These two Minestries...

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These two Minestries...

Post by vdiaz212 »

Has any one heard of Harold Camping. He is teaching that now is a time to depart from the church (building not Christ's church). He is teaching that we are currently under God's final test to humans and that is, we need to leave the church and associate our selves with his minestry. He uses the Bible (and much of it) to justify his teachings. Has anyone here ever learned of this teaching from the Bible itself and not directly through Family Radio (Harold Camping's Minestry)?

What about Tomorrow's World (Roderick Meredith)? They concentrate mainly on Biblical prophesies and claim that according to the Bible, we are at or very near the End of Days? They also provide many articles about their teachings and very frequently refer to the Bible.

Has any body heard about these two minestries or found in their own study something resembling any of these two minestries teachings without first refering to the minestries themselves?


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Post by Kurieuo »

I personally do not see how Scripture can be used to support either strictly attending a particular church, or strictly not attending. Yet, Scripture does deeply encourage the earlier, being apart of a Christian group. If one is a new Christian, this is especially important since one can be persuaded and confused by all sorts of doctrines. Yes, a church may have a few faulty doctrines (I've seen your other thread), but when one has no grounding it is better to take aboard a few false teachings with a lot of truth, than take aboard nothing for fear of being wrong.

"Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved." (Romans 10:13)
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