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Critique on

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 8:29 pm
by Ark~Magic
What is your opinion on Reginald Finley and his pathetic InfidelGuy website? I think it's [love] up bull [poop]. His material is weak and has been refuted. How do you feel about this site?

He's actually going to be in that anti-Christian [nonsense] movie, "The Beast", where the story involves a girl who discovers Christ was a myth. What a total [love] waste of a life!

WHY would you indulge in atheist websites to learn about Christianity?
"That's like reading a porn site to find out about medicine!" - John Clayton

P.S.; I'm not looking for replies from atheist idiots, so don't even bother.

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 8:42 pm
hehe... Internet infidels :roll:

I try to avoid atheist websites and posts as I'm a 'new' Christian and dont know too much about the apologetics to refute them, and im a bit uninformed, but i was checking out the AmericanAtheists website the other day, read a bit of their "refutations" to Christianity, but just disregarded it...

I think it's [love] up bull [poop].

What a total [love] waste

be in that anti-Christian [nonsense] movie


Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 10:03 pm
hmm... pretty interesting gifs from



I also surfed their forums and found this thread: ... y_response

some guy responding to a Christian email and posting it there, for "praise" from the "infidels"

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 2:48 am
by Believer
SUGAAAAA wrote:hehe... Internet infidels :roll:

I try to avoid atheist websites and posts as I'm a 'new' Christian and dont know too much about the apologetics to refute them, and im a bit uninformed, but i was checking out the AmericanAtheists website the other day, read a bit of their "refutations" to Christianity, but just disregarded it...

I think it's [love] up bull [poop].

What a total [love] waste

be in that anti-Christian [nonsense] movie

J.P. Holding has refuted American Atheists, I e-mailed him about that the other day. I also have read another article about their militant atheist organization. I am in communication with him many times. Nothing to worry about. I sent links from articles on their webpage to people who actually KNOW their history, apologetics, Bible(s), theology, etc... Point is, don't worry, they just want it to look believable as with all atheists. Atheists = Great Deceivers = Satan/Devil/Lucifer. I remember I was a frequent visitor to atheist websites when learning about Christianity, and it gave me much doubt, that is until I decided to look beyond one side of the argument :wink:.

Ark~Magic is referring to an anti-Christian movie due out in theaters (according to them) 2nd quarter next year called The Beast. It is supposed to be about how somehow Christianity is a conspiracy and these people of the church find this girl that finds out it is a conspiracy and the people of the church go after her so she wont tell everyone. Reginald Finley just wants attention. He has his website, which his material isn't good anyways as well as his atheist/agnostic friends on the forums. It's funny because I don't really know of any atheist that runs his/her own website to be a contribution to a movie to make a point that Christianity is false, there is no God, Jesus is a myth, etc..., like that is supposed to make him/her more popular? If he/she thinks so... Reginald justs has excuses for trying to force his life into t.v. programming and into movies. Reginald also is a racist of his own kind, according to a few debates I have seen on the internet, among other things he has admit to without realizing it. He also has this thing for banning Christians that register on his forum that don't attack others but to express their thought, and if it is not to his liking, he will ban. We ban here because atheists come here to either be trolls, or attack. I know of a few people that I could list... Reginald Finley being one of them. Also he is an agnostic atheist, that is a contradiction in itself. Also beware, he and his forum (friends) members love to call us fundies :lol:. Reginald really has a skewed worldview... heck, all of them do.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 2:59 am
by Believer
SUGAAAAA wrote:hmm... pretty interesting gifs from



I also surfed their forums and found this thread: ... y_response

some guy responding to a Christian email and posting it there, for "praise" from the "infidels"
Wow, atheists sure like to insert profanity and words to make you feel bad into their .gifs so people will get the message :roll:. Is that part of atheism? Use profanity all you want because we really are just accidents that don't have emotion and don't care, and we are just waiting to die without a cause? Atheists appear to like hurting people's feelings no matter how "nice" they are. They believe in no God, so they will use that excuse to get away with their actions, "Oh c'mon, no God exists, do whatever you want, everyone does it" :lol:.