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Work & Personal Moral Convictions

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:02 am
by Kurieuo
I recently came across an ethical issue during my work. From the general Christian perspective and based upon Scripture, acting upon homosexual feelings is wrong (not to mention the additional health risks associated with such a lifestyle). Therefore while I would talk with a homosexual as I would any other person, I can not support actions I consider to be damaging, or unacceptable to God. And for some additional reasons listed at, I also disagree with a homosexual couple marrying or raising children.

Now I am to be possibly responsible for helping an organisation devoted to "minority" groups (such as indigenous, and those living a homosexual lifestyle including couples raising children) to setup an online journal, which I assume is to promote their work and beliefs. While good can come from some parts, I have strong reservations about helping propagate beliefs on homosexuality that I feel strongly against.

So, I'm wondering... what would other Christians here do given such a situation. Would you just reject the job without offering the reason why? Would you reject the job, and let them know why potentially damaging further work? Would you keep quiet and do the work thinking personal convictions should not come in the way of work considered morally acceptable to society?


Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 8:38 am
by Felgar
Wow... Tough call Kurieuo. Perhaps you could make it clear that you don't agree with their agenda, but you will do the work out of faith because you're commanded to love (and show love) to those whom you would disagree with. I dunno...

You're gonna have to seek God's will carefully on this one I think.

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 9:24 am
by BavarianWheels
An online journal? in a blog?

If it's as simple as a blog...I don't see any problem.

If it is more in-depth...I would need more explanation.

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 6:25 pm
by Jac3510
In the strictest sense of the poll's question, I answer no, but like Bav., I think it'd help to know the extent of the work you'd be doing. Obviously, keep praying about it, and I'm sure we'll all pray for wisdom for you, but in general, I hold moral convictions higher than potential business. God meets needs, not the employer. So, it becomes a question on the conviction, and there really isn't enough info., in my mind, to state definitively one way or the other right now.

God bless

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 7:23 pm
by Kurieuo
I had made the decision to politely deny the work, but thankfully they had a handle on things themselves in the end anyway. I was not totally clear on the requirements, but basically a few of the articles that would have likely ended up in it (using my common sense) would have promoted homosexual lifestyles as alright, and come to the defense of gay couples fostering and raising children. I thought it would be interesting to see what other people here thought.

When I actually came across issue a few days ago, I actually thought nothing of it and didn't have any conscience about it. Within society there is often pressure to go along with beliefs that society in general find acceptable. The more I think about, the more I wonder why it really seemed like nothing to me in the beginning. Just doing a job that someone else would otherwise do I thought, and people are entitled to their opinions, etc. Yet then, the more I thought about it, the more it made me think... if society accepted pornographic images of children was alright or something else as bad, would I just be doing my job if I were hired to help publish them? In the end I came to the conclusion I wouldn't be a tool to help in something I believe goes against my own personal convictions and God no matter how simple it may seem. I am just shocked at how under-radar this came.


Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 2:00 am
by RGeeB
That was a difficult situation and a prudent judgement of the matter. Things like these prepare the Christian for tougher choices to be made in the future. Like the 'mark of the beast'..