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Is Satanism the world's most dangerous religion?

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 7:35 pm
by Ark~Magic
Can a religion be more destructive?

Despite what the church's website declares: "Satanism is the world's most powerful religion!", there is hardly any real power in it, except for the power to make you feel even more empty and bitter.

They believe in fulfilling the desires of the flesh and seeking revenge on your enemies. Most moderns forms of Satanism, such as LaVeyan Satanism, do not believe in Satan as a being but as a symbol for the natural carnal force in mankind. They also reject the idea of God, but keep vague spiritual beliefs as part of their practice, such as Black Magic or Witchcraft.

If you were to visit the Church of Satan's humorous and overwhelmingly pretentious website (or another, the First Church of Satan) you could see why this is religion isn't so much of a hit with people (a limited entourage of 10,000 members).

Satanists can be defeated with the simple argument that is this:
They claim to be for free-thought and are against following a religion, but what are you doing when you follow Satanism?

I hope some Satanists will post on this board for discussion purposes.

But can an organized religion get much lower than this? Probably, although Satanism has a stronger hold than those cults.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:08 pm
by Deborah
doesn't that mean satin worshiper = evil = end of story?
because they are knowingly worshiping satin?


Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:27 pm
by Ark~Magic
No, you are thinking of the traditional, stereotypical baby-sacrificing, blood drinking Satanists.

When it comes to LaVeyan Satanism, very few of these Satanists actually believe in a real devil.

One thing you should be concerned about is that even LaVeyan Satanism actually condones killing under certain situations. For example, according to the Satanic Commandments, it is OK to murder someone as long as you eat them. And of course, in regards to their most favorite philosophy: Revenge, it says if someone harasses you to pay them back twice the damage they did to you, including taking someone's life.
There was actually an article on one of the Satanic Church's sites which had a man saying you should kill Christians if you get the chance.

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:08 pm
by Mastermind
LaVeyan satanism is a parody of Christianity. Anybody who seriously adheres to it is an idiot, plain and simple. You might as well say Scientology is all 100% fact.

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 9:04 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Mastermind...I can't think of a 5 letter cussword beginning with a vowel.

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 1:49 am
by LV_Designs
satanism is more or less just a philosophy. In most cases there is no belief in supernatural beings. Some of them believe in magic....I really don't know why. I think it's pretty obvious that LaVey founded the Church of Satan in response to issues he didn't like about Christianity. He took it way too far, realized people were giving him money, then poof, you have the Church of Satan. From what I've read and discussed, it doesn't seem like it's more than a social club with rituals. As far as killing goes: they will say they are okay with murder, but in fact they just practice "revenge rituals." In these rituals they act out the revenge (kind like voodoo dolls) and it's supposed to make everything equal again.

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 9:21 am
by BavarianWheels
Any religion other than the faith in Jesus is the most dangerous. Even non-religion as the Bible explains that salvation is through Jesus alone.

Having said that...we are also not told explicitly of every possible situation a person can be in. Suffice to say, if one's faith is misplaced, it is more cut and dry...if one has no "faith" then that's where we get into the area where we aren't told about ALL situations. The age-old question of, "Will good people be saved too?"

Re: Is Satanism the world's most dangerous religion?

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 7:11 pm
by Sadasius
Ark~Magic wrote:Can a religion be more destructive?
In what way is it destructive? I am kind of curious as to how you can compare a religion that has killed millions and millions of people out of righteousness to a religion that teachs you to believe in yourself and has not killed at all because the value of life is high because there is no belief of an afterlife to most Satanists. I must admit that I can somewhat understand your position though. You were brought up a certain way and anything that opposes that train of thought would be deemed a threat of some sort. Heck I can understand that. My parents brought me up with Satanism and Christians and stories of the them scared the hell out of me. You were brought up thinking Satan was evil and such. I can understand that. I have no problems with Christians as I do realize that most are very good people and are not really like what my parents taught me when I was younger. I understand that an enemy of a religion is not going to talk nice about it to it's people. In fact many times the opposite. Beleive in whatever it is you wish to believe because of you, not because of what someone has scared you to do so. But you guys put so much faith into the afterlife and not enough in what you live here and now and I find it really sad. People should live their lives like it is heaven now, because to me it is. I love life so much which is why when I hear people talk about how loving Christianity and God is I am very much overwelmed with anger because of its history and all the bloodshed of innocent people for having different beliefs. I know it is not your fault, you did not kill all those people and yet despite the history of your religion I do not judge you. You all seem like very nice people on this board.

Re: Is Satanism the world's most dangerous religion?

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 11:12 am
by bizzt
In what way is it destructive?
By only Desiring what is best for you and not for others...
I am kind of curious as to how you can compare a religion that has killed millions and millions of people out of righteousness to a religion that teachs you to believe in yourself and has not killed at all because the value of life is high because there is no belief of an afterlife to most Satanists.
Name the War that the "Christian Religion" fought in that Killed millions and millions of people *note* you are talking about a religion that causes this War and fights it. Christianity is not based on War but on humility. I did not see any Christian killing people in the New Testament actually most were killed by the Roman Government etc. It is not Christians that go to war but Nations. Actually Christianity not only teaches you to believe in yourself but to have faith that God Created. The Value of Life is very high in Christianity actually as well. I value my Life as a servant to Christ. In being a Servant I come to a better understanding of who I am and how I can serve others better.
I must admit that I can somewhat understand your position though. You were brought up a certain way and anything that opposes that train of thought would be deemed a threat of some sort. Heck I can understand that. My parents brought me up with Satanism and Christians and stories of the them scared the hell out of me.
It is not about opposition it is about your Soul (even if you think you don't have one). But one thing I would like to hear is the stories your parents brought you up with about Christians...
You were brought up thinking Satan was evil and such. I can understand that. I have no problems with Christians as I do realize that most are very good people and are not really like what my parents taught me when I was younger.
Actually why would we not think Satan is Evil? If you read the Bible and read the things he does and is named then yeah I would think he is evil. That is too bad about your parents. It is terrible how people can teach their Children wicked and deceitful things.
I understand that an enemy of a religion is not going to talk nice about it to it's people. In fact many times the opposite. Beleive in whatever it is you wish to believe because of you, not because of what someone has scared you to do so. But you guys put so much faith into the afterlife and not enough in what you live here and now and I find it really sad. People should live their lives like it is heaven now, because to me it is.
We have Faith because we believe it is true. We believe it is true because the Bible said it was True. We believe the Bible because of Archeaology, Miracles, and detailed Truth.

However on that thought who says we don't live for here and now? I have a life and I will live its full potential! God requires that of me to Serve him and to enjoy this live he has blessed me with
I love life so much which is why when I hear people talk about how loving Christianity and God is I am very much overwelmed with anger because of its history and all the bloodshed of innocent people for having different beliefs. I know it is not your fault, you did not kill all those people and yet despite the history of your religion I do not judge you. You all seem like very nice people on this board.
Are you thinking of Muslims?? They have it written in the Koran that People are infidels. Just to ask what do you mean by innocent? If we are to agree on something No one is innocent. I am not and God has every right to kill me if it were to be. The Only one that was innocent was Jesus who died on the Cross for our Sins so we could be set free.

Anyways Thanks Sadasius

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:31 pm
by Sadasius
Hey no problem. I know I can come off as accusing and such but I love to learn and sometimes coming off as an ass gets others in a defensive position to explain better and that is what I like is to learn from others and their experiences. I thank you for your answers and now I have a few questions. I have read many different versions of scripture and I can understand them in all its aspects. But it does not mean I have to agree with them. Everyone has their own beliefs and that is good. The world would not be a happy place if we all believed the same things. No room to grow and evolve.

1)You mentioned you are a servant of God. Does this mean you have special prviledges in this life because of it or is it for the afterlife?

2)Why be a servant to anyone?

3)Your answer to living life is not what I have heard from most so that makes a unique figure for me to ask this question. Has the promise of the afterlife of bliss changed your view on how you live now and if so how?

I know I can pose many questions that seem personal and especially coming from me can seem like a very irritating thing but I love to learn and I do not hold it against anyone for their choice of religion. I think that is very dumb as we can all respect and learn from each other. That's how I grew up, with choice. I was not only taught Satanism but was taught other religions as well. I made my choice for Satanism and to me I am very happy I did. I have never been happier in my life because of it. I have learned to love myself and others around me much much more. If you have any questions about Satanism I can be your resource of answers here. Don't take everything about Satanism off of websites. Most are false and even LaVey was a fraud because he plagurized from 4 books to make the Satanic Bible of modern Satanism.

My parents were very gracious with me and allowed me to have a choice of my own religion. I was the only one of three that followed Satanism. My other 2 brothers are Christians. We never fight and we are very close to each other. I am the oldest and much more independant one out of them all. Perhaps the reason why I leaned so much towards Satanism. So my parents taught me accordingly. My mother was and is Christian and my father is a Satanist. I am a fourth generation Satanist. Great Grand Mother-->Grand Mother-->Father-->Me. It was not my mother but much more my father that taught me about Christians and how they keep themselves slaves to a false hope and pride and how they kill others that oppose them and their beliefs through wars and dominance in numbers. He explained all the laws that have been changed as well because of Christianty as well and why and I have seen Christianity as a threat for taking our freedoms away slowly one by one. There were many things he taught me as well as what I saw by example from my mother who used to give money to the church and the priest of that church used to visit our home to deliver envelopes for the money to deposite at their church. Later on that same preist was charged for molesting children. My mother used to give money as well to Jim and Tammy Baker when they were popular in that time and other evangelists as well. Heck I have seen her go up on stage and the hand of God be placed on her head and she did the whole falling back thing and stuff but I could see she was lying to herself let alone her son. I have just seen too much by example of why not to be a Christian for myself but for others I can see where they do need it and some very badly. Especially for people who cannot be honest with themselves first and foremost. I guess I will stop babbling

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:16 pm
by bizzt
Sadasius wrote: 1)You mentioned you are a servant of God. Does this mean you have special prviledges in this life because of it or is it for the afterlife?
The Special privilege is actually in this life and the after life. The special privilege is to know God. Of course people who know God will know exactly what I am talking about.
2)Why be a servant to anyone?
Why not? It is humbling. It allows you to see you for who you are. It gives you a great joy. Do you Volunteer? You are humbling yourself to serve other people are you not. You are doing it for the Joy it brings.

3)Your answer to living life is not what I have heard from most so that makes a unique figure for me to ask this question. Has the promise of the afterlife of bliss changed your view on how you live now and if so how?
No it was not the Promise of an Afterlife that made me change my View. It was the Love of Christ that changed that view. It is the relationship that you have with Christ that Changes your View on the World not the bliss of the Afterlife.
I know I can pose many questions that seem personal and especially coming from me can seem like a very irritating thing but I love to learn and I do not hold it against anyone for their choice of religion. I think that is very dumb as we can all respect and learn from each other. That's how I grew up, with choice. I was not only taught Satanism but was taught other religions as well. I made my choice for Satanism and to me I am very happy I did. I have never been happier in my life because of it. I have learned to love myself and others around me much much more. If you have any questions about Satanism I can be your resource of answers here. Don't take everything about Satanism off of websites. Most are false and even LaVey was a fraud because he plagurized from 4 books to make the Satanic Bible of modern Satanism.
So let me ask some questions. What do you believe in? About Satan? About Life? Why do you believe in said things? What makes them Truthful to you?
My parents were very gracious with me and allowed me to have a choice of my own religion. I was the only one of three that followed Satanism. My other 2 brothers are Christians. We never fight and we are very close to each other. I am the oldest and much more independant one out of them all. Perhaps the reason why I leaned so much towards Satanism. So my parents taught me accordingly. My mother was and is Christian and my father is a Satanist. I am a fourth generation Satanist. Great Grand Mother-->Grand Mother-->Father-->Me. It was not my mother but much more my father that taught me about Christians and how they keep themselves slaves to a false hope and pride and how they kill others that oppose them and their beliefs through wars and dominance in numbers. He explained all the laws that have been changed as well because of Christianty as well and why and I have seen Christianity as a threat for taking our freedoms away slowly one by one. There were many things he taught me as well as what I saw by example from my mother who used to give money to the church and the priest of that church used to visit our home to deliver envelopes for the money to deposite at their church. Later on that same preist was charged for molesting children. My mother used to give money as well to Jim and Tammy Baker when they were popular in that time and other evangelists as well. Heck I have seen her go up on stage and the hand of God be placed on her head and she did the whole falling back thing and stuff but I could see she was lying to herself let alone her son. I have just seen too much by example of why not to be a Christian for myself but for others I can see where they do need it and some very badly. Especially for people who cannot be honest with themselves first and foremost. I guess I will stop babbling
That must have caused some strife in your family having a Mother being a Christian and a Father being a Satanist? Why do you think we give money to the Church? Lying to herself? In what way? Yes us Humans are very weak. We are easily manipulated. Kind of reminds me of the Lord of the Rings :)
To you what does being a Christian mean? Why do you believe that Christians have changed laws, committed Bloodshed?etc...

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:48 pm
Sadasius wrote:It was not my mother but much more my father that taught me about Christians and how they keep themselves slaves to a false hope and pride and how they kill others that oppose them and their beliefs through wars and dominance in numbers. He explained all the laws that have been changed as well because of Christianty as well and why and I have seen Christianity as a threat for taking our freedoms away slowly one by one. There were many things he taught me as well as what I saw by example from my mother who used to give money to the church and the priest of that church used to visit our home to deliver envelopes for the money to deposite at their church. Later on that same preist was charged for molesting children. My mother used to give money as well to Jim and Tammy Baker when they were popular in that time and other evangelists as well. Heck I have seen her go up on stage and the hand of God be placed on her head and she did the whole falling back thing and stuff but I could see she was lying to herself let alone her son. I have just seen too much by example of why not to be a Christian for myself but for others I can see where they do need it and some very badly.

I do not believe Satanism to be the most dangerous of religions. I believe the most dangerous of religions are the ones that profess Christianity but really are not. Actually I do not believe in religion at all. Religion is all about man's feeble attempt to come to God. Christianity (as Christ would want us to present it) is about God coming to us. But Christian are human and therefore sinful.

Any one can go through seminary or go through the process to become priest. Becoming a Christian is about where one has placed their faith, not about how much they have studied.
Remember just because a person claims to be a Christian does not necessarily mean they are.

Matthew 7:22
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

Also, becoming a Christian does not necessarily change our character, it only changes our eternal destination. The moment of salvation we receive the Holy Spirit and it endwells us. But we are only empowered by it when by faith we take the word of God over our own. That is why Christians should read and study the Bible. We cannot take the word of God over our own if we do not not what the word says.

Hosea 4:6
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

What we don't know CAN hurt us!!!!!

Re: Is Satanism the world's most dangerous religion?

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 10:48 am
by B. W.
Ark~Magic wrote:Can a religion be more destructive?
Sadasius wrote:In what way is it destructive? I am kind of curious as to how you can compare a religion that has killed millions and millions of people out of righteousness to a religion that teachs you to believe in yourself and has not killed at all because the value of life is high because there is no belief of an afterlife to most Satanists. I must admit that I can somewhat understand your position though. You were brought up a certain way and anything that opposes that train of thought would be deemed a threat of some sort. Heck I can understand that. My parents brought me up with Satanism and Christians and stories of the them scared the hell out of me. You were brought up thinking Satan was evil and such. I can understand that. I have no problems with Christians as I do realize that most are very good people and are not really like what my parents taught me when I was younger. I understand that an enemy of a religion is not going to talk nice about it to it's people. In fact many times the opposite. Believe in whatever it is you wish to believe because of you, not because of what someone has scared you to do so. But you guys put so much faith into the afterlife and not enough in what you live here and now and I find it really sad. People should live their lives like it is heaven now, because to me it is. I love life so much which is why when I hear people talk about how loving Christianity and God is I am very much overwhelmed with anger because of its history and all the bloodshed of innocent people for having different beliefs. I know it is not your fault, you did not kill all those people and yet despite the history of your religion I do not judge you. You all seem like very nice people on this board.
Here is a question: Recently this quote has been made famous, “Hijacked a noble and peaceful religion” — therefore, how come this application is not made to the wars of religion in the past concerning Christianity?

You stated that you became 'overwhelmed with anger because of its history' yet you fail to note how anyone can hijack a noble and peaceful religion?

Do you mean Satan is defined as one's 'personal self' and not another separate entity? According to Christian perspective, Satan is a 'separate entity' and known as the father of lies and the crux of his lies are toward the exalting of 'personal self' in the disguise of human self actualization. Self is placed higher than the Lord God Almighty and thus this processes of discovery of human self actualization manipulates God's nature and character to attain what self wants.

In the afterlife, you live forever. If one is found seeking 'human self actualization' look at what it has caused - Hijacking noble and peaceful religion to promote political will of attaining dominance, promoting self interest to dominate and justify behavior without knowledge of the true cost of such behavior cause, as well as basically 'you' the self actualized to call all the shots. Therefore if one feels overwhelmed with anger what will that produce eternally? This God will not allow. A transformation needs to occur. That is why Jesus came.

Why we Christians emphasize the afterlife is that we want to live with God in a purified state where self no longer rules and subverts all good back into what is bad but rather live with God, the Lord Jesus Christ who defeated all the works of the devil, where there will be no more sin, death, suffering, etc, caused by human self actualization.

When selling a used car — sales people lie in order to sell the car. They point out all the noble features and fail to note the lemon features of the car. You buy the car and discover what a lemon you bought. Same with Satan, he lies using the most enticing manners to ensnare a soul.

Only at the end of life will it be made known what you purchased as eternity is truly a long time. Are you really that sure you are selecting such nobility to justify whatever actions you so choose? Do you really see the contradictions in the morality Satanism imposes or should I go over these with you too?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 5:17 pm
You so called "good" people are same as us. Your religion is filled with death and lies... How many wars, city's destroyed, people killed in the name of your God... You'll say: "IN THE NAME OF GOD". We say: "Give blow for blow, scorn for scorn, doom for doom, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, aye four-fold, a hundred-fold!" Make yourself a Terror to your adversary, and when he goeth his way, he will possess much additional wisdom to ruminate over. Thus shall you make yourself respected in all the walks of life, and your spirit - your immortal spirit - shall live, not in an intangible paradise, but in the brains and sinews of those whose respect you have gained. Yes, we killed, butt not even close as right-hand path, SATANISM represents kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates!

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 6:12 pm
by Swamper
TORMENTOR wrote:You so called "good" people are same as us. Your religion is filled with death and lies... How many wars, city's destroyed, people killed in the name of your God... You'll say: "IN THE NAME OF GOD". We say: "Give blow for blow, scorn for scorn, doom for doom, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, aye four-fold, a hundred-fold!" Make yourself a Terror to your adversary, and when he goeth his way, he will possess much additional wisdom to ruminate over. Thus shall you make yourself respected in all the walks of life, and your spirit - your immortal spirit - shall live, not in an intangible paradise, but in the brains and sinews of those whose respect you have gained. Yes, we killed, butt not even close as right-hand path, SATANISM represents kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates!
I'm afraid that quoting Mr. LaVey won't get you far on this board, Tormentor.