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chick lit

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 6:08 am
by ray
an interesting and promising idea ... 384528.htm


Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 10:10 am
by Forge
Heh, I thought chick lit was talking about an ingredient in chewing gum.

Sounds like a nice change, though.

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 1:30 pm
by kateliz
Be wary.

I got an offer for free Christian romance novels in the mail, and thought it would interesting to see what it was all about. I've always detested romance novels, but I was curious, so I took the offer and bothered to read one of the three books they sent me. Very poor writing. But it was concerning in that it still had the whole "she fell into his arms" thing, and purposely tried to evoke the reader's desire for such romantic encounters, making girls who would otherwise be perfectly content with their God-given singleness dangerously desirous of more. I found it unhealthy reading because that and it retained the flavour of a secular romance novel, (I imagine, at least, having never read one).

Then I was referred to... now who wrote it? Not Beverly Lewis, but a popluar female Christian novelist, anyway. I was referred to this book of hers, "Redeeming Love," which was supposed to be the story of Hosea placed in... was it San Fransico? during the Gold Rush. I've heard many Christian women speak of how it's such a good book, but when I read it I found it surprisingly unChristian in many ways. The author used to write secular romance novels before she became a Christian, and that influence was obvious in the graphic descriptions and play-up of the sexual scenes. It was also obvious she was a "baby Christian" because of how she wrote of God interacting with the people. She had some of the main characters made out to be such godly Christians, yet their interactions with God were very inaccurate to how God does work with people, and I found that concerning for those who will read it and get the wrong idea. I can't be specific, and I hope I'm being accurate enough- it was a while ago that I read the book. But I feel I must share my concerns.

And another thing- what's with the whole shopping thing?!?! That's not Christ-like! It's a sin to make an idol out of material objects or to get infatuated with the process of acquiring them. What about not worrying about what we shall wear? What about being humble, modest, and focusing on the inward more than the outward? What about wise use of resources for the kingdom? Women who love to shop as the article portrays these characters, sin in it.

And the whole dating thing- I don't agree with it. God graciously led me to Joshua Harris's book "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" while I was ninth grade, and I've agreed with the concept ever since. Dating is not the way God wants to do this romance/marriage thing. Granted, He allows couples to find eachother this way, but it's not the biblical ideal, and it's loaded with sinful attitudes and outlooks. I much prefer courting. I'd rather not get into the whole thing now, but I might later if asked to.