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Should I even bother anymore?

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 4:56 pm
by Ark~Magic
I'm thinking of leaving this board because I think you people have failed me.

For the most part, there is no real debate, it's more about bitching and moreso just loaded with doctrine nazis, ignorant secular [poops] and propaganda news posts. So far I cannot name 1 person here who actually has my respect as a whole. I feel like I've been hurt by everyone from the beginning and this board is doing very little to enlighten or empower me either on science or the bible (although moreso on the latter, maybe).

It's so hard to find the truth when you people post so much [nonsense].

So should I even bother?

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 6:31 pm
by Mystical
It's just an internet forum. If you don't like it, the question should be "Why have you bothered to stick around, and why are you asking the opionion of people you don't respect?"

Re: Should I even bother anymore?

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 7:33 pm
by August
Ark~Magic wrote:I'm thinking of leaving this board because I think you people have failed me.

For the most part, there is no real debate, it's more about bitching and moreso just loaded with doctrine nazis, ignorant secular [poops] and propaganda news posts. So far I cannot name 1 person here who actually has my respect as a whole. I feel like I've been hurt by everyone from the beginning and this board is doing very little to enlighten or empower me either on science or the bible (although moreso on the latter, maybe).

It's so hard to find the truth when you people post so much [nonsense].

So should I even bother?
I'm sorry you feel that way. As Mystical said, nobody is forcing you to stay here, but you also have to ask yourself what your continuous use of profanity and ad-hominem attacks have contributed to the board.

I've seen many people come here with an open mind and respectful attitude, and while I don't agree with the things they said, it caused them and me to ponder and reflect deeply in ourselves, and in doing so empowered and enlightened ourselves through the Holy Spirit. If you are looking for wisdom and knowledge to affect your soul, you will not come to conclusions from an outside source, that is purely personal. The best this board can do is to act as a catalyst for you to question, investigate, pray and through your own thought processes and circumstances come to see the truth. Every human is unique, and finds the truth through a unique set of thought processes and personal experience. Something that you may consider nonsense may have a very profound effect on someone elses life, and vice versa.

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 11:01 pm
by Forge
Take a deep breath and have some pie!

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 1:21 pm
by Byblos
Forge wrote:Take a deep breath and have some pie!
Forge, I love your attitude man! When all else fails, just have some pie and all's good. In fact, have some pie even when it doesn't fail. Cool stuff bro!

Re: Should I even bother anymore?

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 9:57 pm
by beckyandretti
Ark~Magic wrote:I'm thinking of leaving this board because I think you people have failed me.

For the most part, there is no real debate, it's more about bitching and moreso just loaded with doctrine nazis, ignorant secular [poops] and propaganda news posts. So far I cannot name 1 person here who actually has my respect as a whole. I feel like I've been hurt by everyone from the beginning and this board is doing very little to enlighten or empower me either on science or the bible (although moreso on the latter, maybe).

It's so hard to find the truth when you people post so much [nonsense].

So should I even bother?
So ark, while I admit to not having addressed many of your posts other than I believe the one where we were posting pictures. I can honestly say that I have not hurt you in anyway, and I somehow doubt that was the intention of anyone from this board if in fact they did hurt you. While I have been away I am sorry that I might have hurt you by just not being here. Good luck in all future endevors and try to stay safe.


Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:44 am
by Ark~Magic
I'm almost finished with my transition from forum member -> Non-forum member, but I want to wait for a few responses in these other threads.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 10:27 am
by jakelo

I'm sorry that I haven't earned your respect, but you accuse the forum members here of not enlightening you of the bible and science and you say that the members [complain]. Ark, I have seen you throw out your opinions without offering any kind of reason or evidence but I haven't said anything and from what I've seen, neither have the other forum members. If earning your respect means accepting the beliefs you want me to believe and blindly accepting your opinions, then I'd rather not have your respect. Everything August said is true. You cannot rely on other people to find spiritual knowledge and understanding for you, you have to find that for yourself. I have relied on a person for that reason before and it led me to disaster. I'm sure everyone agrees with me when I say that we are sorry you feel this way towards us, but you need to accept that none of us (from what I've seen) have done anything to you to deserve these accusations and these names that you called us. I hope you have a long and happy life, good luck.


Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 10:51 am
by ryo dokomi
jakelo wrote: You cannot rely on other people to find spiritual knowledge and understanding for you, you have to find that for yourself. I have relied on a person for that reason before and it led me to disaster.
Psalms 118:8 "it is better to trust in the LORD, than to put confidence in man" NKJV
i know this better than most, i put my trust in man to teach me, but you know what, man will always fail. they will ALWAYS fail you, you must put your trust in the LORD to give you spiritual truth. the Bible says that Christ sent the HOLY SPIRIT to lead us into all truth, you need to rely on Him, not us. we are here on the forum to discuss what the HOLY SPIRIT has taught us, not to be the HOLY SPIRIT. Ark, if you dont respect us for what we discuss, i doubt any of us really care, we dont look for the approval of man, but of God. im sorry that we could help you, but from what ive seen, you arent the most open one either. dont take this as an attack, you just need to learn that man will fail, God will not.

Re: RE:

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 2:38 pm
by Judah
Ark~Magic wrote:I'm almost finished with my transition from forum member -> Non-forum member, but I want to wait for a few responses in these other threads.
We are all different individuals with the ability to make choices within certain limits. As adults, our choices are said to be our own responsibility.

Joining and leaving a forum are individual choices for which there is no compulsion either way... not unless a person offends against the rules of the forum and the forum moderators must act in the interests of all members. But within the rules, coming and going are an individual's own responsibility.

Likewise, how one feels about others who post to a forum is also a matter of choice. Many people have difficulty with this idea, believing wrongly that others are responsible for their feelings. By holding on to such a belief they give away their own power to others. They say in effect "you can make me feel bad, you can make me feel good, I am at your mercy".
Is that really the case? Can you, for example, make me fall in love with you? Ask any rejected lover and I think he will, from the pain of his experience, tell you that trying to make someone feel a certain way simply did not work for him.

Ark~Magic, you want to be empowered.
You have the power in you already, but you say that others are making you feel a certain way... they are hurting you, they are failing your expectations and you are suffering.
You say we are hurting you.
Take back your own power by claiming responsibility for yourself.

You may not like this message, but regardless of your reaction to it, I know for myself that I am speaking it in love - no, not the silly soppy emotional sort of "love", but the caring and concern I have for fellow humans and the pain suffered needlessly when they see themselves as injured by others.
You cannot make me hate you, or love you, or accept you, or reject you, or anything else. I do not give you my responsibility for you to do so. I will choose my own reaction, just as you will choose yours.
Likewise, I cannot make you respect me, listen to me, believe me, convince you, or anything else... including making you stay or leave.
That is your own responsibility, not mine, as I don't have the power to do those things.
If I did, I'd tell you to leave and you would, or tell you to stay and you would, or tell you to post only in words of one syllable and you would, or to use only swear words and you would.

So Ark~Magic, it is completely over to you.
As I see it, you are very welcome to stay and join in the discussions as you choose... and to leave if and when you want to.
Not all discussions will likely appeal to you, nor all responses, and that is perfectly normal since we are all different.
We all make our own choices just as you do. We can join in the nonsense stuff, or choose to ignore it. We can add to sensible debate, or choose to ignore it and stick with the silly stuff.
It's over to you.
You are already one of us by virtue of posting here.

Everyone has the choice to change his mind.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 2:44 pm
by bizzt
Nice Post

Re: Should I even bother anymore?

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 10:31 pm
by Jbuza
Ark~Magic wrote:I'm thinking of leaving this board because I think you people have failed me.
Are you even remotely suprised by that fact. IF you are looking to man for answers, based upon all the things he has done, you better get used to disappointment. Jesus will never fail you.

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 3:32 pm
it is done :cry: