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Once Saved Always Saved??

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 5:18 pm
by ryo dokomi
now i know that this is a very controversial subject but i think that we need to descuss such things in order to "come to the unity of the spirit"

now my question is...
when you except christ as your LORD and SAVIOR can you ever not be saved again...or in other words is the phrase 'once saved always saved' true??


Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 5:45 am
by Ark~Magic
No, to simply put it:
To be a follower of Christ is to emulate Him. -- Jon Foreman of Switchfoot
You need to make an effort to follow God, not just keep doing [poop] you know is going to anger him and think you can just have him forgive you even though you know better. If you don't have any guilt for it in your heart then you aren't truly repentant, and thus you'll be bringing more sin on yourself.

Unfortunately, alot of us don't always live up to this, myself included. :\

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 1:45 pm
by Felgar
You asked for it Ryo! See this thread. In particular my beliefs mirror those presented quite eloquently by Jac3510.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:46 pm
by ryo dokomi was a lot to read though :)

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:07 pm
by Deborah
I think Ezekiel 18 sums this up for us. the answer is clear and precise. After reading this chanpter it leaves no doubt in my mind, If we repent then our sins are not remembered, like likewise if we sin our rightiousness is not remembered.

Repentance is all amout realizing the sin and accepting responsability for it. In otherwords not shifting the blame to someone else.

Only when we realize the sin and accept responsibility for it can we be truely repentant.
As children of God we are expected by God to act in a certain way, and that is to live by example.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:39 pm
by Fisherman
Deborah wrote:Repentance is all amout realizing the sin and accepting responsability for it. In otherwords not shifting the blame to someone else.
That's called responsibility.

Repentance on the other hand, is doing a 180 and turning from your sin. "Don't do it no mo!" ;)

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 5:05 pm
by Deborah
Fisherman wrote:
Deborah wrote:Repentance is all amout realizing the sin and accepting responsability for it. In otherwords not shifting the blame to someone else.
That's called responsibility.

Repentance on the other hand, is doing a 180 and turning from your sin. "Don't do it no mo!" ;)
correct, but to not do it no mo as you say, you have to reconize the sin in the first place. We must learn, we me anyway to think before i act or open my mouth :oops:

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 5:13 pm
by Fisherman
Deborah wrote:
Fisherman wrote:
Deborah wrote:Repentance is all amout realizing the sin and accepting responsability for it. In otherwords not shifting the blame to someone else.
That's called responsibility.

Repentance on the other hand, is doing a 180 and turning from your sin. "Don't do it no mo!" ;)
correct, but to not do it no mo as you say, you have to reconize the sin in the first place. We must learn, we me anyway to think before i act or open my mouth :oops:
Naw! You're right my sister. We do have to take responsibility on this Earth for our actions and they do have eternal consequences. :)

Re: Once Saved Always Saved??

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2005 11:55 am
by ikester7579
ryo dokomi wrote:now i know that this is a very controversial subject but i think that we need to descuss such things in order to "come to the unity of the spirit"

now my question is...
when you except christ as your LORD and SAVIOR can you ever not be saved again...or in other words is the phrase 'once saved always saved' true??
James 5:
19 Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him;
20 Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.

err from truth=knowing the word of God, and having salvation.
convert him=showing one can fall from grace (gal 5:4) to the point of losing salvation.
sinner=proves how far they have fallen.
soul death=second death, which is the lake of fire
hide sins=being covered again by the blood. Because sins can only be blotted out by the blood.

Does one lose salvation as soon as they sin?
Nope. Grace and mercy is afforded to us to give time to repent and ask for forgivness. God is long suffering.

Does this mean there are works?
Works for earth are considered carnal works. Any work you do that glorofies God is not a work. This is because your reward is both here and in heaven. Carnal works only gives rewards here. And therefore are works of the flesh.

At what point do we lose salvation?
Since God gave His Son as a free gift for this, it would be determined soley by Him. Each person is different as far as sin goes and what's in their heart. Some people need to be tested to strengthen their faith, While others will just dive into sin, and never come up for air. Salvation was made to forgive sin, not condone it. And those who mock this free gift are in danger of soul death (lake of fire or second death).