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Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 5:56 pm
by ray
The original question was what was God's purpose for hermaphrodites. I agree that all people are created to give glory to God. That does not mean that everything that happens on earth brings glory to Him. I am not saying that hermaphrodites are demon possessed but only using this as an example. Demon possession in itself does not bring glory to God. God can use it to bring glory to Himself by the demon being cast out. A baby being stillborn does not in itself bring glory to God but He can use it. I do not know enough about hermaphrodites (medically) to form a clear conclusion. Seeing as they are neither clearly man or woman can we still assume that is how God wanted them? Is there not the possibility that this is not what God intended but that He can still bring good out of it and bring glory to Himself?


Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 8:07 pm
by jakelo
The original question was what was God's purpose for hermaphrodites.
Ok, I misunderstood the responses. I apologize.
That does not mean that everything that happens on earth brings glory to Him.
I agree.
Is there not the possibility that this is not what God intended but that He can still bring good out of it and bring glory to Himself?
I really wouldn't go as far as saying that. Something wouldn't happen unless God allowed it. Saying that God is making something good come out of something that He didn't intend is like saying that God is making up for a mistake, and I doubt God ever makes mistakes. I really can't say what God's purpose for a hermaphrodite is, I doubt anyone can, but I'm sure they have a special purpose if God allowed them to be born the way they are.


Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 9:14 pm
by Ark~Magic
I believe that hermaphrodites are a result of man, not God, but that God will take that and use it. I disagree with you, Jake. I think mutations in the environment caused by man or some other similar condition will result in hermaphrodites being produced, as is the case with double-legged frogs, and others. I beg to differ on this somewhat, but I think we can moderately and safely say that God does a little bit of both of these! But I believe hermaphrodites are majorly a manmade condition.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 9:25 pm
by jakelo
I believe that hermaphrodites are a result of man, not God, but that God will take that and use it. I disagree with you, Jake. I think mutations in the environment caused by man or some other similar condition will result in hermaphrodites being produced, as is the case with double-legged frogs, and others. I beg to differ on this somewhat, but I think we can moderately and safely say that God does a little bit of both of these! But I believe hermaphrodites are majorly a manmade condition.
What are you disagreeing with me on? I never said God caused hermaphodites' conditions, I just said that He allows it to happen. And I agree with you when you say that you believe hermaphrodites' conditions are a result of man. God allows these things to happen but I don't believe he causes them to happen, there's a difference.