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Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 6:41 pm
by Prodigal Son
when people have past life experiences where they see things that could not otherwise be known, what is that? do you believe in past lives/reincarnation?

Re: past-lives

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 7:14 pm
by Believer
Prodigal Son wrote:when people have past life experiences where they see things that could not otherwise be known, what is that? do you believe in past lives/reincarnation?
Maybe a fabrication of the brain or mind? Personally, I believe what is given in the Bible, but with so many books that didn't make it to the Bible, it might be possible that past lives/reincarnation is true. But why would God want to send anyone into a living object when you die just to repeat life over and over again until you get life right? That sounds like torture to me. This rules out past lives. I mean, if that was true, I could be a squirrel right now living in a human body with the normal functions of a human. But then how does one define who is a genuine human from one that isn't?


Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 11:50 pm
by Ark~Magic
Not to mention that the concept of reincarnation is damaged by the false idea that time is cyclic. Whatever had a beginning, has an end. The universe will not be around forever, it has been shown false by the fact that it is constantly expanding, and that the Sun will eventually burn out, as would the stars. The concept of reincarnation is that you must make up for your sins in your past life to reach a higher form in the next, until you finally reach God, or notably in Hinduism, "Brahma" (Although not all belief in reincarnation involves Hinduism).

Either way, because of this fact regarding time, it is impossible that everyone will eventually attain that level and reach God, plus, it is irrelavant to the scriptures and Christ's sacrifice. There was a good article on this very underrated site that helped me with my walk with God, and here is the URL: ... OfGod.html

The rest of the site is excellent as well, you may enjoy it. By the way, here is one about NDEs as well: ... ayton.html

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 8:41 am
by Prodigal Son
so do you think it might be demonic influence?


Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 8:56 am
by Ark~Magic
Either that or it's faked. I'm skeptical about most of the stories I hear because there could have been more involved than what was spoken of. I am not so quick to conclude that it was demonic, but there is a possibility.

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 8:28 pm
by kateliz
For me it's very simple. Demons have lived a long, long time. They have seen the lives of the past, and retain that knowledge as time continues. It would therefore be very simple for them to reveal some of that knowledge to a person today and cause that person to believe they lived that life before. The purpose of this would be to confuse people as to how God set life up, and negate God, His Son, or His Sacrifice on the Cross. Very simple: demons take their knowledge of the past to draw people away from God. Heck, they could do that with the present by sharing information they know with "psychics." Hadn't thought of that before, don't know why!

I used to like the idea just because I thought it would fun. Of course I had to be these great, throroughly interesting people in the past, and that would prove just how great a person I truly am! (This was years and years ago, please keep in mind!) I even tried to connect myself with a few people, convincing myself that I thought I had been them, (don't remember who, but I remember playing up a connection I felt with a girl that lived in a mansion in Duluth.) Now I know better! :)

Re: RE:

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 2:15 am
by BGoodForGoodSake
Ark~Magic wrote:Not to mention that the concept of reincarnation is damaged by the false idea that time is cyclic. Whatever had a beginning, has an end. The universe will not be around forever, it has been shown false by the fact that it is constantly expanding, and that the Sun will eventually burn out, as would the stars. The concept of reincarnation is that you must make up for your sins in your past life to reach a higher form in the next, until you finally reach God, or notably in Hinduism, "Brahma" (Although not all belief in reincarnation involves Hinduism).

Either way, because of this fact regarding time, it is impossible that everyone will eventually attain that level and reach God, plus, it is irrelavant to the scriptures and Christ's sacrifice. There was a good article on this very underrated site that helped me with my walk with God, and here is the URL: ... OfGod.html

The rest of the site is excellent as well, you may enjoy it. By the way, here is one about NDEs as well: ... ayton.html
Well if you think outside of the box things can get really weird. Now what I am about to say next is not any beleif of mine but just an excersize in thought. First imagine that everything that has ever happened and ever will happen has been mapped out, lets use a book as an analogy. Now each life takes a few pages in this great book. Now when someone dies their spirit is then transplanted into a new life but now this is where it gets tricky, the new life can be anywhere in the book. Meaning time is not a restriction. Now this process continues as the same soul is passed from life to life until all lives have been transplanted in this manor. Now in this scenario it is not done sequentially because the book has been written all along. And every being in this book shares the same soul! Everyone around us would in fact be a past or future life of our own. We would all be sharing the same soul! Does anyones head hurt?

Re: RE:

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 2:30 am
by Believer
BGoodForGoodSake wrote:Well if you think outside of the box things can get really weird. Now what I am about to say next is not any beleif of mine but just an excersize in thought. First imagine that everything that has ever happened and ever will happen has been mapped out, lets use a book as an analogy. Now each life takes a few pages in this great book. Now when someone dies their spirit is then transplanted into a new life but now this is where it gets tricky, the new life can be anywhere in the book. Meaning time is not a restriction. Now this process continues as the same soul is passed from life to life until all lives have been transplanted in this manor. Now in this scenario it is not done sequentially because the book has been written all along. And every being in this book shares the same soul! Everyone around us would in fact be a past or future life of our own. We would all be sharing the same soul! Does anyones head hurt?
My head doesn't hurt, because:

1.) A good point is made

2.) I don't believe in past lives

Good job BGoodForGoodSake 8).

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 8:26 am
by kateliz
Now that's what they call philosophy. They also call it falsehood, ( 8) )but it's still an idea comparable to those of the old Greek philosophers.

It fails, however, to have a point. What would be the purpose of such an existance? Variety to be appreciated? Hardly, with all the evil that abounds!

That would be a terrifying idea to believe in because of that. But it's really not all that different on that level as Christianity because it states that we're all equally sinful and capable of sin.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 2:36 pm
by BGoodForGoodSake
kateliz wrote:Now that's what they call philosophy. They also call it falsehood, ( 8) )but it's still an idea comparable to those of the old Greek philosophers.

It fails, however, to have a point. What would be the purpose of such an existance? Variety to be appreciated? Hardly, with all the evil that abounds!

That would be a terrifying idea to believe in because of that. But it's really not all that different on that level as Christianity because it states that we're all equally sinful and capable of sin.
But in this "reality" we are all versions of each other. We should be kind to one another because we all share the same spirit.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 7:38 am
by kateliz
You mean be good to yourself because others are yourself? Certainly not biblical, but harmonious unity is. Some I could image would like that idea, (as I believe I've heard some say they believe in something like that,) but you can still have the point of such a concept without the concept itself.

Kind of like how a married couple, (or out of marriage what God has joined as the result of physical union,) God says is "one flesh" and that you are to treat your spouse as your own body, soul, mind, heart, whatever. Also in the Golden Rule is that same spirit found, and the command to love others being just under and similar to the command to love God.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 7:49 am
by BGoodForGoodSake
kateliz wrote:You mean be good to yourself because others are yourself? Certainly not biblical, but harmonious unity is. Some I could image would like that idea, (as I believe I've heard some say they believe in something like that,) but you can still have the point of such a concept without the concept itself.

Kind of like how a married couple, (or out of marriage what God has joined as the result of physical union,) God says is "one flesh" and that you are to treat your spouse as your own body, soul, mind, heart, whatever. Also in the Golden Rule is that same spirit found, and the command to love others being just under and similar to the command to love God.
Right!! =)
Or in christianity where the Holy Spirit is in us all. As long as the message is of unity the concept doesn't matter. Love one another, should extend to all humanity.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:30 am
by kateliz
BGood wrote:As long as the message is of unity the concept doesn't matter.
Unless it's not true. People should only believe in what's actually true.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:44 am
by BGoodForGoodSake
kateliz wrote:
BGood wrote:As long as the message is of unity the concept doesn't matter.
Unless it's not true. People should only believe in what's actually true.
You don't think its true that we should treat others as we treat ourselves?
Or that we should all love one another?

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 9:07 am
by kateliz
That's not what I said. I said that we should love each other and all that, same as you believe, but that we shouldn't believe in things like us sharing the same soul and being different versions of each other just because it would promote that kind of love, (although, funnily enough, that would be self-love!)