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Questions I have...

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 8:04 pm
by Phoenix
-First of all I'm debating a young earth creationist about whether or not there was animal death before the fall. I gave the info posted here

She is not convinced, in fact she asked me the following that I could use some help on.

"How do we know what Adam named each animal?"

-She states that the carnivorous names given to the carnivores is what modern man calls them. That before the fall we don't know what Adam named them.

"Why would a Holy God create physical death and pain?"

"Everything was perfect so there was no physical death or pain."


Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 1:24 am
by Kurieuo
You would likely be interested in reading over the discussion at ... .php?t=459.


Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:53 am
by bizzt
Kurieuo wrote:You would likely be interested in reading over the discussion at ... .php?t=459.

G'Day K... You never responded to Strix in that Thread!

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 10:52 am
by Kurieuo
I really didn't see a particular need to. His first post seemed premature since he only read the first post in the thread (his own admission). And I didn't see any major challenge to the mainstream of what I wrote in his latter post either, although he obviously disagrees with my position. I felt my previous posts presented a strong case which wasn't really dealt with by Strix, and so I was quite happy to let him have the last words in sharing his opinion.


Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 11:14 am
by bizzt
Kurieuo wrote:I really didn't see a particular need to. His first post seemed premature since he only read the first post in the thread (his own admission). And I didn't see any major challenge to the mainstream of what I wrote in his latter post either, although he obviously disagrees with my position. I felt my previous posts presented a strong case which wasn't really dealt with by Strix, and so I was quite happy to let him have the last words in sharing his opinion.

K... The Discussion was going so well though. I thought you would have kept going... :cry: ... None the less it was a great Discussion and for me I throughly Enjoyed it!!!

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 8:11 pm
by Kurieuo
If there is something further you'd want me to tackle in that thread that I perhaps left open, feel free to ask (in that thread) and I'll respond further. I'm always happy to respond if people want to read what I say ;)


Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 7:27 am
by bizzt
Kurieuo wrote:If there is something further you'd want me to tackle in that thread that I perhaps left open, feel free to ask (in that thread) and I'll respond further. I'm always happy to respond if people want to read what I say ;)

Hey actually I was waiting for Felgar to reply to your last post. Actually I kind of agree with you both and don't really have a Clue whether you or Felgar are correct?