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Drug users likely hellbound?

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 3:56 am
by ochotseat
If true, it means more room in heaven for the rest of us :D
This underscores. the reasons for God's condemnation of drunkenness, whether it is produced by alcohol or drug abuse. The Bible says that "they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God" Galatians 5:19-21. Repentance and correction of life, however, is always possible if we are willing to turn to God on his terms. (II Peter 3:9,10).

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:15 am
by Chris
Matthew 15:11 - Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 10:33 am
by ray
I am assuming that the subject of the thread implies anyone who uses drugs will go to hell and they have no hope. If this implies that drug use is a sin then all sinners will go to hell with no hope, liars, smokers, cheaters, adulterers, those who 'fudge' their tax returns, those who speed on the highways, the list could go on forever. Thankfully Jesus died for these sins, yes I need to change my ways and avoid these sins but a someone who uses drugs can still believe on Jesus for salvation.


Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 10:39 am
by Prodigal Son
:? i think i'm saved. Jesus saved me and i know it because i'm not doing other things that are worse than this. i know he's still with me because i'm still okay. i can't stop drinking. i can't stop. but he will finish the good work he started in me. that's a promise. he'll help me through this and i will one day be with him in glory.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 11:06 am
by ray
to Prodigal Son - You say 'thnk'. KNOW you are saved. If you believe on Jesus and have asked Him into your heart, you ARE saved. As with all of us, He is still working, we are not perfected, but we are saved!!!!


Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 3:34 pm
by ochotseat
The link suggests that drug users will not inherit the kingdom of heaven unless they renounce their sin.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 4:42 pm
by Chris
ochotseat wrote:The link suggests that drug users will not inherit the kingdom of heaven unless they renounce their sin.

Interesting. Most drugs are just plants or plant extracts, all of which God pronounced "very good" in Genesis. The laws against these creations are written by human governments, which as Jesus said are ruled by Satan behind the scenes. So basically the linked website is saying people will go to hell for disobeying Satan's law and using God's creations. Something is wrong with that picture.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 4:57 pm
by ochotseat
Chris wrote: Interesting. Most drugs are just plants or plant extracts, all of which God pronounced "very good" in Genesis.
I see you're trying to manipulate the Bible to justify drug use. The Bible warns against intoxication.
The laws against these creations are written by human governments, which as Jesus said are ruled by Satan behind the scenes.
No. Christ said believers should give what's owed to the laws of their land.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 2:14 pm
by LinkJ86
YEs the bible warns against being drunk but yet it seems that the act of drinking is ok, Jesus himself drank and he also made water into wine. So maybe Jesus is not really saying that drinking itself is bad but only what you do when one loses control. In the end God cares much more about your soul than the body, God wants people to be just and righteous people, a lot of people have used substances which facilitated them to sin but that is why God fears losing control, in the end he just simply doesnt want you to sin because that damages ones soul. So please look deeper in to such topics than rather being so obtuse about such matters, look at WHY God says what he says and dont just follow the rules like the pharoahs did in the past, Jesus came down and rebuked all of them for saying that they do not really know Gods heart, they only know the rules.


Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:24 pm
by philos
ocho seat- I wonder if you actually believe the things you say, or if you are trying to get a raz out of people. I wonder because of the comment there would be more room for us, this comment directly goes directly against waht Christ taught his disciples to do, to both disciple others and show them how to inherit the Kingdom of God. Therefore I submit to you that if indeed you offer this comment as a sign of Jest, then I suppose you have a inappropriate sense of humor, especially when it refers to the decision of rather or not God allows his children into the Kingdom of Heaven. I offer support for those who suffer from addictions and other vices, I too have had many of my own, I am in a recovery based program, and I fully understand that we are saved by Grace. The question is, is when we fully understand this concept of grace, at what point do we abuse it, at what point do we say, well I can go out and do this because God forgives me? I think at no point, and I would encourage any of you who suffer from addictions to contact a minister or preacher, or a close confidant who is involved in the church and make a step and say "hey I need to get plugged in, what can I do." Just get involved and see what happens my friends.

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 11:44 am
by PHIL121
What about Catholic Bishops who take 'donations' from drug dealers?

Church in row over "purified" drug money
Wed Sep 21,11:50 AM ET

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A Mexican bishop sparked a row with the government on Tuesday after he admitted the Catholic Church accepted alms from drug traffickers and that they were "purified" when they reached its coffers.

Ramon Godinez, the bishop of Aguascalientes in central Mexico, said donations from drug gangs occurred "everywhere" in the country, adding that it was "not up to us to investigate where the money comes from," daily Reforma newspaper reported.

"You don't have to burn the money just because it's bad. It's better to transform it ... I've known of cases (where) it's been purified," he added.

The remarks caused controversy in Mexico, where more than 1,000 people have been gunned down this year in a spiraling war between rival drug gangs, many in cities along the U.S. border.

Government spokesman Ruben Aguilar slammed Godinez's remarks at a news conference on Tuesday, telling reporters that "no one can allow organized crime to act with impunity."

"Nobody can be allowed to receive illegal funds under any circumstances (and) no one can promote money laundering in this way," he added.
In a bid to crack down on drug gangs, President Vicente Fox has sent hundreds of troops and federal police to frontier states this year.

Godinez's remarks may have been out of step with the Catholic Church. Bishops in northern Mexico said earlier this year that the multibillion-dollar cross-border trade in cocaine, marijuana and amphetamines went against church teaching.


Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 5:45 pm
by Jbuza
Hogwash!! The Bible teaches that whatever we find to do it in moderation. Paul teaches that Deacons should use little alcohol, preachers should use none, yet makes no restriction on the body of the church. Further drugs are not in the list of things God hates like a lying tounge, deceitful heart etc. I get so turned off, and the world does also, by church teachings that create an extra burden on the members. Christ Freed us from the Law, Paul said everything for him was legal, but that not all things edify. I believe that it is clear that damnation comes from rejection of the person of Jesus Christ not from using poor judgement and smoking a little pot, or chewing a few cocoa leaves, or drinking some coffee. Rediculous and hurtful.

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 7:48 am
by PHIL121
So maybe the Catholic Church should start selling cocaine themselves and cut out the middle man?? :shock:

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 12:46 pm
by Jbuza
PHIL121 wrote:So maybe the Catholic Church should start selling cocaine themselves and cut out the middle man?? :shock:
Why not they used to sell forgivness and cut out the man in the middle between God and Man.

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 2:52 pm
by PHIL121
Well, I know one common pleas judge who might be in favor of the idea. :shock: