant your Christian faith and convert to Islam?

If our God does not want that, then our God and Allah cannot be one and the same.
And if our God and Allah are not the same being, then my assertion above (that Allah is an idol, a false god, a figment of Muhammad's imagination) must be true.

Also, see here for discussion thread from which I quote something from Christian2 as follows:
Christian2 wrote:John 4:21-22, Jesus replied, "Believe me, the time is coming when it will no longer matter whether you worship the Father here or in Jerusalem. You Samaritans know so little about the one you worship, while we Jews know all about him, for salvation comes through the Jews." (NLT)

Notice Jesus doesn't say salvation comes only to the Jews, but through the Jews. Salvation for the whole world will come through the Jewish Messiah, Jesus Christ.

Muhammad was not a Jew.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:00 pm
by Deborah
Judah wrote:
Deborah wrote:My suggestion is Allah and our god is one in the same.
Our beliefs are not so different except mahammed is not the last prophet.
I could not disagree more! :shock:

Allah is a false god, an idol, a figment of Muhammad's imagination. Except as an idea, part of a violent ideology, he does not exist.

Our God is a triune God... God in 3 persons, holy trinity.
Allah is not that at all, being described as only one being.
Allah does not have a Son of God, Jesus Christ.
Our God did not tell Muhammad all those things written in the Qur'an that are so completely and outrageously contradictory to the message in our Scriptures.

It is claimed in Islam that Muhammed received revelations from Allah, and it is these revelations which make up the Qur'an.

Listen to this, quoted from the Qu'ran...
Surah 3:85 "And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers."

Deb, are you going to say then that our God wants you to recant your Christian faith and convert to Islam?

If not, then our God and Allah cannot be one and the same.
And if not, then my assertion above (that Allah is an idol, a false god, a figment of Muhammad's imagination) must be true.

Also, see here for discussion thread from which I quote something from Christian2 as follows:
Christian2 wrote:John 4:21-22, Jesus replied, "Believe me, the time is coming when it will no longer matter whether you worship the Father here or in Jerusalem. You Samaritans know so little about the one you worship, while we Jews know all about him, for salvation comes through the Jews." (NLT)

Notice Jesus doesn't say salvation comes only to the Jews, but through the Jews. Salvation for the whole world will come through the Jewish Messiah, Jesus Christ.

Muhammad was not a Jew.
Islam come from the same place as us. We were once all gods chosen people. Therefore our god is the same. the way we worship and our beliefs are different.
Would you then say that the god that the mormons and Jws worship is not the same god as ours? Would you say the Jewish God is a different god ?
It's called splintered because we all came from the same place did we not?

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:10 pm
by Deborah
btw not all christian faiths believe god is a triune.
many Christians failed to grasp that Jesus was infact God in human form.
Tis not a easy thing to grasp.
like it or not islam, Christianity/Desipleship and the Jewish religion are tied together and all came from the same place.
the koran was once many books, tribes had their own, but they were consolidated into one book.

would you say that the jesish and islam religions misunderstand the word of god? because if the Jewish religion didn't then why would Jesus have to have come to set an example in the first place ?
My belief is we all still believe in the same god, our understanding of God differ vastly. But that does not mean he is a different god!
That is all I am trying to say. (rather badly I admit, but you try explaining it with my scrambled brain) :oops:
Judah John Smith prophet who founded the church forgot it's name but we call them mormons. We believe his to be a false prophet, because if we believed him to be true would we not follow the book of mormon?
Question is was his god a false god? or did he just not reconise his god from the devil?
what is so different between those religions and the religions who follow false doctrin because that is all it is.


Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:35 pm
by Ark~Magic
Islam is just a destructive play on Christianity. So is Mormonism and Jehovah's Witness. They all share different beliefs which tend to be vital to the idea of obtaining heaven or salvation, so they cannot be the same.

Mormonism has alot of problems with its doctrine, including how they believe people descended from other races which has been disproven by science recently. One major problem is how they believe that heaven is obtained through good works, rather than through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and in turn, we will all eventually reach heaven (even killers like Charles Manson!) the only difference being that we will be on different levels. But if it is better than this world, why does it even matter?

Jehovah's Witness believe man has no soul. If man had no soul, then he has no core agent to help make his choices and everything he is and does can be explained naturally, which presents numerous other problems.

And all these religions claim to be correcting the doctrines which have been 'corrupted' over the years. It's silly that God took over 1000+ years just to finally reveal to some prophet that the original scriptures were wrong, if it was even important to begin with.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 7:04 pm
by Deborah
Islam is just a destructive play on Christianity. So is Mormonism and Jehovah's Witness. They all share different beliefs which tend to be vital to the idea of obtaining heaven or salvation, so they cannot be the same.
Oh I was not saying they were the same I was saying they came from the same place as Christianity.
Would you agree that at some time they were probably given the same commandments as we were in the OT ? and that over time wondered from the path god set for them? Is that not why god in the human form of jesus came to earth, lived among his people and set an ultimate example for us to live by?
The altimate crime here is failing to reconise the sacrifice our god made for us in the human form of Jesus.
I have heard many times from people why and how could god sacrifice his own son, my answer, we are all his children, whom could he sacrifice but himself as any loving parent would for their children.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 7:17 pm
by ochotseat
Deborah wrote:btw not all christian faiths believe god is a triune.
A Christian is defined as someone who accepts the Trinity and the faith that is derived from that. That's what primarily separates Christians from other religions.
Islam come from the same place as us.
Islam originated from one person who claimed to be the last prophet on Earth. Christianity originated from several prophets over several centuries, one of whom was God incarnate.
Christianity is the only faith that has had so many people of all ages, sexes, colors, and classes being persecuted to the extent that the total number of Christian martyrs from the time of Christ to today is still unknown. Seems to me that our Christian brothers and sisters have realized for two millennia that Christianity has been something so special that they were prepared to give up everything in the name of Christ.
Therefore our god is the same.
In Christianity, our God has declared that Christians must accept Christ in order to be saved, and the gospel ends with the New Testament. Muhammad, Joseph Smith, Charles Russell, the Pharisees, Buddhist monks, Hindu priests, witches/wiccans, Satanists, etc. have all said that their deities are different and have preached different messages for man. How is that the same God?

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 7:30 pm
by Deborah
So do I take that to mean that our god is different to the jewish god then?
because that is the place I am talking of when I say we all came from the same place. Some of us just got very lost.
Would you say Jesus came to show us the path back? Not to mention to provide a link back to that path.
before the splinter all were on this path, this is where I say we came from the same place and why I say we worship the same god, either rightly or wrongly.

God splintered the tribes of israel. he sent them in different directions.
did this provide the assorted religions of today?


Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 7:40 pm
by Ark~Magic
No, other religions were created by men to gain power and bring people further away from the true, living God (the biblical, Jewish God) until he was to send the messiah (that being Jesus/Yeshua). They strayed away from their original master.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 7:41 pm
by Judah
Deb, you have not addressed the points I made at all.

Our triune Christian God, and the one being called Allah, are not the same.
To begin with, our God is 3 Persons in One. Allah does not have anyone else in his "godhead".
If Person A has a son, and Person B does not, how can you still make claim that they are one and the same?

Allah appeared in the seventh century, by courtesy of Muhammad.
Our God the Creator is I AM from the very beginning.

The message accredited to each are entirely different and contradictory.
The Qur'an is NOT the Bible. They do not say the same thing.
Deborah wrote:btw not all christian faiths believe god is a triune.
many Christians failed to grasp that Jesus was infact God in human form.
Tis not a easy thing to grasp.
The beliefs of orthodox Christianity include that of the triune God - God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
Denial of the triune God is found in aberrant pseudo-Christian cults such as JW and Mormonism, etc. It is not mainstream Christianity.
There are threads on this forum dedicated to the discussion of aberrant Christianity and its theology. There is plenty of scholarly Christian apologia to discredit these cults.
Deborah wrote:would you say that the jesish and islam religions misunderstand the word of god?
The Jews received the truth and safeguarded it up until Jesus appeared and fulfilled prophecy. It is not enough to say of Jesus that he was "a good teacher" or "a moral man" as He made claims that are consistent only with His true identity as the Messiah, sent to be our Saviour. This argument is well presented by a number of authors, and one that comes to mind is C.S. Lewis in Mere Christianity (1952).
Muhammad attempted to gain credibility for Islam by claiming that he was mentioned in the Jewish Torah but that the Jews rewrote the Torah and erased his mention, and that Christians corrupted the New Testament by taking out parts that prophesied about Muhammad coming.
Deborah wrote:because if the Jewish religion didn't then why would Jesus have to have come to set an example in the first place?
Jesus came, not just to "set an example", but first and foremost to be the sacrifice for our sins so that we might, through God's grace and faith in His salvation, be justified before God. Jesus came to heal and restore the relationship between us and God. The purpose of Jesus coming is directly related to the Fall of Man back in the Garden of Eden. He did provide us with a good example, but that is secondary to His primary purpose of providing our salvation.

The thing that Judaism, Christianity and Islam have in common is that they are all monotheistic religions.
Judaism and Christianity are, of course, more closely related.
But Islam is the cuckoo's egg, trying to gain credibility by insidiously writing itself into the Jewish and Christian scripts... and failing openly.

What the Qur'an says about Allah, and what the Bible says about God, describes each as very different beings.
Therefore I cannot agree with your position that they are one and the same. I cannot agree to that even on the shaky grounds that they are the same but we just have different ideas about them. You may as well add in Krishna, Buddha, Beowulf, Woden, Jupiter, Osiris, and anyone else you can think of... the more the merrier.
That makes absolutely no sense at all to me, Deb.

By the way, there is some enlightening discussion on the nature of Islam on this thread here if you are interested to know more.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:02 pm
by Deborah
Deb, you have not addressed the points I made at all.
I don't understand your points.
I know other religions are man made, but they were based on what exactly? they hd to be based on something.

One thing in common all faiths seem to have burried somewhere is the love humanity clause.

please my name is Deborah, I know you don't mean anything by shortening it, but it hurts me, as Deb, debbie ext died in me along time ago. Well it seems along time ago but it was just last year.
i don't feel like the same person I was back then, but the memories are still painfull, so i use my full name not Deborah. new person new life as such, hope you understand.

Anyway I am cursed with having a idealistic outlook now. I see now things could be and it sometimes causes so much destress it's not funny.
I have had uncovered in me some much knowledge that I do not yet understand. I have to put it together and delevelop the wisdom to come to an understanding with that knowledge. So excuse me while I stuble along on my way.

i recently trashed months of research, as recent as yesterday.
today I feel refreshed and anew because I now realise this research was not something from my heart. it was something I forced myself to do.
Now realising I forgot to ask gods guidence so... :oops:

anyway back to the subject, I know we came from the same place, I know many of us strayed from the path set for us and follow false doctrine, causing us to worship in a way that does not please god. What ever religions that may be. God came as christ to provide a link back to the path he set for us.

As for converting to muslim, I have heard those threats, not if my life depended on it would I convert.
somewhere is says whomever dies for my sake shall have eternal life, but whomever saves his life by denying me will be condemmed.
or something simalar meaning the same.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:30 pm
by Judah
Hi Deborah. Sorry for shortening your name.
People have a tendency to lengthen my monosyllabic name as though it was the shortened form, which it is not, and I don't like that much at all. I hope you'll forgive me; I really am sorry.

The point I was making...
I was making a distinction between two separate and different beings to support my belief that God and Allah are not the same.

In order to do so, I was using...
1. the fact that God has a Son (Jesus) whereas Allah has no son.
2. the different things that each have been claimed to have said - what God says in the Bible is nothing like what Allah says in the Qur'an.
3. the fact that our God has existed before time whereas Allah first made an appearance in the 7th century when Muhammad devised his existence for his own purposes.
Deborah wrote:One thing in common all faiths seem to have burried somewhere is the love humanity clause.
The later part of the Qur'an does not show anything like love for humanity. The earlier part is more peaceful in its message, but the later part contradicts and is used to cancel out those earlier messages. Instead, it is full of hatred and violence. To read those surahs (verses) would make your blood curdle!
Deborah wrote:anyway back to the subject, I know we came from the same place, I know many of us strayed from the path set for us and follow false doctrine, causing us to worship in a way that does not please god. What ever religions that may be. God came as christ to provide a link back to the path he set for us.

I agree... we go back originally to the Garden of Eden, or back to the same ancestors who fell from God's grace in the first place.
And those who are not worshipping the true God, have not come to Him through Jesus, are still following false doctrine which does not please God one bit.
Deborah wrote:As for converting to muslim, I have heard those threats, not if my life depended on it would I convert.
I'm very glad to hear that! :wink:
Me neither. There is nothing sweeter to me than Jesus.