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Lord of the Rings

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 7:37 am
by SillyPutty
Not sure if this is where this questions belongs but here goes......
My husband (an unbeliever) and I were discussing current films,
I said that Sin City was despicable based on the review I read from PluggedIn, my husband said how is that different from the Passion??
He said there is just as much gore,blood,injustice etc ,he said that in the end of Sin City this guy gives his life to save this girl. So he's not comparing this guy to Christ by any means he's just camparing elements in our "entertainment".

Next one, he compared Lord of the Rings (Another film I have not seen)which contains "magic" so to speak, cannabalism (he said one of the creatures feeds on flesh) scary creatures, etc etc to Harry Potter.

So what should be my reply?? Why is one OK and the other is not??

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 8:37 am
by Fortigurn
This is a good question. The answer is found in the spirit of the presentation.:
  • Does it glorify the violence?
  • Does it justify the violence?
  • Does it indulge the violence?
  • In what context is the violence presented?
I've seen atheists piously object to the 'pornography' in the Bible, but I've never heard of anyone reading a Bible for sexual gratification. Why do you reckon that is? 8)

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 11:03 am
by lissy
i completely agree, it is all about the context and not the violence and subject itself. i should know, i go to a conservative baptist church and played a stripper in the christmas musical two years ago about a rebellious teen and her relationship with her father. god fingerprints were all over that production, and many lives were changed!