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Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 12:25 pm
by Witness
Hi this is my first post and after a couple of hours reading the various forms and articles I have found some very good articles and really good discusions however I have notice a few things that to me do not seem like true Christian behavior. It is not my intent to single out individuals or particular articles or to be judgemental towards anyone, if your a member of this board then you probably have read the various forms etc.

There seems to be some name calling, judgements on who is a Christian based on a belief whether Jesus was God or the Son of God and even singling out particular groups (JW's, SDA's, etc) as being cults (negative definition) instead of being Christian denomination.

Jesus told us to go into the world and spread the Good News that there is hope and salvation and to win souls for God. He taught us to love one another and not be judgmental. So how can we love someone if we are judgemental, remember God gave us the freedom of choice. Yes I believe that we should express our opinions and in some cases even defend(backup) our beliefs, but not to the point of being forceful. It maybe more prosperous to plant a seed instead of the tree. We are told many times in the Bible that if we read it with open hearts and a clear mind God will give us the answers to all our questions.

I won't pretend that I know everything and I won't quote scripture in this message, but I will say that I have read the Bible (more then once) and I have come to this conclusion....The Bible is the word of God written by man with guidance of the Holy Spirit, there is only one true God (the Father) that no man has seen for they would perish. Jesus is the only begotten Son of God (my Lord and Savior) through whom we are saved, there is one resurrection (Jesus 2nd coming), after Jesus 1000 year reign God will come to live with his people.

For those who feel they have the authority to judge what I have written please do so. It's not your judgement that worries me.

I'm sorry that this is long but I had something I felt compelled to say. I look forward being a part of this community :D

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 1:24 pm
by Believer
Hello Witness, yes you have stated the reality of our nature, and it isn't what Jesus would want, not at all. I confess I am one of them that have been a little out of control sometimes. My excuse is that there are too many skeptical people that come to these forums wanting to have a tailored to them debate/discussion when it is already there in some form or another on the forums. It just angers me that the typical response from the believers that have already debated the same thing presented have to say "here we go AGAIN!". I just don't understand why one cannot and would not want to accept that there is a divine being. Are miracles, archaeology, testimonials, and especially the Bible not good enough? It always resorts to wanting proof. If God made Himself provable, there would be no cause for faith, it would be ruined. Among other things that are getting worse in this world, people are using religion to attack religion.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 5:08 pm
by Witness
Thank you Thinker for your thoughts and in replying. I believe the Bible is proof enough. If one would take the time to read it and also consider the time line. For example the old testamant tells us that the earth is round (If need be for the skeptics I could research the exact book, chapter and paragraph, but after reading your many post I think you know what Iamb talking about) Considering that this was written more than 3000 years ago and less then 400 years ago man thought it was flat and they would fall off the edge if venturing too far. People think that the Bible is some boring book, however in it we find venture, science fact, drama and of course the greatest love story ever written (Gods love for his people). I personally think Christians (in general) have become their own worse enemy and critic. When we read the Bible we are suppose to allow God to speak to us and not try to support our own personal beliefs. Too many people have a idea or have heard of a theory and find what ever they can to support it. I can remember one of my lessons some time ago when the trinity was been supported. the lesson claimed that Jesus said he was God. The chapter and verse that was quoted was the pharisees claim. After reading previous verses I realized I was correct in my memory. Jesus did not claim to be God the pharisees accused him (wrongly) of claiming this. The Bible is written in such a way that anyone can support a claim but one has to study and ask God for clarity. We as human are too quick to judge others especially people who do not follow traditional thinking, don't get me wrong some of this type of thinking can be dangerous, but I always remember I have a choice.