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Michael Newdow (atheist) at it again!

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 4:22 pm
by Believer
You give one bitter (and ugly) atheist the green light to remove "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance in 3 schools in California, and now he thinks he has more power to him to get the entire pledge removed.
California Father Wants To Change Entire 'Pledge'

Man Fighting To Get 'Under God' Removed From 'Pledge'

POSTED: 9:20 am PDT October 6, 2005
UPDATED: 10:06 am PDT October 6, 2005

SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- A man who is fighting to get the words "under God" out of the Pledge of Allegiance was back in federal court Wednesday, making some surprising comments about the case.

Although the hearing was a procedural matter with no key rulings, Michael Newdow said that if he is successful in having the words removed from the pledge at the U.S. Supreme Court level, it still wouldn't be enough.

Newdow believes that it is time to get rid of the old Pledge of Allegiance altogether. He said that it's impractical to just change the pledge because children will continue to say "under God" out of habit or under protest.

"The whole point of the pledge was to unify the students, and it's not," Newdow said outside the hearing Wednesday. "(The pledge) has become divisive, not so much because it has been the atheists who have become discriminated (against), and they don't have so much of a voice. But if the Christians and the people who believe in God want to start throwing 'God' in there, the pledge will be continuing 'one nation indivisible,' while someone is saying 'under God.' And I think it's going to be a mess, and I think we're going to have to get rid of it."

Newdow also said there should possibly be some kind of a competition to come up with a new pledge.

Judge Lawrence Carleton in the hearing Wednesday told Newdow and attorneys for three Sacramento-area school districts that once the procedural motions are filed, he will quickly file an injunction against the schools, and then send the case to the Ninth District Circuit Court of Appeals. Carleton said he would not rule on the merits of the case himself.

School district attorney Terrance Cassidy said that the case is proceeding as expected.

"We're pleased that he announced that he would immediately enter a stay of any injunction that he would enter so that the school district would not change its day-to-day procedure and would be able to continue to recite the Pledge of Allegiance on a day-to-day basis throughout ... all the appeals," Cassidy said.