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Are Aliens Real?

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 4:16 pm
by Mystical
Do you guys think aliens are real?

Prime Minister on UFOs


Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 5:17 pm
by Ark~Magic
Most alien stories are a myth to begin with. There is little evidence to support them, despite what much conspiracy [poop] says and if these experiences do occur, it is due to demonic influence.

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 3:41 pm
by ryo dokomi
ohh i had to put this, my father thinks that he was ubducted...he is so out of his mind. he gives a whole story, its stupid...
...go here to see what happens to aliens...

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 11:41 pm
by Forge
Maybe, maybe not. I don't know. I don't really care.

Re: Are Aliens Real?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 9:03 pm
by B. W.
Mystical wrote:Do you guys think aliens are real?

Prime Minister on UFOs

Well - would Michael Jackson qualify?

Re: Are Aliens Real?

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 10:06 am
by Byblos
B. W. wrote:
Mystical wrote:Do you guys think aliens are real?

Prime Minister on UFOs

Well - would Michael Jackson qualify?

LMAO! I was so depressed reading the other posts and how people are arguing, nitpicking and insulting one another left and right, then I read this and burst into laughter. Thanks for the cheer B.W. It reminded me of the small part Michael Jackson played in Men In Black. So funny (and so true).

Re: Are Aliens Real?

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 1:52 pm
by BGoodForGoodSake
Byblos wrote:
B. W. wrote:
Mystical wrote:Do you guys think aliens are real?

Prime Minister on UFOs

Well - would Michael Jackson qualify?

LMAO! I was so depressed reading the other posts and how people are arguing, nitpicking and insulting one another left and right, then I read this and burst into laughter. Thanks for the cheer B.W. It reminded me of the small part Michael Jackson played in Men In Black. So funny (and so true).
So as long as we are insulting fallen Pop stars you'll be happy?


Just messing with you,
for your sake I will no longer purposely insult people except for KMart of course.

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 9:43 am
If aliens are real would that mean God gave them life?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 5:03 pm
by IRQ Conflict
Only if you believe God created the universe. Oh, wait, he did.

My thoughts on 'aliens' the kind from 'out there' are that they may be a satanic deception. The Word states that in the last days there will be a deception so strong that if it were possible the very elect would believe.

It wouldn't take satan much to bring a 'chariot of fire' down to earth 'we come in peace' to help humanity with all it's problems.

Disclaimer: My theory alone. The Bible does not mention this in any way shape or form. ;)

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 6:05 am
by Bernie
Do you guys think aliens are real?
Yes. I think my wife is an alien. From Mars or someplace.

Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 3:02 am
by led
No... men are from Mars, women are from Venus. :mrgreen:

Are aliens real?

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 11:52 am
by M7nyc
God calls the church His bride (Revelation 21:2-9). He doesn't talk of marrying any other group. Either God doesn't care about aliens or they don't exist.

The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) is funded because mankind intuitively feels there must be other intelligent life in the universe. There's just one problem, society refuses to see that Intelligent Life is the Lord Jesus Christ. There are God and His angels. There are also fallen angels and demons. I say there's plenty of intelligent life "out there." If science could take the blinders off their eyes and accept the authority of God's word the SETI money could be better spent.

I used to be an atheist, and scientific progress was my savior. Now I'm a Christian rejoicing that my great great grandfather removed was not an ape.




Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 11:21 pm
by bluesman
If there are other aliens out there then God is their creator.
If so did he also send Jesus there?
There is only one Satan so when he is bound for a 1000 years here that would affect all the universe right?

Jesus is going to rule here on earth, so who would rule these alien worlds?

Are we that hope to rule with Christ for eternity going to spread the gospel to the rest of the Universe?

Maybe the aliens already have eternal life and are waiting to welcome us when Jesus returns?

Okay this all just some wild crazy imagination . Only God knows.


Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 6:22 pm
by Gman
Howdy, ok this might sound a little strange but what we are seeing today could very well be angelic "hosts of heaven" (or UFO's) as seen back in the old days..

Dr. Hugh Ross from RTB holds this view too...

Looks like Rich Deem would disagree with this approach.

At least this is my belief about it.. Maybe not everyone here.

G -

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 6:28 am
by Kerux
Several years ago someone made a calculation about the probablity of how many other potential earths there could be in the universe. I believe it went something like this:

If there is a one in a million probabilty of there being another earth in each of the known galaxies, then there are approximately 100,000 other earths in our universe. Keep in mind, this was several years ago and many other galaxies have been discovered since.


Since I last look into this much has been discovered: I found this:


1. Of the 500,000,000,000 galaxies in the universe, 10% are suitable for life in regard to galaxy-cluster density.

This leaves 50,000,000,000 galaxies in which life could occur.


12. Of the 10 galaxies left in #11, 10% have a suitable dwarf galaxy absorption rate.

This leaves 1 galaxy in which life could occur.


1. It is highly UNlikely that there are any other planets in the universe which have life on them, if the percentages and average chances are taken into consideration. -- Dr. Ross gives more than 300 parameters which would need to be fulfilled for life to exist anywhere in the universe, and he explains that for them to be filled by chance occurrence would be one chance out of 10282.

2. The chance of a life-supporting planet/sun system occurring randomly is so small that it is fully rational to conclude that the existence of our solar system is probably the result of an intelligent designer.

Here: ... ility.html