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I Think God Is A Scientist

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 12:37 pm
by chiako

I am, by my standards of course, a normal person. I wrote a little poem a couple of years back called " I Think God Is A Scientist". I wrote this poem from my heart. I have been raised christian, I went to church for as long as I can remember Three times a week. I truly believe in a supreme being however there have been many questions growing in my mind since I was a little girl. I remember camping in the desert with my parents many years ago, and seeing things in the sky that I don't believe any one could explain logically to me. That is when I became more of a scientist in nature. I truly believe that there is some greater being out there responsible for creating all that we are and I wish that some one could truly explain how we became. Yet to this day nobody can make sense to me about how life began. The bible has many contradictions in itself, that the scientist in me can not accept. That is where evolution steps in with me. Our scientist today have grown much since the 1800's, I am sure that if you told them that you could clone an animal or a vegetable or even a human you would have been laughed out of the water. But now this is a reality. In cosmic standards we, humans, have occupied this universe for such a short time. I see humanity as an experiment. Or why else would God destroy everything when things went terribly wrong? I see the things here on earth as a great collection of things, perhaps a collection of the most loved and adored creatures, created for us to survive. On the other hand we could have been a continuation of something lost or dying. I find it hard to believe that all things were just a random act of evolution. I am sure you can see why I believe that God is a scientist. A scientist watches over his creations and if something doesnt work then they erase it and start over. God and science are tied together in me and I don't know why there is such a big fight over it, I accept creation and evolution, all things had to be created, and then they evolve into something greater. God is the ultimate creator and a scientist creates. Perhaps his science is evolved way beyond what we can comprehend, thus it is explained as miraculas.
I truly wish some one could explain why creationism and evolution have to be separated, I feel they work together hand in hand. You need one for the other to work.

"I Think God Is A Scientist
I thank him I do for making me like this
Yep, no complaints here
In fact none in several years

I can imagine him there
Mixing things together
Creating all things
From snowflakes to feathers

Almighty is he who creates galaxies
For to turn darkness into dust
Is more than I can percieve
It takes a scientific mind and a good recipe

I wonder perhaps if I am still under warranty"

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 2:21 pm
by bizzt
That is very Interesting!

Welcome to the Forums :)

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 3:18 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
The bible has many contradictions in itself, that the scientist in me can not accept
Same old, same it doesn't.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 9:17 am
by bizzt
The bible has many contradictions in itself, that the scientist in me can not accept.
I missed that. Can you name a Few please.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 8:53 pm
by Forge
Ooh, ooh! The world was made in only six days and...


Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 11:54 am
by bizzt
Forge wrote:Ooh, ooh! The world was made in only six days and...

That is a Perception not a Contradiction

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 2:04 pm
by Resident Atheist
A snowflake is actually an excellent reference. It is a beautiful, symmetrical, unique, structured coming together of random matter dependant on nothing but the random properties of the universe.

Meaningful arrangements being produced from chaos.

Also, if Jehovah were a scientist and created us in his image, he would've given us scientific evidence of his existence, since no good scientist takes the nature of the universe on faith.

Science is built on doubt, on disproving bad theories. Not faith.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 4:45 pm
by August
Resident Atheist wrote:Science is built on doubt, on disproving bad theories. Not faith.
Science is most definitely built on faith.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 5:06 pm
by Resident Atheist
In what way? Because so far as I can tell it's really just applied skepticism.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 5:08 pm
by August
Resident Atheist wrote:In what way? Because so far as I can tell it's really just applied skepticism.
Faith in the uniformity of nature, the reliability of your senses, the scientific method, the laws of logic and the truth-value of predictions. Off the top of my head.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 5:18 pm
by Resident Atheist
Faith in the uniformity of nature,

<b>Nature has proven extremely uniform.</b>

the reliability of your senses,

<b>They and our minds are all we have to be scientists, would you have us doubt them and resign ourselves to know nothing?</b>

the scientific method,

<b>What has faith got to do with it? It's a series of proven methods that are extremely useful.</b>

the laws of logic

<b>As in "A cannot be A and not A" or logic in general?</b>

and the truth-value of predictions.

<b>Once again, I'm not seeing faith. Also that is not a clinching proof, it is compelling evidence.</b>

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 5:25 pm
by August
Resident Atheist wrote:Faith in the uniformity of nature,

<b>Nature has proven extremely uniform.</b>
Has it? In what sense? The theory of evolution you like so much shows changes in every generation, how is that uniform? And most of those changes cannot be specifically predicted, only that there will be some change.
They and our minds are all we have to be scientists, would you have us doubt them and resign ourselves to know nothing?
Are your senses 100% reliable? And how do you know what you are observing? Do you sense that you are sensing something? How do you know that your sensation of your sensation is reliable?
What has faith got to do with it? It's a series of proven methods that are extremely useful.
But you stated that it is your benchmark for truth. As mentioned elsewhere, please prove it to be true, or else admit that you are holding on to it by means of faith.
Once again, I'm not seeing faith. Also that is not a clinching proof, it is compelling evidence.
What is the difference between clinching proof and compelling evidence?

Please check your PM.

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2006 10:38 pm
by Fortigurn
Resident Atheist wrote:A snowflake is actually an excellent reference. It is a beautiful, symmetrical, unique, structured coming together of random matter dependant on nothing but the random properties of the universe.

Meaningful arrangements being produced from chaos.
They are not produced from 'the random properties of the universe', or 'from chaos'. They are produced in strict accordance with unchanging laws. This is precisely why they occur in the same form again and again and again.
Also, if Jehovah were a scientist and created us in his image, he would've given us scientific evidence of his existence, since no good scientist takes the nature of the universe on faith.
This is a non sequitur.