Invasion Of Evolution

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Invasion Of Evolution

Post by Believer »

Since ID (Intelligent Design) was introduced and taken seriously, I have never seen so much stuff on t.v. that is pro-darwinian evolution, commercials, t.v. series, news, etc... It is horrible. If science doesn't accept ID, we have no other option if it is trashed, because it has no real scientific theory behind it as Reasons To Believe put it on a creation update audio clip. Not to mention, I have read that if ID makes it into the scientific community, science will become a joke. Why is Darwin and his followers so sure of his theory?

Post by jettlogic »

Imagine if Bush had, instead of making a comment that implicitly endorsed ID, had made a comment that had endorsed teaching say, geocentrism (or YEC, which isn't much better, and if you read AIG on Russel Humphrey's new "cosmology", you'll see that it's pretty much geocentrist too).

You may figure ID or OEC to be "above" YEC or geocentrism, but the biology professors and science education divisions of media companies certainly don't, and you can expect a sort of lumbering media response of "Ok, let's educate the public about evolution then, seeing as they're getting the wrong end of the stick from Bush". And with the public controversy, they get the bonus of it being good for ratings too.
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Post by Kurieuo »

Although I disagree with many of your views, I do appreciate you making distinctions between the various creation theories, and also ID. I really hate it when people just lump them altogether, as I see major differences to each even if others don't care enough to take the time to understand them.

As for OEC, I'd have to disagree that it isn't taken as seriously. Certainly, it isn't widely embraced since it is a Christian hypothesis, and therefore off the table of acceptable beliefs to many secular scientists. Yet, RTB has done a lot for it, and those somewhat familiar with the position certainly see far more merit to OEC for the obvious fact it does not reject many well accepted scientific observations. I mean it certainly seemed like Eugene Scott, director of the National Center for Science (who deeply despises ID), when she went on RTB's radio broadcast some time back, that she certainly place RTB's creation position above YEC. Thus, I don't see merit to your claim that an OEC hypothesis wouldn't be more acceptible to many than YEC.

"Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved." (Romans 10:13)
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