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Trying to commit boppin'

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 3:27 pm
by Ark~Magic
I'm trying so hard to keep from bopping my wife. The only reason I am not dancing or hurling others is because of my grandma. I'm tired of swingin' dudes trying to save religion of being the big brother of boppa, but they have no idea that they'd be shaboppin' by now if it wasn't for my deet.

I'm tired of jamming in this world and having to deal with all of the sways and proofin' and funkyness, I'm tired of having to swaggle just to find the turf and everything. I ask you just to play, because if not someone might get the jackpot, tonight.

What really can I do??

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 3:37 pm
by August
Hi AM,

No-one here can really know why you arrived at this point in your life, but we can certainly say that to kill yourself is not the solution.

You only have one opportunity to live life here, and to make a difference to the lives of those around you, even those that you are so angry with. Have you ever really stopped and considered your purpose here on earth? While I can't tell you exactly what it is, I can tell you the higher order goal is that you are here for the glory of God, not yours or anyone else's. By killing yourself, or hurting others, you are not glorifying God. I understand anger and resentment, and urge you to try and work through it.

Please PM me if I can be of any assistance, there are many other options.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 3:50 pm
by bizzt
I agree fully with August. Life is too important to miss out. I know you might not want to read but I thought I would give you a Book that Might help you.

The Purpose Driven Life. by Rick Warren

It has really helped my life and gave me more direction of where I want to go. Take the 40 days or 40 weeks to read it and Study God's Word.

My Prayers are with you

In Christ

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 4:24 pm
by Deborah
bizzt wrote:I agree fully with August. Life is too important to miss out. I know you might not want to read but I thought I would give you a Book that Might help you.

The Purpose Driven Life. by Rick Warren

It has really helped my life and gave me more direction of where I want to go. Take the 40 days or 40 weeks to read it and Study God's Word.

My Prayers are with you

In Christ
The Purpose Driven Life is a terrific book to read.

My friend life is too short and we have so much to learn.

Re: Trying to commit suicide

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 10:20 am
by B. W.
Ark~Magic wrote:I'm trying so hard to keep from ending my life. The only reason I am not doing it or hurting others is because of my faith. I'm tired of godless idiots trying to accuse religion of being evil, but they have no idea that they'd be six feet under by now if it wasn't for my faith.

I'm tired of living in this world and having to deal with all of the lies and propaganda and foolishness, I'm tired of having to struggle just to find the truth and everything. I ask you just to pray, because if not someone might get hurt.

What really can I do??
It is not my intent to give pat answers to such a serious thread as this but-Do not consider suicide as an option. It really is not all that it is cracked up to be — a way of escape from woe.

If you hang in there, in time, you'll discover that life has a meaning and profound purpose. I suggest not to view this “meaning and profound purpose of life” in the wrong manner. As Christian's, we are to make Life —Live — where we are at. How we do that is up to each of us. It is there — where you'll discover the importance of living and storing up treasures in heaven.

Making Life — Live — to those around you sometimes is painful as they return badness for your goodness. Other times — you receive accolades in the form of making someone happy, providing a need, aiding the hurting, making a child smile — well best to read Romans chapter 12 verses 4 through 21 as this describes what I refer to as making life live.

Next, for reason's unknown to me why I will say this next statement, I would like you not to be taken in by what you may have read about Near Death Experience concerning that everyone goes to a nice place to justify death as an alternative choice to the sufferings experienced in life. Please do not go that route. It is a trap that fools the mind.

Life will improve as you trod onward into your future:

"Watch, standfast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with Love" - I Corinthians 16:3.

"The Lord will deliver (you) me from every evil work and perserve (you) me for His heavenly kingdom." 2 Timothy 4:18

"May the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be perserved blameless at the coming of the lord. He who calls you is faithful who will also see you through." - 1 Thessalonains 5:23

Re: Trying to commit suicide

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 11:59 am
by j316
Ark~Magic wrote:I'm trying so hard to keep from ending my life. The only reason I am not doing it or hurting others is because of my faith. I'm tired of godless idiots trying to accuse religion of being evil, but they have no idea that they'd be six feet under by now if it wasn't for my faith.

I'm tired of living in this world and having to deal with all of the lies and propaganda and foolishness, I'm tired of having to struggle just to find the truth and everything. I ask you just to pray, because if not someone might get hurt.

What really can I do??
I read your post with interest and it appears to me that you don't seem to know what faith actually is. Faith is given to us to bear witness to the reality of all that is said about Jesus. It was not given to you as an antidote to murder. As I was pondering what you were really saying it came to me that you should read the Gospel of John 4 or 5 times in a row, not deeply as in studying it, but as a story. It will give you a fuller understanding and appreceiation of our Lord's life and mission. John is really all about faith and perseverance.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 7:20 pm
by Mystical
I hope things are better for you now, Ark~Magic.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 10:23 pm
by Fortigurn
I'm amazed that anyone actually understood what he said. :shock:

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 10:27 pm
by Jbuza
Fortigurn wrote:I'm amazed that anyone actually understood what he said. :shock:
LOL, that is what I was thinking also, but I see a couple of messages up the original quote evidently there was an edit involved.

Hope is found in Christ.