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Separation of Church and Sony

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 10:15 am
by Believer

Separation of Church and Sony

PlayStation ad brings forth fire and brimstone from Vatican; Sony apologizes, pulls ad depicting crown of thorns with PS button-face symbols.


In the console wars raging between Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo, taking aim at a competitor not only makes for good gossip and quotes, but also it's expected. No one will blink an eye if Microsoft irks Sony or if Nintendo brushes off Microsoft. But regardless of one's religious preferences, it's probably not a good idea to incense the big man upstairs or the house He built.

An ad campaign from Sony in Italy has done just that, Reuters is reporting. Full-page ads celebrating the PlayStation's 10th anniversary recently ran in the country's newspapers and magazines. They featured a young man smiling sheepishly while wearing a crown of thorns. If that already sounds touchy, it gets worse.

The thorns are contorted into the X's, O's, triangles, and squares--the symbols on the faces of the PlayStation's four main buttons. A phrase at the bottom of the ad reads "Dieci anni di passione," which translates to "Ten years of passion," a possible reference to Mel Gibson's controversial Jesus biopic The Passion of the Christ.

"This time they've gone too far," Antonio Sciortino, editor of the Catholic weekly Famiglia Cristiana (Christian Family), told a local newspaper, according to Reuters. "If this had concerned Islam there would have been a really strong reaction."

Sony has reportedly since apologized and has pulled the advertisement from circulation.


Re: Separation of Church and Sony

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 2:43 pm
by BGoodForGoodSake
Thinker wrote:
In the console wars raging between Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo, taking aim at a competitor not only makes for good gossip and quotes, but also it's expected. No one will blink an eye if Microsoft irks Sony or if Nintendo brushes off Microsoft. But regardless of one's religious preferences, it's probably not a good idea to incense the big man upstairs or the house He built.

An ad campaign from Sony in Italy has done just that, Reuters is reporting. Full-page ads celebrating the PlayStation's 10th anniversary recently ran in the country's newspapers and magazines. They featured a young man smiling sheepishly while wearing a crown of thorns. If that already sounds touchy, it gets worse.

The thorns are contorted into the X's, O's, triangles, and squares--the symbols on the faces of the PlayStation's four main buttons. A phrase at the bottom of the ad reads "Dieci anni di passione," which translates to "Ten years of passion," a possible reference to Mel Gibson's controversial Jesus biopic The Passion of the Christ.

"This time they've gone too far," Antonio Sciortino, editor of the Catholic weekly Famiglia Cristiana (Christian Family), told a local newspaper, according to Reuters. "If this had concerned Islam there would have been a really strong reaction."

Sony has reportedly since apologized and has pulled the advertisement from circulation.

Not a brilliant move on Sony's part, an utter lack of sensitivity and sence.
If you want to know what its like to live in an athiestic society, Japan is a good one.
I enjoyed the old country but the cities are something else. Would not want to live in Tokyo for any extended period.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:42 am
by kateliz
What's all going on over there, BGood? And how open is it all?

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:47 am
by kateliz
Oh, and I really don't mind the ad. If they want to be stupid, let them. It's obviously done by someone trying to be on the edge and artistic, but everyone can see how it was more than just a stupid move. What kind of reaction did they expect? Did they do this to get more publicity? But it doesn't offend me. They can't mock God; they can only mock themselves! (Oooo! And yes, you can quote me! :P :lol: )

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:19 am
by BGoodForGoodSake
kateliz wrote:What's all going on over there, BGood? And how open is it all?
Its culture is very alien to the one here in the United States. At first I found it all very nice and quaint. The japanese like americans and other foreigners. Being Korean though they just thought I was Yakuza or something, being so tall and well built.

Then as I picked up things here and there I began to see it as more insidious and evil. There are levels of friendship and inclusion. Which means there is alot of exclusion going on which you can't detect. It's all behind closed doors. And the moral system is based on shame. You don't do something because it will bring shame. Its not the same as guilt. People don't cheat others because if you are caught you will shame all those around you and be ostracized and possibly bring shame to your family as well. Also when alot of people get together everyone has to be included. There is great effort to include everyone.

In the end I realize that it is just a different culture. Our cultures don't share much history. There are words in Japanese you can't quite translate into english.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 9:29 am
by kateliz
Hmm. Makes sense. But that is a concern, though, about feeling shame instead of guilt. However, shame only comes from the knowledge that what one's doing is viewed as wrong by others. And who then would these people be if shame is so rampant? What kind of moral code would be in existence there for this to occur if their morals are so lax, as you seem to be saying? And what you mentioned for examples is, yes, worrisome, but it appeared to me by your earlier comments that there was much more going on!

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 10:12 am
by BGoodForGoodSake
kateliz wrote:Hmm. Makes sense. But that is a concern, though, about feeling shame instead of guilt. However, shame only comes from the knowledge that what one's doing is viewed as wrong by others. And who then would these people be if shame is so rampant? What kind of moral code would be in existence there for this to occur if their morals are so lax, as you seem to be saying? And what you mentioned for examples is, yes, worrisome, but it appeared to me by your earlier comments that there was much more going on!
There is, but its all subjective and based on just a few months of being there. I can only humbly say, a few personal anecdotes cannot speak for such an old culture. You will have to go and judge for yourself if possible.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 10:27 am
by kateliz
"Judge" is such a harsh word. It doesn't appear that you can answer my question the way I meant it then. That's fine. I just got a certain impression from what you said and thought you could could expand on it. That's all! *Sniffle* Geez, way to make me curious and then leave me hanging! :cry:

:wink: No, I think I understand. You saw small clues to a secret, sinful underworld but never could figure out the password to get in and see for yourself what was really going on! ( :? Strange analogy, Katie.)

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 12:22 pm
by BGoodForGoodSake
kateliz wrote:"Judge" is such a harsh word. It doesn't appear that you can answer my question the way I meant it then. That's fine. I just got a certain impression from what you said and thought you could could expand on it. That's all! *Sniffle* Geez, way to make me curious and then leave me hanging! :cry:

:wink: No, I think I understand. You saw small clues to a secret, sinful underworld but never could figure out the password to get in and see for yourself what was really going on! ( :? Strange analogy, Katie.)
You hit the nail right on the head.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 12:30 pm
by kateliz
Yipee! Do I win a prize? Huh? Do I?

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 12:33 pm
by BGoodForGoodSake
kateliz wrote:Yipee! Do I win a prize? Huh? Do I?
er, here you go.

*Bgood crumples up a peice of paper*

An authentic JA-PA-NEEZ uh,

origame boulder!

*Bgood bows to kateliz and hand her the masterpeice.*

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:04 am
by kateliz
:lol: How did you know I love oragami? And that the Boulder is my favourite... wow. It feels like I've known you in a past-life or something!

Do you remember ever having been at an oragami convention in Tokyo in the early part of the century? I have a vague picture of having met someone who had a huge display of a Boulder pieces there. He was pretty ugly, ( :shock: ) but had such a gentle nature I couldn't help but accept a free Boulder from the kind, older gentleman. Seems to me, if you have any memory of this encounter, we may have indeed met before!

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 9:53 pm
by BGoodForGoodSake
kateliz wrote::lol: How did you know I love oragami? And that the Boulder is my favourite... wow. It feels like I've known you in a past-life or something!

Do you remember ever having been at an oragami convention in Tokyo in the early part of the century? I have a vague picture of having met someone who had a huge display of a Boulder pieces there. He was pretty ugly, ( :shock: ) but had such a gentle nature I couldn't help but accept a free Boulder from the kind, older gentleman. Seems to me, if you have any memory of this encounter, we may have indeed met before!
I remember, because remeber we are all one soul you were me and I was you and you are me now and I will be you and oh...
forget it...

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 9:16 pm
by kateliz
:? Interesting. So you're saying I was as ugly as you were, in our past life, having the same face and all? But it's starting to sound a little familiar.

You know, you never would scratch that spot on my side of our back for me! You were just jealous my half of our face wasn't as ugly as your side. My side was more symmetrical! ( :wink: )

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 8:52 am
by BGoodForGoodSake
kateliz wrote::? Interesting. So you're saying I was as ugly as you were, in our past life, having the same face and all? But it's starting to sound a little familiar.

You know, you never would scratch that spot on my side of our back for me! You were just jealous my half of our face wasn't as ugly as your side. My side was more symmetrical! ( :wink: )
You're just mad because when we went on hot dates with people you liked I would make my side slump, and occationally jitter about randomly.