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Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 10:14 am
by Dawngoogs
Has anyone ever gave thinking any thought?

What I mean is, how do humans think? We can't really answer that for anyone else but ourselves. I know that when I think, my thoughts are in words. Such as , in planning my weekend in my mind, I am planning it out in words. Not spoken words, but just words in my mind. Now of course the words in my mind are english. I assume if you speak French, the words are French. If you are fluent in both languages then what?

I guess my question is, what if we knew no language? Obviously it would be difficult to communicate to others, but could we even communicate thoughts to ourselves? Do you follow my logic here?

How would a deaf person who never heard a spoken language and uses signs form their thoughts?

Try to plan out your day in your mind without using words.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 10:49 am
by TimM1104
That is very interesting, a couple of times i thought of something, yet didn't know how to explain it in words, because in a way thier were no words to describe it as i knew of.. For example in dreams the same thing exists

Re: Thinking....

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 11:06 am
by BGoodForGoodSake
Dawngoogs wrote:Has anyone ever gave thinking any thought?

What I mean is, how do humans think? We can't really answer that for anyone else but ourselves. I know that when I think, my thoughts are in words. Such as , in planning my weekend in my mind, I am planning it out in words. Not spoken words, but just words in my mind. Now of course the words in my mind are english. I assume if you speak French, the words are French. If you are fluent in both languages then what?

I guess my question is, what if we knew no language? Obviously it would be difficult to communicate to others, but could we even communicate thoughts to ourselves? Do you follow my logic here?

How would a deaf person who never heard a spoken language and uses signs form their thoughts?

Try to plan out your day in your mind without using words.
I tend to think in images, when a child I was fantastic with abstract subjects such as math, music and art but could not apply it to the world. Such as when I tried to understand the infinite nature of the Universe I could not grasp it nor accept it. I lived in the moment constantly skittering about everything overloading me with information, sometimes I felt like I thought more like my dog than my own parents. =(

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 1:28 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
Inifinity isn't a real value by the way...

I think in words usually...or in visions, I visualize what I'll do sometimes

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 1:51 pm
by Zenith
often times i find i cannot express what i am thinking. i have ideas of things, not just images (maybe a glimpse of parts), not just sounds (i can imagine a full orchestra playing and i can manipulate the melodies and themes), not just feeling (this plays a large part in my mind; the emotion), and not only touch (which i can imagine if i really concentrate), but a strange mix of the above. many times i can remember having an epiphany of realizing how something works, such as the motor in a car, or earth rotating around the sun and the moon rotating around the earth, or mathematical concepts, or patterns in thought processes. but when i realize these things, i am not thinking in words, i am imagining them actually working in my head. it makes it difficult to talk most of the time because i am always thinking in my head about things, but never using words (unless i am thinking about putting my ideas into words).

Re: Thinking....

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 2:26 pm
by Byblos
Dawngoogs wrote:Try to plan out your day in your mind without using words.
I am and I do, I'm just not sure how to communicate that to you.

Re: Thinking....

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 2:34 pm
by Jay_7
When i think its not actually my voice i dont know whos vocie it is. I just think words and a voice thats clear is in my head

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 3:06 pm
by BGoodForGoodSake
Zenith wrote:often times i find i cannot express what i am thinking. i have ideas of things, not just images (maybe a glimpse of parts), not just sounds (i can imagine a full orchestra playing and i can manipulate the melodies and themes), not just feeling (this plays a large part in my mind; the emotion), and not only touch (which i can imagine if i really concentrate), but a strange mix of the above. many times i can remember having an epiphany of realizing how something works, such as the motor in a car, or earth rotating around the sun and the moon rotating around the earth, or mathematical concepts, or patterns in thought processes. but when i realize these things, i am not thinking in words, i am imagining them actually working in my head. it makes it difficult to talk most of the time because i am always thinking in my head about things, but never using words (unless i am thinking about putting my ideas into words).
Cool we think alike!

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 4:57 pm
by Zenith
BGoodForGoodSake wrote:
Zenith wrote:often times i find i cannot express what i am thinking. i have ideas of things, not just images (maybe a glimpse of parts), not just sounds (i can imagine a full orchestra playing and i can manipulate the melodies and themes), not just feeling (this plays a large part in my mind; the emotion), and not only touch (which i can imagine if i really concentrate), but a strange mix of the above. many times i can remember having an epiphany of realizing how something works, such as the motor in a car, or earth rotating around the sun and the moon rotating around the earth, or mathematical concepts, or patterns in thought processes. but when i realize these things, i am not thinking in words, i am imagining them actually working in my head. it makes it difficult to talk most of the time because i am always thinking in my head about things, but never using words (unless i am thinking about putting my ideas into words).
Cool we think alike!
:D cool, do you find it easier to put thoughts into writing than to actually speak them?

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 1:47 am
by BGoodForGoodSake
Zenith wrote:
BGoodForGoodSake wrote:
Zenith wrote:often times i find i cannot express what i am thinking. i have ideas of things, not just images (maybe a glimpse of parts), not just sounds (i can imagine a full orchestra playing and i can manipulate the melodies and themes), not just feeling (this plays a large part in my mind; the emotion), and not only touch (which i can imagine if i really concentrate), but a strange mix of the above. many times i can remember having an epiphany of realizing how something works, such as the motor in a car, or earth rotating around the sun and the moon rotating around the earth, or mathematical concepts, or patterns in thought processes. but when i realize these things, i am not thinking in words, i am imagining them actually working in my head. it makes it difficult to talk most of the time because i am always thinking in my head about things, but never using words (unless i am thinking about putting my ideas into words).
Cool we think alike!
:D cool, do you find it easier to put thoughts into writing than to actually speak them?
Absolutely, I talk without even thinking, the words kind of pour out. And when I do try to think out my words, there's always like a pause. lol

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 4:43 pm
by Grace isn't enough...
Since all of us use our minds without even thinking about it before we ever were even aware we had them i think it's possible to think that our mind, on it's own, plots out the best course for communicating in order to survive(picking out which language). As far as which language goes my guess is that it's w/e first language is accessible. People are really only fluent, fluent in their first language.

So, my guess is that be it a language of words or sporadic emotion/images, i think our minds would adopt whichever comes easiest or whichever is taught to us externally via school, parents etc. I think since like i said, our brains were there before we were aware of them means that since the beggining they were mapping out ways for us to communicate both with the outside world, as we explored it, and with ourselves, as we became more aware of us. This mapping out was probably done based upon our biological, psychological, mental, and of course psyhical systems.

i dunno if that helps with n e of the ?'s i dunno it helps me sleep at night anyway... :wink:

Just a computer

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 8:37 pm
by bluesman
I think an interesting question that gets asked when trying to proof Gods existence is :

What is the human mind?

Is just a collection of neurons? Are we just glorified walking computers?
Because we know how computers "think".

Is there the brain and the mind that are two separate things working together? Is there then a spirit or soul and what evidence is there?

Mike the Bluesman

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 10:56 pm
by Grace isn't enough...
I think the term "mind" is, or at least is used nowadays as, a way to describe the consciousness of our brians or our entire selves. I'm probably just full of it since like so many other times, I dont seem to mention any sort of substantional evidence other than cuz "i think" lol.

anyway, I think that along with the rest of our bodies, our universe...there's got to be evidence that we're more than just a "collection of neurons"

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 8:58 am
by Byblos
Grace isn't enough... wrote: People are really only fluent, fluent in their first language.
Just wanted to repsond to the above comment (if off-topic, please forgive me). There are, of course, exceptions to the above. I happen to be much more fluent in 2 languages than my native one.

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 10:49 am
by Grace isn't enough...
Studies show that after a certain age your current language basically get's chizzled in. There are always exceptions of course. I speak english since i was little and still only speak english, with the exception of a litle armenian. So, i am a poor also not so great with math...

So, if you say ur fluent in 2languages other than ur native tongue then that's awesome and it's totally believeable...So what are they?