And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds..

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And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds..

Post by Species_8472 »

and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.

Let the dead bury the dead?
does that mean let the departed deal with their own death?
Imagine that--a departed soul having to look in the mirror upon their death.
purgatory. hell. heaven. what ever you want to call the here-after-where-ever.
I call it the abyss. the unknown, where serpents both light and dark dwell. powers un-imaginably cold and calculated--shrouded in cryptic-myst.
If we must pray then it must be to truth and light, knowledge and wisdom, peace and serenity; for the self and the outsider.

The dead will not live and the living will not die.

How is a soul created if it doesn't have a chance to experience? How can I be if I have not been? Why do we exist? to experience? to be first?
What about the last? What is the last form of the soul?
The spirit of the dead?
Does experience cease when you die?
How crude matter is...luminous beings are we.
Is life the first mystery which came forth from the last mystery that is the same as the first?
When you look in the mirror do you see a reflection of your soul? :evil:
Jesus said that he is the first and the last...he also said that he is life.
Is that the first mystery? Life? and the last?
Is my soul separate from my body? Is my soul separate from experience or is it the sum of experience?
Why does the soul leave the body? Does not the soul have form? Is not the body part of experience?
Transient. Transfiguration of the soul as it becomes the spirit (or the form of the soul as the two become one. Life and death.
Is all nature resolved to its root? When did animal become man? When it went against its nature? Is there sin in darkness? Does it exist on its own? or does the light reveal the nature of sin?
What brought sin into the world? was it experience of interaction between the body and the world?
Will sin be resolved to its root when man becomes animal again?
When the animal said, I am naked--the animal became man.
Is shame a sin? Does it sin against nature?
Is there absolute truth? or does truth come from life? does the truth emanate from experience?
What is the nature of these questions?
If heaven is within you then why look outwards? Is what you perceive outside of you the reflection of what is inside you? Is heaven the perceiving of divinity? or is divinity what heaven perceives itself?

Does truth come from pain?
Is life suppose to be empty and full of loss? Must we suffer in order to get into heaven? And what is it that we suffer? Is it the loss of sin? Is it happiness? Does sin bring happiness to a worldly life? or is the world so empty that we must sin to live?
Is it wrong to be materialistic? Is it wrong to experience the world?
is it because the spiritual world suffers the loss of the material world?, (hence, the spiritual attacking the worldly; and the worldly attacking the spiritual.
To be spiritual--is that to conquer the world or to conquer the self?
Why wash the outside of the cup; don't you know who made the outside also made the inside?
Why do sinners become saints? Is it to conquer the world?
I doubt they even conquered themselves.
Who does in any form of creation?
I remember an old childs' rhyme: the world is but a dream...
someone elses dream. My nightmare. who knows the place in life? what to believe in?

Did you hear the world is going to end?
god is going to conquer the world in blood? (according to revelation)
Heaven wants to glorify itself in blood? to have the glory of men?

They have their reward.

...and god sent his sword, named-jesus christ to destroy the world with fire of the holy spirit. and he guards the fire until it burns in the heart and mind of men--to utterly consume the entire creation. The world is being forged in hellfire and when it burns the whole of creation will be consumed and everything will appear as it truly is: infinite and holy!

Intelligent design or evolution?
I don't know what the evolutionists are talking about, as obviously life is designed intelligently. From the first spark of life, at the first moment of creation, at first moment of being--a lifeform sensed the world around it and began to ask questions through senses (however acute or abstract); and it began to evolve by designing itself intelligently. Senses of questions became more intelligible. Life is--because it is trying to explain itself and the world around it--through the senses. This is the purpose of all being--the driving force of life. What am I?
Life has a will of its own--separate and superior to the actual individual. Life is--to exist and answer that first sense(question) that sparked life and the process of its self-design.
evolution says that there is the animal kingdom and that of man. however, never does it take into account that greater forms of consciousness must exist; for it is evident--We exist.
All life asks the question: Why?
and life evolves through the senses.

But can we ever know the place in life?

A person old in days will not hesitate to ask a child seven days old about his place in life and he will live. For many of the first will be last and many of the last will be first and they will become one.

Does god truly know the all? or did the kingdom of god come to be because of the question?
does god merely rule the all and question gods' own existence?
God must have sensed gods' creation just as a newborn child senses the world around become as children just as he is.

Does god ever ask why?

begin transmission...
...God saw the light that it was good...
...end transmission.

John: 1
"1"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

"2": The same was in the beginning with God.

"3": All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

"4": In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

"5": And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

but who would know the mysteries of life...

If the flesh came into being because of spirit, it is a wonder. But if spirit came into being because of the body, it is a wonder of wonders. Indeed, I am amazed at how this great wealth has made its home in this poverty.
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