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What is Life's Purpose ?

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 12:53 am
by Anonymous
I believe the Bible gives us clear direction as to the purpose of our life here on planet earth.
There are three main points - they are:
:arrow: Tests
:arrow: Trust
:arrow: Temporary.

First may I say that life is the way it is because of sin brought into the world by our ancestors. Genesis 3, Romans 5:16-21.

:idea: Tests...Because of sin this world is not perfect so God will test us.
These Tests are to prove what we are made of and what is in our heart. See Dueteronomy 8:2,3, James 1:2-5, Proverbs 4:23, Matthew 6:21, Psalm 51:6, Psalm 139:23,24.
You see God is not interested in correcting 6 billion people on the planet so that you will have the perfect life. Rather He is interested in changing your heart so you can deal with the 6 billion people on this earth.

Now there are 3 types of Tests - they are:
:arrow: 1st - Tests from God - like when God told Abraham to offer up his only son as an offering to Him. Now for you that question God, know that God never intended Abraham to kill his son. It was only a test. This story is found in Genesis 22:1-19. We find that in Hebrews 11:17-19 that Abraham believed God would have to raise his son from the dead if he had killed him. Why? Because God is true to His Word.
:arrow: 2nd - Tests from the evil one by the hand of God. We find a great example of this in the book of Job. You may ask why would God allow the devil to kill his 10 children, take away his wealth, reputation, health, and even turn his wife against him. You must understand that God knows us better than we know ourselves, see Psalm 100:3. Now the outcome of this is that Job is more blessed by God in the end than at the beginning.
:arrow: 3rd - Tests from others...Look at the story of Joseph betrayed by his own brethern, in Genesis 39:2-4. Again this had a positive outcome after 13 years of great trials. Joseph learned to trust God in all that came on him. Note his words to his brothers many years later - Genesis 45:4-8, Genesis 50:20.

:idea: Trusts - God entrust us with stewardships in this life. Some God gives wealth, some health, some longer life, some intelligence, some strength, some lots of friends, and all in different measures. See Matthew 25:14-30, Ecclesiastes, Luke 12:48.
However there is one thing that God has entrusted us with that are His riches - Ephesians 2:7, Ephesians 4:7. It is God's grace & mercy. Grace simply defined is 'unmerited, undeserved favour'. Whereas mercy is 'not giving what one deserves', 'withholding punishment'.
The Bible states that God gives more grace to those who are humble(d). See James 4:6, 2Corinthians 12:9, Romans 5:20.
What is the purpose of God's Grace & Mercy shown to us is that we would show it to others in love. Now this topic is endless in Scripture, because God is Love. See 2John 1:5, 1John 4:16-21, 1John 4:7-12, 1John 3:16-18, 1Peter 3:8, 1Peter 1:22, James 2:1-8, James 2:14-19, Hebrews 6:9,10, 1Thessalonians 4:9, John 15:9-19, John 14:15-21, Matthew 25:31-46.
May I remind you that this is just the tip of the iceberg on the subject of love.

:idea: Finally, this life is temporary. The fact remains the same - for every person born, they will die. We cannot escape physical death, it is part of the penalty of sin. We are to view this life in the light of God. Just like the Jews wandered in the wilderness for 40 years, and lived in our life here is temporary. 40 years in the Jewish mindset of that day was considered a lifetime. See James 4:14, Hebrews 11:8-10, Dueteronomy 30:19,20.
Your life here is going to determine your life in the one to come. See Luke 16:10-14, Luke 19:15-19, Luke 9:48, Luke 7:28, Matthew 11:11.

I trust that you will see the clear evidence the Bible gives for choosing Jesus Christ this day. John 14:6, Romans 6:23, 1Corinthians 1:8, 2Corinthians 5:17.
Yours in Christ,
Compassion :D John 3:16

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 1:41 am
by RGeeB
Thats a great way to approach life, however, the question still remains - What is life's purpose?

I don't know for sure. Somewhere else on this forum the terms soul-making and soul-shaping have been used. So, for God to have a relationship with humans (or not) for ever, they have to live a life on earth with freewill.

That is the Point...

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 7:22 am
by Anonymous
So, for God to have a relationship with humans (or not) for ever, they have to live a life on earth with freewill.
That is the point RGeeB, your freewill is involved on how you respond to life's tests, the things you are entrusted with, and how you view this temporary life. Are you willing to surrender your life to His ways, entrusting Him for the resuslts.

Yesterday, in speaking with a brother in the Lord, this person who was out delivering papers in the pouring rain sent a prayer to God stating to God, 'Would you stop the rain for me.' Well the more he prayed the more it rained and seemed to even heavier. Then it dawned on him to thank God despite the rain, and even have joy in this difficulty [however small it may seem]. Then almost instantaneously the rain stopped.

God is gently knocking on our door waiting for us to open it and see things His way. He is not a God smashes in our door, but rather patiently waiting on us [our freewill] to respond.

Trust this helps,

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 1:40 am
by RGeeB
Yes Compassion, I agree with what you have posted above. Very encouraging, thanks.

I was just merely hoping to find an answer to this question - Why does God give humans a lifespan on Earth?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 10:54 am
by Felgar
RGeeB wrote:Yes Compassion, I agree with what you have posted above. Very encouraging, thanks.

I was just merely hoping to find an answer to this question - Why does God give humans a lifespan on Earth?
We're pathetic creatures only able to live for 100 years or so max, yet how many of us claim that we actually ARE God. I wonder what we'd be claiming if we didn't even die.

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 6:37 am
by Anonymous
Compassion - excellent post. I love the overwhelming Biblical support. Couldn't agree more with all you've said.

What kind of Bible do you use? How old are you and how long have you been studying? Please include any history/information that might pertain to these two questions - I'm curious to know.

Bro Mike

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 3:24 am
by Anonymous
In reply to PremoMD...
What kind of Bible do you use? How old are you and how long have you been studying? Please include any history/information that might pertain to these two questions - I'm curious to know.
Thanks, for asking. My Bible is the KJV...of which I came out of a church and am still there, which believes it still is the closest to the 'Textus Receptus' original Greek Text. My very first church that I attended held to the NAS version, with a number holding to the KJV. So I am familiar with the NAS, but prefer the KJV. Now do I believe that the KJV is the only Bible, and all others are 'comic books'. Thats what they were referred to by one Pastor I sat under. So to say here, I do not agree that all others are 'comic books' otherwise preaching the word would be 'comic books'. However, that same Pastor gave me a challenge. He said that learn 60 difficult words in the KJV, and you will grow to understand and appreciate the KJV. So I did, and can say that yes I come to appreciate it much more. Now that same Pastor does not hold the same view, that all others are 'comic books'. He sees the KJV is the best of all the versions.

I am now 53 years old, and I wish I had the wisdom today that I had when I first got saved on June 18th, 1978. Some of the mistakes I made would not of happened, however I understand wisdom at times comes through our experiences, and mistakes we make. I have never been to a Bible College, however my first church [which was evangelical non-denominational] I sat under a man who I consider one of the best teachers of the word. He left that church to become President, then Chancellor of a Bible College / Seminary in Toronto, Canada.

I know those early years I grew by leaps and bounds. Then there was a preiod in my life that I fell into sin, and life was a rollercoaster until 2001, when I believe my life started back on the right direction. For that is what life is all about, direction [the choices we make]. What is the difference between being mediocre, and great ? I believe it is the choices we make in this life, towards or away from our Creator.

Deuteronomy 30:19 "I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:"

Joshua 24:15 "And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."

Hope this helps, will be glad to answer any further questions you have.

One further thought... :idea: Most Christians think when someone becomes saved, a believer, that the first order of business is to get them full of knowledge. This is the worst thing one can do! We should first desire them to walk by faith, then have the desire to please God with their daily living. Then and only then do we add knowledge. To me that is the whole story of the 'Garden of Eden' experience. Submission to authority structures, and faith go hand in hand.
See 2 Peter 1:5; James 3:13; 2 Timothy 3:1-7; Colossians 1:9-11; 1 Corinthians 8:1; Romans 13; Romans 14:23.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 6:40 pm
by Kurieuo
Compassion wrote:Most Christians think when someone becomes saved, a believer, that the first order of business is to get them full of knowledge. This is the worst thing one can do! We should first desire them to walk by faith, then have the desire to please God with their daily living. Then and only then do we add knowledge. To me that is the whole story of the 'Garden of Eden' experience. Submission to authority structures, and faith go hand in hand.
See 2 Peter 1:5; James 3:13; 2 Timothy 3:1-7; Colossians 1:9-11; 1 Corinthians 8:1; Romans 13; Romans 14:23.
I think whether a new believer or old, one should follow Christ's greatest commandment, which is to love God not only with your heart and soul, but also with your mind. I consider the latter to be especially important to stabalising and increasing a believer's faith.


Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 7:04 am
by Anonymous
I also read from the KJV. Previous Bible that I had was the NRSV (Catholic edition). Grew up in the catholic church for 18 years. I guess that I'm still technically considered a catholic, but I prefer the pentecostal type of atmospheres. I'm an intentional type of evangelism guy and I don't find that too often except with the really "on-fire" Christians. I've been to various churches and held various texts of scripture. I love all the brethren I come across but I wish they were reaching out with the gospel more. I love the word of God but I wish that I could read Hebrew/Greek. I've come to accept what people and resources the Lord has put across my path. They do shape you into a very distinct person... Have no doubt, the Church you attend and the Bible you read will have a diverse effect on your charater/growth in God.

This was a great quote

[quote = "Compassion"]What is the difference between being mediocre, and great ? I believe it is the choices we make in this life, towards or away from our Creator.[/quote]

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 11:30 pm
by Anonymous
Kurieuo perhaps a better way of putting what I see now, is that some people only want to fill their heads with knowledge, to look superior, always questioning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth. Whereas others only desire is fill their hearts with what will please their Master, wanting to do what pleases Him. That is what I think Peter ment when stated add to your faith virtue, and to your virtue knowledge. Matthew 7:24-27; Deuteronomy 19:9...Deuteronomy is especially full of doing these things which God hath commanded.

However I do appreciate your point that we are to fill our mind with knowledge of the word in the way of meditation, remembering, etc.
As your faith, desire to please God grows, then that knowledge is thrilling.

And in regards to what PremoMD wrote...
Have no doubt, the Church you attend and the Bible you read will have a diverse effect on your charater/growth in God.
Thankyou for that thought, for indeed these involve choices we make in this life. It is great to hear of and see your growth...keep on the path that will not disappoint.

Yours - Compassion

PS - Had a thought :idea: had a friend over watching a video on the book 'Signature of God' by Grant Jeffery - the Bible Code, plus quite a few other interesting topics that point to God's signature in the Bible. I am getting it to read over. The more you dig in God's word the more you uncover, its like burried treasure.

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 8:45 am
by Anonymous

Riches profit not in the day of wrath but righteousness delivers from death. ~ Proverbs

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 8:44 pm
by Alanna
I beleive The pupose of life is to know, to love and to serve God. :)

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 8:47 pm
by Deborah
Alanna wrote:I beleive The pupose of life is to know, to love and to serve God. :)

I agree, we are here to learn a most important lesson.