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48 hours Mystery of Christmas

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 4:58 pm
by Jbuza
Did anyone see this?

The highly educated people that 48 hours interviewed didn't accept the Virgin Birth, But thought Matthew and Luke made it up to compete with stories that Ceasar was the son of a Greek god.

I found it interesting that the place in Eygypt where Jesus and his guardians feld to was reported to be the largest concentration fo Jews outside Israel.

Any thoughts?

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 5:19 pm
by AttentionKMartShoppers
And what were their "arguments" for the virgin birth being made up?

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 7:21 am
by Jbuza
Well, I didn't pay real close attention because I wasn't accepting it only tolerating it. As I recall they claimed that Matthew and Luke were written later than John and Mark, and Since John and MArk don't include those accounts, they said Matthew and Luke added the Virgin Birth. They said that Matthew was probably reading Isaiah and saw the prophecy there so included it in his "story".

Also as I said before they said Matthew and Luke were trying to compete with the Monarchs that claimed to be beget by a god.

The rebuttal was by an evangelical minister, and he did a pretty good job of refutting what the
"learned" men said.

I enjoyed the show, but could have missed the first 15 minutes and been happy. Their is a cathedral in Egypt that claims to be the place where the faimly stayed when they fled HErod. Also another outfit offers tours of the spots where they stopped on the journey.