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The Bible and the history

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 1:16 am
by PetriFB
Jari Iivanainen's interesting article about the Bible and history:

When it is a question of events mentioned in the Bible, so we can often read and hear, how some researchers doubt historicalness of these accounts. Especially initial accounts in other words the Fall, the Flood and the tower of Babel and miracles, which appear in the gospels, are such matters, which the researchers regard as unreliable. They may regard them only as legends, and they think that those accounts aren't worth while to take seriously.

We are indeed going to examine this difficult matter on the next lines by many examples. This writing has been directed expressly at such persons, who want sincerely to find out this area and who struggle with this matter; in other words it has been meant to such persons, who want to know, are in the Bible mentioned events really historical and correct.

In this writing we will try to bring out also archaeological finds, because they have often confirmed those events, which are mentioned in the Bible. They have many times confirmed such matters, about which has before been information only on the pages of the Bible:

"However, generally archaeological research has undoubtedly added confidence in the truthfulness of the Bible. More than one archaeologist has noticed that his respect towards the Bible has grown with excavations carried-out in Palestine (1). The archaeology has in many cases proved to be false the views of the modern critics. Has been proved in many cases, that these views have been based on incorrect hypotheses and unreal, fictitious views about the history. There is not any reason to belittle this genuine help of archaeology." (2)

"It is important to understand, that by the help of archaeological diggings have been got a large amount of proofs, which indicate completely clearly, that the Bible is not pious faking. Till now not even one historical point of the Bible can't have been proved to be false on the basis of those proofs, which have been got by archaeological researches." (3)


Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 6:43 am
by August
Tervetuola, Petri.

That site looks pretty interesting, lot's of information. Did you see on the weekend that they discovered the ruins of what they believe to be the earliest Christian church near Migeddo?,7340 ... 37,00.html

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 6:56 am
by PetriFB
August wrote:Tervetuola, Petri.

That site looks pretty interesting, lot's of information. Did you see on the weekend that they discovered the ruins of what they believe to be the earliest Christian church near Migeddo?,7340 ... 37,00.html
Thanks for welcome greetings.........

I haven't seen that thing about ruins near Migeddo.

May GBU .........