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Preceding marks of the coming of Jesus

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 8:48 am
by PetriFB

If we start to examine preceding marks of the coming of Jesus, so one good starting point are the own words of Jesus, in which he referred to the days of Noah and Lot day concerning that generation, which would experience his coming. For he stated, that the conditions just before his coming would resemble very much the societies of Noah and Lot's time, and that before his coming, people would be also as unprepared as then; in other words the history would repeat in this way itself.

Jesus set many marks, which precede His coming and I put here something, which Jesus said and something, which are as a result of these iniquities:

- over emphasizing of sexuality and its over appreciation
- people are lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God
- to the world will come a moral collapse
- decay of the marriage
- increasing of divorces
- large amounts of young people live together without getting married
- moral collapse of TV and internet (pornography and immoral speeches)
- accepting of homosexuality and lesbianism
- people will parade their sin publicly and boast for them
- unreasonable violence will increase (in school and everyday life)
- worship of satan will be public
- Laws will changed more favourable to lawlessness
- Large apostasy of many Christians
- Wars increasing
- increasing of famines
- increasing of earthquakes
- waves and sea is storming
- increasing of diseases

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