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Humans on display at London Zoo

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 2:51 pm
by roysr
I am not sure if this is the correct section in the forum for this article, but I decided to put it here since a lot of the topics deal with evolution.

Anyhow, you've got to love the lengths that evolutionists will go to in order to push their propaganda. While some might see this as harmless and funny, I found some of the quotes (which I put in bold letters) to be absolutely sickening.....
LONDON - Caged and barely clothed, eight men and women monkeyed around for the crowds Friday in an exhibit labeled "Humans" at the London Zoo.
Click Here

"Warning: Humans in their Natural Environment" read the sign at the entrance to the exhibit, where the captives could be seen on a rock ledge in a bear enclosure, clad in bathing suits and pinned-on fig leaves. Some played with hula hoops, some waved.

Visitors stopped to point and laugh, and several children could be heard asking, "Why are there people in there?"

London Zoo spokeswoman Polly Wills says that's exactly the question the zoo wants to answer.

"Seeing people in a different environment, among other animals ... teaches members of the public that the human is just another primate," Wills said.

The exhibit puts the three male and five female "homo sapiens" amid their primate relatives. While their neighbors might enjoy bananas and a good scratch, these eight have divided interests, from a chemist hoping to raise awareness about apes to a self-described actor/model and fitness enthusiast.

For others, the aping around is just another forum for rampant exhibitionism and self-promotion.

Pointing at one heavy muscled and gleaming body on the ledge, one visitor joked that the zoo should consider a breeding program.

"You can tell why some people came here, like the big muscly men who clearly like parading around in thongs," said Damien Largey, 23.

Melissa Wecker, 21, was disappointed that the humans were wearing swimsuits beneath their fig leaves. "They're not doing anything. It looked lots better on the news," she complained.

Tom Mahoney, 26, decided to participate after his friend sent him an e-mail about the contest as a joke. Anything that draws attention to apes, he said, has his support.

"A lot of people think humans are above other animals," he told The Associated Press. "When they see humans as animals, here, it kind of reminds us that we're not that special."

Mark Ainsworth, 21, heard about the Human Zoo on the news.

"I've lived in this country for nine years and have never come to a zoo," said Ainsworth. "This exhibit made us come to the zoo. Humans are animals too!"

Like the rest of their caged neighbors, the humans had a variety of toys to keep them entertained — board games, music, paints, and balls.

They are being treated as animals, complete with keepers, but are allowed to go home each night at closing time.

When visitor Peter Bohn, 42, saw the "animals" juggling, he stopped and had a good laugh.

"It's hilarious," he said. "It turns everything upside down. It makes you think about the humans in relation to the animals."

After three hours, Mahoney is still having fun except for when the wind picks up. But, he added, "I wouldn't do it if I didn't enjoy it." ... uman_zoo_3

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 5:23 pm
by Believer
Atheist evolutionists will stop at NOTHING to have their voice heard. No wonder they are upping the ante on evolution since Intelligent Design has been introduced and the battle heats way up.

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 5:25 pm
by Deborah
Thinker wrote:Atheist evolutionists will stop at NOTHING to have their voice heard. No wonder they are upping the ante on evolution since Intelligent Design has been introduced and the battle heats way up.
perhaps aithiests are the missing link :twisted:

Just because most of humanity acts like animals and kills each other, it makes them no better than animals not animals.

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 5:39 pm
by Believer
What makes me mad is that this is what evolutionists want, they don't care. They just think we are higher life-forms with no purpose. If true, all of humanity should be doing whatever they like. We don't, we know better, we are not animals the way they make us look. Since evolution must be true, call someone up on the phone that works for an airline, train, bus, etc..., the conversation could probably go like this:

You: Hello, I would like to take a friend with me. My friend is just over 3 feet tall, extremely hairy, has long arms, doesn't speak any language, and doesn't wear clothes.

Person: What? What kind of friend are you talking about?

You: Oh, my friend is an ape.

Person: I'm sorry sir/mam, we don't accept animals on the vehicle.

You: But aren't we animals too?

Person: Well, yes, but we don't accept THOSE animals.

You: So what is the difference if we are animals and they are animals?

Person: *possibly gives differences*

You: Okay, but didn't we come from apes then?

Person: Yes, but there is a difference.

You: Really? What difference would that be?

Person: *might ramble on about differences or decline the question*

You: Okay, well then I am not allowed on if my ape here is not allowed on. This is what evolution teaches. Goodbye.

Person: Bye.

Okay, see? We are different, we are unique, evolution teaches we came from apes or common ancestors (even IF they existed today, they still wouldn't be allowed on the vehicle), so then our primates which apparently used to be us should be let on, but they aren't. Evolution is a joke! Personally, I don't see what theistic evolutionists see in darwinian evolution. It's nonsense.

Watch This, cant you tell they know what they are doing is both funny and stupid? Not to mention, they wear "leaves" over their light clothing. C'mon, if we are highly evolved apes/common ancestors, why not just do it nude, teach the public what we really are. No? Okay, then evolution is stupid. Apparently, if evolution was true, then we would feel shameless and we would be walking around nude. But we are not shameless. Just like in Genesis from the Bible. Before that apple of sin, Adam and Eve were shameless, but now look, they ate the apple, and now we have shame. Now if evolution is true, the Bible taught it first. Who would have known? There never was any evolution evidence documented back then. Imagine that!

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 6:57 pm
by roysr
This is also the type of thinking that spawned groups like PETA. Since they view animals and humans as equals, killing an insect or a rodent is the equivalent of killing a person in their eyes.

I also find it funny that some of the supposed "defenders of science" like Richard Dawkins support "animal rights". They constantly attack ID because they say it will halt scientific research, yet they are halting research themselves by supporting animal rights groups that want to shut down ALL animal testing labs etc..

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 7:00 pm
by roysr
Thinker wrote: Not to mention, they wear "leaves" over their light clothing. C'mon, if we are highly evolved apes/common ancestors, why not just do it nude, teach the public what we really are. No? Okay, then evolution is stupid. !
The sad thing is, they probably would have done it nude had the law allowed it.

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 7:02 pm
by Believer
It DOESN'T take mathematical, biological, or any other scientific research but the Bible to show that either evolution is false as we know it, or it is true, but done by a divine hand that formed it. I see it there. A real logical thinker can see this, apparently darwinian evolutionists don't. :lol:

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 7:05 pm
by Believer
roysr wrote:
Thinker wrote: Not to mention, they wear "leaves" over their light clothing. C'mon, if we are highly evolved apes/common ancestors, why not just do it nude, teach the public what we really are. No? Okay, then evolution is stupid. !
The sad thing is, they probably would have done it nude had the law allowed it.
That is true, but they would still feel subconsciously and/or consciously guilty about it whether they realize it or not at that time or later. They would only do it to "express" themselves.

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 9:53 pm
by TimM1104
Thier are those times when words are not needed to express myself, and if words were needed.. Thier wouldnt enough words to express myself either.... No comment will be made at this time... So sad and disturbing...

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 4:32 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Fortunately the kids are smart enough to realize the problem-they're the only ones confused as to why people are in a zoo cage.

Re: Humans on display at London Zoo

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 2:40 am
by ochotseat
roysr wrote:
I am not sure if this is the correct section in the forum for this article, but I decided to put it here since a lot of the topics deal with evolution.

Anyhow, you've got to love the lengths that evolutionists will go to in order to push their propaganda. While some might see this as harmless and funny, I found some of the quotes (which I put in bold letters) to be absolutely sickening.....
LONDON - Caged and barely clothed, eight men and women monkeyed around for the crowds Friday in an exhibit labeled "Humans" at the London Zoo.
Click Here

"Warning: Humans in their Natural Environment" read the sign at the entrance to the exhibit, where the captives could be seen on a rock ledge in a bear enclosure, clad in bathing suits and pinned-on fig leaves. Some played with hula hoops, some waved.

Visitors stopped to point and laugh, and several children could be heard asking, "Why are there people in there?"

London Zoo spokeswoman Polly Wills says that's exactly the question the zoo wants to answer.

"Seeing people in a different environment, among other animals ... teaches members of the public that the human is just another primate," Wills said.

The exhibit puts the three male and five female "homo sapiens" amid their primate relatives. While their neighbors might enjoy bananas and a good scratch, these eight have divided interests, from a chemist hoping to raise awareness about apes to a self-described actor/model and fitness enthusiast.

For others, the aping around is just another forum for rampant exhibitionism and self-promotion.

Pointing at one heavy muscled and gleaming body on the ledge, one visitor joked that the zoo should consider a breeding program.

"You can tell why some people came here, like the big muscly men who clearly like parading around in thongs," said Damien Largey, 23.

Melissa Wecker, 21, was disappointed that the humans were wearing swimsuits beneath their fig leaves. "They're not doing anything. It looked lots better on the news," she complained.

Tom Mahoney, 26, decided to participate after his friend sent him an e-mail about the contest as a joke. Anything that draws attention to apes, he said, has his support.

"A lot of people think humans are above other animals," he told The Associated Press. "When they see humans as animals, here, it kind of reminds us that we're not that special."

Mark Ainsworth, 21, heard about the Human Zoo on the news.

"I've lived in this country for nine years and have never come to a zoo," said Ainsworth. "This exhibit made us come to the zoo. Humans are animals too!"

Like the rest of their caged neighbors, the humans had a variety of toys to keep them entertained — board games, music, paints, and balls.

They are being treated as animals, complete with keepers, but are allowed to go home each night at closing time.

When visitor Peter Bohn, 42, saw the "animals" juggling, he stopped and had a good laugh.

"It's hilarious," he said. "It turns everything upside down. It makes you think about the humans in relation to the animals."

After three hours, Mahoney is still having fun except for when the wind picks up. But, he added, "I wouldn't do it if I didn't enjoy it." ... uman_zoo_3
If the participants equate human beings with animals, then they should be fine with spitting, scratching their genitalia, urinating, defecating, masturbating, and having sex right in front of the visitors. After all, animals probably don't feel shame doing those things in front of their peers. :lol:

Re: Humans on display at London Zoo

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 5:08 pm
by roysr
ochotseat wrote: If the participants equate human beings with animals, then they should be fine with spitting, scratching their genitalia, urinating, defecating, masturbating, and having sex right in front of the visitors. After all, animals probably don't feel shame doing those things in front of their peers. :lol:
/sarcasm And why exactly should the humans feel shame if they behaved that way? Who are you to judge or discriminate against them ? Humans are "born that way" and have no control over that kind of behavior. You must be a bigot and a coprophobe!

(and please don't take offense at my post, I am just poking fun at some of the faulty logic I see from the gay rights movement hehe)

Re: Humans on display at London Zoo

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:43 pm
by Believer
ochotseat wrote:If the participants equate human beings with animals, then they should be fine with spitting, scratching their genitalia, urinating, defecating, masturbating, and having sex right in front of the visitors. After all, animals probably don't feel shame doing those things in front of their peers. :lol:
Well to be honest, they would do it anyways if there was no law against it. They would do it because they really are convinced that God doesn't exist. There are stories of people doing all of the above quoted things and more when people would just go up to them (Mardi Gras, and whatever else). You give an animal a "reward" for doing something, same with humans, you give a human a sum of money to do something and they will do it. Anyways, my point is, people would still do this and feel shameless.

Are humans no different than animals in a zoo?

According to evolution, nope. That would mean humans are completely shameless animals with no dignity. This proves it. Click on any news website link for the article.

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 7:19 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
If humans and animals are the same...then why don't the humans get naked....there "isn't" anything wrong with it, they won't notice it, they have no moral sense, or feelings of shame...

Re: Humans on display at London Zoo

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 8:01 pm
by ochotseat
roysr wrote: /sarcasm And why exactly should the humans feel shame if they behaved that way? Who are you to judge or discriminate against them ? Humans are "born that way" and have no control over that kind of behavior. You must be a bigot and a coprophobe!
(and please don't take offense at my post, I am just poking fun at some of the faulty logic I see from the gay rights movement hehe)
AttentionKMartShoppers wrote:If humans and animals are the same...then why don't the humans get naked....there "isn't" anything wrong with it, they won't notice it, they have no moral sense, or feelings of shame...
Don't you know that anti-nudity statutes are social constructions used by religious kooks to spearhead a witch-hunt against liberal newborn babies? It's all a conspiracy by the papacy-led new world order. :wink:
Thinker wrote: Well to be honest, they would do it anyways if there was no law against it. They would do it because they really are convinced that God doesn't exist. There are stories of people doing all of the above quoted things and more when people would just go up to them (Mardi Gras, and whatever else). You give an animal a "reward" for doing something, same with humans, you give a human a sum of money to do something and they will do it. Anyways, my point is, people would still do this and feel shameless.
Foul people with loose morals do that, not most proper God-fearing individuals. They actually draw a line during Mardi Gras. It's legal to show your cleavage, but it's illegal to show your penis or vagina.