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Conduct of an Angel

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 2:22 am
by stixandstones
What brought me to this site was a search triggered by a personal experience, one that that left and pressing question. What is the criteria of conduct that would limit a would be angel from revealing it's self. Don't worry, my own question makes no sense to me. To be specific, can an Angel take the form of a sinner in a sinful place in order to get a message across, assuming permission from above was granted? Is it logical that an Angel would appear drunk in a lustful enviroment when a quiet street remains an option?

Perhaps if you have some enlightening answers I may share more details, but for now this is what I'll leave to burn in your thoughts

Re: Conduct of an Angel

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 7:40 am
by bizzt
stixandstones wrote:What brought me to this site was a search triggered by a personal experience, one that that left and pressing question. What is the criteria of conduct that would limit a would be angel from revealing it's self. Don't worry, my own question makes no sense to me. To be specific, can an Angel take the form of a sinner in a sinful place in order to get a message across, assuming permission from above was granted? Is it logical that an Angel would appear drunk in a lustful enviroment when a quiet street remains an option?

Perhaps if you have some enlightening answers I may share more details, but for now this is what I'll leave to burn in your thoughts
Since an Angel cannot Sin then I would have to say no HOWEVER God can reveal a direction in your life through Terrible things that happen around you. God can make anything Evil turn into a Good thing!

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 11:21 am
by stixandstones
I understand that, the old adage 'God works in mysterious ways'. Which is why I hesitate to dismiss my encounter with that of an evil being despite where I encountered it and his conduct in that enviroment. His message was far from evil in fact the opposite, not something Satan would ever want me to hear. It in no way entice me to carry on in my sinful ways nor did it suggest to return to the enviroment I was in. That is the irony, a drunk angel lusting in a strip club with a message of salvation for me. It was almost like he was sent there with a message and an instruction to talk to a particular dancer and in doing so he would encounter me. His name was Michael

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 11:34 am
by bizzt
Remember the Story of Rahab? Jos 2:1
She was but a Harlot yet she was called to help out some spy's.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 2:18 pm
by stixandstones
now that I come to think of it, there was no direct mention that he claimed to be an angel, it was his wording that lead me to believe. His knowledge too seamed to come from a devine source, but I suppose that knowledge was given to him as too reach me in that place as you said, an Angel can not sin. It is likely that he was a man sent by God.

there is one thing that makes no sense though, his claims were personal and in his ownership. Nothing he said suggest it was a message from another. his claim was said in a way that he was responsible for his absence and will be responsible for future dealings. The only statement that comes to mind that was not of his own was "the answer is in the heavenly father" This is why I question the source. Then again, a man is free to fault, and thus he chose to appear devine when he was merely a messenger taking credit from the one he was a currier for.

I could analyze all day probably and kind evidence to support both. I guess what I should do is just focus on the message and not the source, because no matter the source the message is devine

Conduct of an Angel

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 3:51 am
by Michelle
Satan was once an Angel, and so were the Angels that fell. So I guess if they sinned it is possible that Angels can sin. As for whether God would place an Angel in that capacity to teach us a spiritual message, maybe not exactly using anything provocative. He might use an Angel to play the part of a hopelessly alcoholic derelict.

As an example just suppose a person is a wonderful kind hearted christian who lives their life according to the Christian faith. They pray to God to help them lead others to him. Lets say this person worships God with all their heart, yet God thinks they might need a lesson in being spiritual. Suppose they are already kind, compassionate, tolerant and give to charity.

Now just suppose hypothetically there is a function to be held at a church and they want to attend to share with their Christian friends. However let us suppose this person doesn't have anything they feel is appropriate to wear. Maybe they have been on a diet and the only thing that looks good on them no longer fits. They go out shopping to buy something that would look nice.

What if God hears an urgent cry for help from someone in desperate need and decides that he wants this Christian to be the one who helps the person crying out. The person crying out is someone who is a derelict alcoholic close to death. He will die on the street alone.

Maybe despite being a Christian this person has never actually encountered someone like the above. Because they lack the experience of having not met someone they may not have the spiritual understanding also. God wants them to have this. So God sends an Angel to roll play an alcoholic living on the street.

The Christian is about to walk into a shop to buy a really great outfit, when they see the Angel placed by God playing the part of a drunk. For the first time they see just how lost they are. They now feel something compelling them to help people in that situation. Now just suppose they can hear Gods voice telling them not to buy the outfit, nor go to the Church function. Instead the voice compels them to go to a part of town they have never been before.

They listen and go to where God tells them and find the desperate man. They realise that this man needs medical assistance so call an ambulance for him. When the ambulance arrives the Christian inquires about what will happen to him. They are told that he will end back up on the street and one day die there and the world will go on with out them. The Christian is very shocked by the attitude. After all this is a human being. So they decide they will spend time with that man while he is in hospital. The man spends the usual six weeks drying out and is ready to be released. He wants his old clothes back as he has nothing else in the world that he owns. His clothes have had to be burnt as they were lice infected (common with alcoholics) so they need new ones. The Christian instead of using the money they had on themselves uses it to buy clothing for the man.

Now normally the drunk would scream the hospital down to get his old clothes back. However this Christian has shown them that they really care. Wow! Nobody ever cared like that before, and what is more they even tell them that there is a God who loves them! They will accept the clothes this person is giving them then.

Not only has God by using the Angel answered the Christians prayer about leading others to God, but has also spiritually helped them as well, while at the same time saving the drunks life.

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 12:50 pm
by Turgonian
Stixandstones, could you give us more details of this encounter?