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Just a twisted Thought

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 4:36 pm
by stixandstones
Assume for a moment that Hollywood was partraying a truth in films like "Prophecy" or "Constantine"

Prophecy- the concept there was a civil war in the heavens between factions of angels

Constantine- the idea that the devil and God have a wager, and that our souls are a prize in a twisted game.

If these were to be true, would we learn about it? And if known to leaders (clergy included), would they share this knowledge or conceal this truth?

For the record I'm aware that these movies are fiction, it's a hypothetical question that not be disproven nor defended. Anyone wishing to reply is to exercise imagination not logic here.

Re: Just a twisted Thought

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 10:49 pm
by Jbuza
stixandstones wrote:Assume for a moment that Hollywood was partraying a truth in films like "Prophecy" or "Constantine"

Prophecy- the concept there was a civil war in the heavens between factions of angels

Constantine- the idea that the devil and God have a wager, and that our souls are a prize in a twisted game.

If these were to be true, would we learn about it? And if known to leaders (clergy included), would they share this knowledge or conceal this truth?

For the record I'm aware that these movies are fiction, it's a hypothetical question that not be disproven nor defended. Anyone wishing to reply is to exercise imagination not logic here.
Ok I'll bite. IF these things were true I would become an atheist, so presumably the church would keep these knowledge in secret to keep their enrollment up.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 7:45 am
by Felgar
The church can only withhold information to a certain level, because ultimately everything it knows derives itself from the Bible which anyone can study and understand. So my opinion is that we'd know about it if the church did. It's not like the Church itself has a superior link to God through which they can get more information than any single person.