Unexplainable God
Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2004 10:48 pm
I was at a Catholic retreat this past weekend and God yet again amazed me. Just when I think I have Him all figured out, He goes and fills 30 people with His spirit Joel 2:28-32 and they start speaking in tongues. Some of them got so freaked out that they will no longer return to the retreats - they think that they were possessed by some devils. Someone got a mighty prophecy as well; "1000 times this is the army I am raising." What an incredible visit from God's Spirit underneath the Catholic umbrella... I mean they don't even teach on speaking in tongues or prophecy or any of that stuff! Why would God choose to bless them instead of let's say a pentecostal church that is constantly seeking the filling of the Holy Spirit? Our God is truly indescribible and uncontainable - who can truly know Him?