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Christian friends

Post by ochotseat »

Do you believe that Christians should distance themselves from any heathen friends and acquaintances?
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Post by Ark~Magic »

It is difficult to say. Personally, I am finding alot of heathen people to be [love] scary because I've made many friends online who are not (Most aren't) Christian and they are beginning to disturb me. Not only that, but they all seem to advocate perversion and destructive lifestyles which I am trying to escape, so I have disassociated myself with most of them. I can't stand the majority of non-christians. Although I wish I could find some that are decent and get to talk with them. I have very few real life friends. However, I am becoming eager to perish or die so that I will be apart from them. Forever.
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Post by Prodigal Son »

no way! Jesus specified that we should mingle with and love everyone. how else can we be examples to others? i try not to judge much; funny, i'm starting to learn from alot of christians how to do just that! atheists can be so cool! and alot of them just don't have a clue. so many people don't really know who Jesus is at all. my brother just told me, "Jesus was just a man. i don't think he intended for anyone to make his teachings a religion." :!: he was being totally honest; he just doesn't know. but, i have promised myself that he soon will.
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Re: RE:

Post by ochotseat »

Ark~Magic wrote: Personally, I am finding alot of heathen people to be ******* scary because I've made many friends online who are not (Most aren't) Christian and they are beginning to disturb me. Not only that, but they all seem to advocate perversion and destructive lifestyles which I am trying to escape, so I have disassociated myself with most of them.
It does seem like most of them are hedonistic. If the world lived the life that Jesus wanted us to live, there probably wouldn't be any more crime.
I have very few real life friends. However, I am becoming eager to perish or die so that I will be apart from them. Forever.
You can be our friend. The only general rule is that you have to agree with me most of the time. :wink:
Last edited by ochotseat on Mon Aug 15, 2005 5:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ochotseat »

Prodigal Son wrote: no way! Jesus specified that we should mingle with and love everyone.
Christ also said that people should try to turn from sin. If Christians socialize with bad influences, they can very well become those evil things.
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Post by Kurieuo »

We are also to be a light to others, but if we keep hidden away from others then it won't ever shine to them.

"Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved." (Romans 10:13)
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Post by Deborah »

ochotseat wrote:
Prodigal Son wrote: no way! Jesus specified that we should mingle with and love everyone.
Christ also said that people should try to turn from sin. If Christians socialize with bad influences, they can very well become those evil things.
As followers of Christ it is our mandate to set an example by following a rightious path. When we fall, we get up, ask for forgiveness and continue along the path of life living the way that the Lord god set out in his word and using the actions of Jesus as example. (minus the crusifiction I woul hope *shudder*) as long as we remember where we came from and where we are going, there is no harm sharing life with those less fortunate than ourselves. Lead by example is the message here i believe.
Church tradition tells us that when John, son of Zebadee and brother of James was an old man, his disciples would carry him to church in their arms.
He would simply say, “Little children, love one another”
After a time his disciples wearied at always hearing these same words and asked “Master why do you always say this?
He replied, “it is the Lords command, and if done, it is enough”
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Post by ochotseat »

Kurieuo wrote:We are also to be a light to others, but if we keep hidden away from others then it won't ever shine to them.
Deborah wrote: As followers of Christ it is our mandate to set an example by following a rightious path. .
And I never disagreed with those remarks. But if all your friends are driven by sin and are the dregs of humanity (Satanists, communists, criminals, and so on), it's probably a good idea to preach to them from a distance.
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Post by bizzt »

ochotseat wrote:
Kurieuo wrote:We are also to be a light to others, but if we keep hidden away from others then it won't ever shine to them.
Deborah wrote: As followers of Christ it is our mandate to set an example by following a rightious path. .
And I never disagreed with those remarks. But if all your friends are driven by sin and are the dregs of humanity (Satanists, communists, criminals, and so on), it's probably a good idea to preach to them from a distance.
Actually it is better to preach to them up Close and do as the Disciples did if they do not listen or come against you shake off your shoes as a Statement against them and leave!
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Post by ochotseat »

bizzt wrote:Actually it is better to preach to them up Close and do as the Disciples did if they do not listen or come against you shake off your shoes as a Statement against them and leave!
Want to step to the front line? :lol: Preaching to them and making them your friends are two distinct things.
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Post by Felgar »

It's an individual decision based on the person at hand. In so much as it's possible, we should do everything we can to be a light unto them. Jesus took in the prostitute to demonstrate to us that God's love knows no bounds and neither should our witness. The phariseees couldn't believe Jesus would do that and disagreed, but it's clear that the pharisees were not loving and did not know God.

With regards to others having a potentially negative influence on us, we must walk in faith on the promise that 'greater is He who is in me, that he that is in the world.'
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Post by ochotseat »

Felgar wrote:It's an individual decision based on the person at hand. In so much as it's possible, we should do everything we can to be a light unto them. Jesus took in the prostitute to demonstrate to us that God's love knows no bounds and neither should our witness. The phariseees couldn't believe Jesus would do that and disagreed, but it's clear that the pharisees were not loving and did not know God.

With regards to others having a potentially negative influence on us, we must walk in faith on the promise that 'greater is He who is in me, that he that is in the world.'
It also depends on the situations of the people who require spiritual help. If they're too mired in their sinful ways, it might be God's turn to work his magic.
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Post by Prodigal Son »

i know a guy who's pretty messed-up. his idea of a spiritual experience is anything new he can do on ecstacy. i got into an argument with him a while back about Jesus--how there was plenty of proof that he was real, and how the bible is incredibly accurate, etc. next time we spoke he said, "i don't want to discuss this anymore, but i looked up some of the things you told me online and you were right." next time after that, we had a civil discussion to answer his questions about heaven/hell and how you get there. seems like progress to me. :P well, anyways, i'm happy about that. i don't mind hanging out with people who don't know God. i'm kind of starting to understand why he can love them so much. they're usually in alot of pain. the more pain you feel, the more grateful you are when you're found.
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Post by kateliz »

I agree with all of you, I believe. It's good to associate with the unsaved for their sake, but to be actual friends, which is more than just chatting but sharing your lives, hearts and souls with one another, can be something harmful or even sinful depending. Jesus hung with people who were seeking Him. He did not sit down and dine with people who hated God, but were looking for Him. Even for other Christians Paul said that there may come a time when he would need to be ostracized from the Christian community if he refuses to change.

I have a Christian friend who mentioned last time we were on the phone that she was going to begin birth control. She's not married. I reminded her my stance on that, and God's stance, but she decided that she didn't want to side with us on this one. She just wants to do her own thing. I haven't spoken with her since. I've thought about it, and want to help, but if she refuses to do what she knows she should, I can't be a friend to her in any way but prayer. That is, unless she comes to me for help regarding it. If she's seeking, good, we can be friends. If she's flat-out rebellious, we can't. That was Paul's stance on it too.

Same goes for unsaved people. If they're seeking, good, be friends with them in order to serve them, (friendships are a service, you know.) If they're flat-out rebellious, your Light, if you're sensitive enough to it, will tell you you can't mingle with their darkness. Light will not have it, it will go away and come back when the coast is clear.
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Post by August »

Just my 2 cents worth here.....

We as humans cannot convert anyone, that work is done by the Holy Spirit. All we can do is plant seeds with those whom we come into contact with. And planting those seeds is not just by talking or chatting, but by being a living example. It's no use to just profess to others that we are Christians, but they must be able to see that from our lifestyle too, and that lifestyle must be something that they can aspire to. It's pretty hard to try to convince someone that you are a Christian if your life does not show it.

Titus 1:7-8 (NIV)
Since an overseer is entrusted with God's work, he must be blameless--not overbearing, not quick-tempered, not given to drunkenness, not violent, not pursuing dishonest gain. [8] Rather he must be hospitable, one who loves what is good, who is self-controlled, upright, holy and disciplined.

Titus 2:7-8 (NIV)
In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness [8] and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.

Titus 3:8 (NIV)
This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone.
Acts 17:24-25 (NIV)
"The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. [25] And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else."

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