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The Exorcism Of Emily Rose

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 12:21 am
by Believer

Okay, so you may have already seen the commercials for The Exorcism Of Emily Rose. What are your thoughts on exorcisms? Why do they happen only to women? Why does it happen to what it seems as random people? Are there isolated cases? Is it really science or faith for possessions? Are factual news articles available for Emily Rose's exorcism? Are there medical conditions that can cause this?

Anything else that you might want to share on it, please explain. I am interested in it. Links would be good too.



Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 5:29 am
by ray
The fact that this is a movie tells you that in the most part it is fictional. No matter how much truth a movie is based on, there is so much fiction intertwined that the truth of the event is usually lost. However, I do believe demonic possession occurs. There are many instances of it recorded in the Bible and there is no reason to believe that it stopped. I have read accounts of modern day possessions, but again, once it is put into a book or movie, the truth seems to get lost.


Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 1:13 am
by BavarianWheels
If I say I don't believe, then I call the scriptures a lie.

Re: exorcisms

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 11:09 am
by Believer
ray wrote:The fact that this is a movie tells you that in the most part it is fictional. No matter how much truth a movie is based on, there is so much fiction intertwined that the truth of the event is usually lost. However, I do believe demonic possession occurs. There are many instances of it recorded in the Bible and there is no reason to believe that it stopped. I have read accounts of modern day possessions, but again, once it is put into a book or movie, the truth seems to get lost.

That is true. Hollywood will add fiction to facts. They have limited resources on the actual true part of the story and will add fiction around it, I would assume most of the script is fiction with intertwined fact. But these do give a deeper understanding on biblical issues such as exorcisms.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 4:00 pm
by (--Life--)
It is True, Jesus banished a demon from a little boy. Demons can enter your body because you are sinning. :wink:

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 5:44 pm
by BavarianWheels
(--Life--) wrote:It is True, Jesus banished a demon from a little boy. Demons can enter your body because you are sinning. :wink:
Hardly "because" we are sinning, but rather are IN sin. What did the little boy do other than follow the teaching of his parent (presumably)

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:08 pm
by Felgar
Demon possession and exorcism is definately a reality. However, the movie is crap and I have no desire whatsoever to expose myself to anything like it. I base my assessement on the quote in the preview which states "There is no appeal against the Devil." When in fact the reality is that we as Christians have a saviour and have been delivered from Satan, and in fact greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world. Not only is there an appeal, but in the name of Jesus is the authority by which demons will flee and by which Satan is rendered powerless.

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 5:32 pm
by Believer The Christian Broadcasting Network


Are Demons, Exorcisms Real?
By James N. Watkins
Guest Columnist — The Exorcism of Emily Rose and the legion of Exorcist films raise important questions about the spiritual realm. Having personally witnessed what I believe was a very real exorcism with very real demons, my answer to the question is "yes."

"My mom's completely flipped out. I mean, she sees demons everywhere. Just this morning the car died on the way to school. She got out, pounded on the hood, and yelled, 'In the name of Jesus, I command the foul spirits of engine stalling to come OUT!"

Tina [all names have been changed] was one teen I could always count on to be in church and youth meetings. She shifted in the office chair and twisted a strand of her blonde hair. "It's really weird, Pastor Jim. She threw out my Oxy-10 and tried to cast out the demons of clogged pores. Now she's convinced that my room's a wreck because I have an 'unclean spirit.'"

Tina stared out the window as she tried to sort it all out. "Mom's acting really weird. But after last week, I know that Satan and demons are real."

Last week, Tina, her friend Karen, and two guys from the youth group, Kevin and John, a couple of guys had been at our house playing Uno when the phone rang.

"Pastor Jim, Bret's growling and snarling like a wild animal and trying to jump off the balcony! He keeps saying that Satan's coming for him." I yelled for Kevin and John to come with me, and for Tina, Karen, and my wife to pray for Bret--and for us.

When we arrived, Bret was thrashing around on the second-story balcony, with two other guys from the youth group sitting on his chest.

"Stay away from me or I'll kill you!" Bret screamed. I decided that was good advice.

"Do you know if he's taken anything like 'PCP' or 'speed'?"

"No, he's been here all night!" Roy yelled from the balcony. "He was okay until we started talking about he Lord." Bret showed up occasionally for videos and pizza, but he always seemed to avoid the Bible studies. I cautiously began climbing the stairs.

"I told you I'd kill you! He's mine!" The screeching voice sounded nothing like Bret's--it reverberated with a raspy, hollow sound. The August air hung hot and heavy, but I instantly felt chilled and my body began to shake. Still suspicious that he was on something, I sniffed the air. I nearly gagged on the rotten-egg smell of sulfur.

"In the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of his blood, I command you to come out of Bret." The words coming out of my mouth surprised me, as if someone else had voiced them. I was even more amazed when Bret instantly relaxed and stared at the two young men sitting on his chest while he laid sprawled on the balcony.

"What's happening? What are you doing here . . ." Bret completed the sentence by sneering "Pastor Jim " in a threatening voice, his eyes burning straight through me. He tossed his two friends against the house with no apparent effort. "I told you that you can't have Bret. If we can't have him, neither can you." Bret bolted for the edge of the balcony as all five of us pounced on him.

For over an hour we struggled, prayed, and pleaded for Christ's power over the evil that seemed to possess Bret. Finally, and only after Bret himself asked Christ to come into his life did the attacks cease.

Demon Possession

Now, one week later, I couldn't explain away satanic manifestations as merely primitive superstition or mental disorder.

"I think we now know, Tina, that demons are real--even in America."

We talked about the animal sacrifices that police were investigating in a nearby cemetery. Officers had found black candles, inverted pentagrams etched in the dirt, and the charred remains of cats and chickens. We also talked about the satanic images and messages in some heavy metal albums.

"It seems as if Satan is doing everything he can to get people's attention off Christ, Tina. Whether or not those people in the cemetery and the heavy metal groups are demon possessed is anybody's guess. But Satan certainly is keeping people's attention off Christ with occult activities and music that praises death and Satan.

Demon Obsession

Now it was my turn to stare out the window.

"Your mom has probably been listening to someone whose entire ministry consists of preaching against Satan. Don't get me wrong, Tina. Last week taught me that we need to talk in youth group about his power and activities--and soon.

"But if we spent all our time in youth meetings talking about Satan, the occult, satanic lyrics, and demons, we'd be taking our attention off Christ. I wonder if Satan is just as content with demon obsession as he is with demon possession?"

"You know, Pastor Jim, now that you mention it, Mom's been watching that preacher on TV who's always casting out "foul spirits" of someone or something. And she's bought a bunch of this tapes and books."

"Satan is subtle. He can cause even sincere Christians to take their focus off Christ's power and to direct it to his. And that creates the kind of fear that grips your mom. The enemy is powerful, but we need to remember that 'greater is He [Jesus] that is in us, than he [Satan] who is in the world.'"

"Thanks, Pastor Jim. Oh, could you give me a ride home? Our car's in the garage with a clogged-up carburetor or something--but not demons."

Editor's Note: Since posting this article on his Web site, the author has received numerous comments from readers. On his site, he responds to one comment he received.

One particular comment, I need to address:

"Amen! Just yesterday a sister from our church got a demon(s) casted out of her. It was pretty wild…it was saying all these things in this raspy voice (of which this woman does not have). I, as well as the other brothers and sisters in church, as well as the Asst. Pastor who laid hands on her prayed and it was cast out! Praise God! That's not the only time I've experienced someone with demons being exorcised. In fact…that's not the only time I saw anyone with demons…anyone with a serious “mental” problem is possessed by demons. Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Manic Depression…those are the names of those demons. However, Greater is He who is in us than He that is in the world! -- Alan (September 2005)"

Satan attacks people at their area of weakness. (He tempted Jesus after He was famished from a fast of forty days in the desert. And the very first temptation was aimed at his hunger Matthew 4:1-11).

It would make sense that if someone had a mental weakness, such as a chemical imbalance, that is the area Satan would attack. That doesn't mean, however, that that mental illness is caused by Satan. It's amazing how the anti-psychotic drug Haldol casts out the "demons" of voices in one's mind. Before claiming anyone is demon possessed, he or she should be thoroughly examined by a qualified professional for any physical or mental issues in concert with a qualified spiritual advisor such as pastor or priest.

To accuse someone with schizophrenia or any other mental disorder as being demon possessed is not only inaccurate, but incredibly cruel.

(c) 2005 James N. Watkins. Used by permission. For more information about James Watkins visit


Re: The Exorcism Of Emily Rose

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 6:35 pm
by Jbuza
Thinker wrote: What are your thoughts on exorcisms? Why do they happen only to women? Why does it happen to what it seems as random people? Are there isolated cases? Is it really science or faith for possessions? Are factual news articles available for Emily Rose's exorcism? Are there medical conditions that can cause this?

Anything else that you might want to share on it, please explain. I am interested in it. Links would be good too.
IT happens to males as well. Read the Gospels telling of the earthly ministry of Christ, there are examples in the gospels. I find it interesting that they were unable to exorcise the spirit from Emily, but if you look to scripture their is a parallel to this. Also from what snips i have seen she was convinced that it was lucifer himself that was influencing and controlling her. The disciples tried to cast out deamons from a man and were unsuccessful, Jesus said that that kind of deamon could only be cast out through prayer and fasting. Possessions would present as schizophrenia, people that believe they are having the pope's child and voices talking about all kinds of spiritual perversion or persecuting the individual are not uncommon with that "disease".

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 3:16 am
by Fortigurn
Why is it that modern day 'possessions' and 'exorcisms' aren't anything like those recorded in Scripture?

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 3:18 am
by Believer
Fortigurn wrote:Why is it that modern day 'possessions' and 'exorcisms' aren't anything like those recorded in Scripture?
Isn't there scripture explaining that more demonic activity will occur in the end of days? Also, cant demons have more influence on people than back then when Jesus walked the earth?

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 3:19 am
by Fortigurn
Thinker wrote:
Fortigurn wrote:Why is it that modern day 'possessions' and 'exorcisms' aren't anything like those recorded in Scripture?
Isn't there scripture explaining that more demonic activity will occur in the end of days?
Where? I don't think that answers my question either.

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 3:21 am
by Believer
Ya never know, the Bible I believe was never completed, but complete enough for us. Otherwise we would be getting boxes and boxes of books of the books of the Bible.

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 3:30 am
by Fortigurn
Thinker wrote:Ya never know, the Bible I believe was never completed, but complete enough for us. Otherwise we would be getting boxes and boxes of books of the books of the Bible.
The Bible was never completed? That's a worry.

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 8:53 am
by B. W.
BavarianWheels wrote:.
If I say I don't believe, then I call the scriptures a lie.

Hey, Bavarian Wheels - can you post a close up on that engine for us car lovers?

I love old muscle cars and new models too — been possessed by them for years! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Anyways back to the topic - yes demonic possession can be real but Hollywood is in the job of selling and marketing movies to make money and most often than not, truth is turned into fiction. For anyone who has actually seen a real possession, movies like this one are pure fiction and please do not take them so seriously.

Yes, demonic possession can happen and take many forms. What bothers me is how movies like this glamorize the subject and cause excessive worry in the hearts and minds of people thinking that they are possessed when in fact they are not and never were.

I seen and counseled dozens of people that fit in this later category after they watch this style of movie genre over time. It is sad to see the turmoil they suffer when their focus should have been on the Lord Jesus Christ who sets us free and not on something that enslaves the mind to endless torture.

From this, you can deduce that far more people are oppressed than possessed and that through good counseling, combined with or without medication, can ease such pain of oppression. There are many factors involved with oppression, trauma, family history, genetics, PTSD, brain bio-chemistry, and etc. Each of these can oppress the mind.

Demonic possession is something other entirely and nothing like the movies or books for those that have truly seen it and should never be glamorized in books and movies due to the damage these can, and do, cause in an individual's psyche. IMHO