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Narnia has a bigger opening weekend then King Kong.

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 11:27 am
by roysr
Narnia did $65,556,312 on its opening weekend... ... =49&p=.htm

While King Kong did a projected $50,148,000 this weekend.... ... =50&p=.htm

Also, King Kong's 5 day total (it opened last wednesday) is projected to be $66,200,000, meaning Narnia made about the same amount of money in 3 days that Kong made in 5. I think this is good news for us, if a "Christian themed" big budget movie like Narnia can overcome a movie like King Kong, surely we are bound to see more movies with Christian themes in the future.

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:58 pm
by Mystical
Hopefully, my friend! :P

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 5:39 pm
by Forge
Well, Narnia is a great movie, Christian or not.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 9:59 am
by LadyHel
Narnia had an awful message. It bouyed up religious and racial intolerance, and seemed to suggest that war and the throwing of little kids in as soldiers was a good thing.
Actually, now that I think about it, Harry Potter has a more Christian message as it gives the idea of loving others and trust and loyalty to your friends, which I believe was fairly high on Jesus' agenda.

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 12:21 pm
by bizzt
LadyHel wrote:Narnia had an awful message. It bouyed up religious and racial intolerance, and seemed to suggest that war and the throwing of little kids in as soldiers was a good thing.
Actually, now that I think about it, Harry Potter has a more Christian message as it gives the idea of loving others and trust and loyalty to your friends, which I believe was fairly high on Jesus' agenda.
I guess you missed the Message of Narnia then...

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 1:08 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
You bash Narnia presupposing the existence of God. How smart of you. What is wrong with all the things you found wrong in it? Nothing in your worldview. And what racial intolerance? My dang, a canadian coughed this up in a news article...and you're just repeating it?

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 4:31 pm
by roysr
AttentionKMartShoppers wrote:You bash Narnia presupposing the existence of God. How smart of you. What is wrong with all the things you found wrong in it? Nothing in your worldview. And what racial intolerance? My dang, a canadian coughed this up in a news article...and you're just repeating it?
Just ignore him, it is quite obvious he is trolling and trying to get a reaction. And ya, he is just parroting some liberal talking points.

And as far as Harry Potter is concerned...It looks like Narnia is fairly close to passing up HP in the US box office. Narnia has made $283,109,000 so far and is still in theaters while Harry Potter's final total was $286,919,411 in the US.

If Narnia does in fact surpass the US domestic gross of HP, I doubt the mainstream media will acknowledge it. They are too busy promoting "other" movies with numerous Oscar nominations hehe.

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 10:19 pm
by Brigham
roysr wrote:If Narnia does in fact surpass the US domestic gross of HP, I doubt the mainstream media will acknowledge it. They are too busy promoting "other" movies with numerous Oscar nominations hehe.



Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 5:37 pm
by michaelh2951
One should not base an analyses of the success of a movie on its Christian sub-message alone, there are hundreds of other factors to consider, 2 of them being:

- The target audience
King Kong a great deal narrower than Narnia. (PG 13 vs. PG)

- The subject/release period (December/Christmas)
- Narnia, being a family fairytale, and King Kong being more of a violent adventure film speaks volumes on the box office.

And on a last note, you can be sure that each and every one of us reads something into what we perceive, for instance a movie. All knowledge is subjective, and not 2 people see the same movie alike.

And "AttentionKmart...", I will venture the suggestion that you moderate your thoughts to a more objective approach, at least when debating. I find your subjective remarks somewhat unnecessary for the sake of discussion. Take it or leave it, it is your choice alone.

Re: RE

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 4:21 pm
by roysr
michaelh2951 wrote:One should not base an analyses of the success of a movie on its Christian sub-message alone, there are hundreds of other factors to consider, 2 of them being:
I didn't base my analyses on the Christian sub-message alone, quit trying to build straw men. The movie got very little promotion in the mainstream media and its success is largely due to "word of mouth" advertising from Christian groups. The critics didn't give it spectacular reviews either.

- The target audience
King Kong a great deal narrower than Narnia. (PG 13 vs. PG)
Wrong, if the audience were a "great deal narrower" due to a PG13 rating, the LOTR trilogy, for example, wouldn't have made 300+ million per movie. There are also countless other examples of movies with both big box office numbers and a PG13 rating. If you were comparing a PG movie vs an R or PG13 vs R you might have had a point.
- The subject/release period (December/Christmas)
- Narnia, being a family fairytale, and King Kong being more of a violent adventure film speaks volumes on the box office.
The LOTR series easily had more violence then King Kong did.

And "AttentionKmart...", I will venture the suggestion that you moderate your thoughts to a more objective approach, at least when debating. I find your subjective remarks somewhat unnecessary for the sake of discussion. Take it or leave it, it is your choice alone.
Pot calling the kettle black. Most of your previous comments about Narnia's success were subjective and you didn't support them with any facts.