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Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 9:40 pm
by Jay_7
When God sent Jesus to be crucified to die for our sins, was it planned? Did he force the people who crucified Jesus too do it? It sounds a little weird that he would do that.. why would God make people nail Jesus too the cross??

Re: Crucifixtion

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 10:29 pm
by numeral2_5
Jay_7 wrote:When God sent Jesus to be crucified to die for our sins, was it planned? Did he force the people who crucified Jesus too do it? It sounds a little weird that he would do that.. why would God make people nail Jesus too the cross??
Yup, It was in the Bible.

Re: Crucifixtion

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 4:14 am
by BGoodForGoodSake
numeral2_5 wrote:
Jay_7 wrote:When God sent Jesus to be crucified to die for our sins, was it planned? Did he force the people who crucified Jesus too do it? It sounds a little weird that he would do that.. why would God make people nail Jesus too the cross??
Yup, It was in the Bible.
Why do you spend all your hard earned money to spend it on gift for your parents?

It's a sacrifice. And that makes the gift more valuable than the money you spent on it.

In this case God is sacrificing his only Son so that you can be atoned for your sins and gain entry into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Re: Crucifixtion

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 9:15 am
by August
Jay_7 wrote:When God sent Jesus to be crucified to die for our sins, was it planned? Did he force the people who crucified Jesus too do it? It sounds a little weird that he would do that.. why would God make people nail Jesus too the cross??
Hi Jay,

This is one of the most important questions for any seeker, or even many Christians who have never really thought about the significance of humans nailing Christ to the cross. It is a long answer, but this is the key message of Christianity, so it is worth it.

I want to start with the passage in Scripture that to me captures the essence of what it means:

Gal 6:14(ESV): But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

The word "boast" here can also be translated as "glory", "to rejoice in" or "to exult in", and in many other places in the NT it is translated as such. It would then read that we should rejoice in nothing but in the cross of Jesus. It should be our single passion and joy, the one thing we love and cherish. That sure seems weird at the very least, but to the average person, at face value, it is shocking. If you saw the "Passion of of the Christ", with all the graphic detail of Christ's unfair hearing, torture and death, this passage, and in light of your related questions above, one does wonder why would be told to rejoice in such an abhorrant act. It's like being told to be happy and tell everyone to be happy about the gas chamber or gallows, and, that it should be the only thing in your life to be really happy about!

So why would we be told that? Of course there is more to it:
The cross, the symbol of Jesus's suffering, death and resurrection, is the symbol of salvation by a crucified Redeemer. It is the basis of all joy and hope for Christians, the message we are to preach, whatever else comes across our way.

The second part of the verse tells us that through the death of Christ on the cross, we are dead to the world, and the world to us. By the power and the virtue of Jesus's death, we have been seperated from the earthly. For redeemed sinners, everything good, and everything bad turned for good, comes through the cross. Apart from the death of Christ, we sinners face nothing but judgment, nothing but condemnation.

That is why are told to rejoice, because everything we as Christians enjoy is as a result of Christ's crucifixion, where all our blessings were purchased with the blood and life of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. We mostly take our blessings for granted, thinking that it is ours by right, not always remembering that we are undeserving. God is not obligated to give His creatures anything, He can give and take and still do us no injustice. And besides being undeserving creatures, through sin we have fallen way short of the glory of God. We have failed God, disobeyed Him, disrespected Him, ignored Him and failed to trust and love Him. That is the reason that men crucified Jesus, we have failed so completely that God had to intervene or condemn all to eternal damnation. We had to see, feel, hear and smell the judgment that we as humans were going to be subject to, but for the sacrifice of Jesus. It is ironical that men were allowed to kill Jesus, He took our place on the cross, He died on our behalf, all of our sin was nailed to that cross, and died with Christ, if only we trust Him. Only God could make that sacrifice, only men could be the instrument to fulfill the prophesy.

All we really deserve is judgment, but the good news is that Jesus took the punishment for that judgment on our behalf. Every breath we take, every smile, every tear, every beautiful sight our eyes take in, every sound we hear, every sunrise, every step we take is an undeserving gift bought with the blood of Christ. Every blessing in life is a magnification of the cross of Christ, every good thing, and bad thing turned good, shines a spotlight on the life and death of Christ.

I will close with the following:
Gal 2:20 (ESV) I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

When Jesus died, all His own died with Him, to be resurrected through Him, in Him. We are united with Christ in death, death of the sinful, failed, rebellious, unbelieving self, and united with Christ in a new life, that of Him living in us. The believer lives, because of the death of Christ. When we put our trust in Christ, our bondage to the world is broken, the allure of the flesh and material world is broken. According to Gal 6:15, we are new creations. And that is the meaning of the crucifixion....

Being dead to the world does not mean being out of the world, it means that everything that happens is a blood-bought evidence of Christ's love, and an opportunity to boast in the cross. I would encourage you to read Galatians 6.

God bless.

(Some info from Desiring God Ministries, Henry's Commentary)

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 5:37 pm
by Jay_7
Thanks for the rplys, but did God make the people who nailed him too the cross do it? Because isnt God making them commit sin? Isnt that bad?

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 5:52 pm
by LowlyOne
Yes it was predetermined, and foreknown by God. However, God didn't make them do it. God desires that none shall perish, and Jesus had many whom could have believed, they chose not to though, and ended up being those who were involved in arranging Christ's death. They tried to kill him on two or three occasions before the event (crucifixion) even occured. What happened was God on those occasions, God sovereignly prevented it from happening. When it was time, God simply allowed them to do what they already desired to and they succeeded at their plans. I can imagine them saying, "finally, we've put this demonic false teacher and blaspemer to death" But, I was God's plan all along. Jesus Himself even said, "I lay down my life on my on accord", meaning, it was His free choice and decision to do so.

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 6:16 pm
by Jay_7
LowlyOne wrote:Yes it was predetermined, and foreknown by God. However, God didn't make them do it. God desires that none shall perish, and Jesus had many whom could have believed, they chose not to though, and ended up being those who were involved in arranging Christ's death. They tried to kill him on two or three occasions before the event (crucifixion) even occured. What happened was God on those occasions, God sovereignly prevented it from happening. When it was time, God simply allowed them to do what they already desired to and they succeeded at their plans. I can imagine them saying, "finally, we've put this demonic false teacher and blaspemer to death" But, I was God's plan all along. Jesus Himself even said, "I lay down my life on my on accord", meaning, it was His free choice and decision to do so.
Oh thanks,i understand now :wink:

No Time With God

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 6:55 pm
by meforevidence
Hey Jay, good questions.

Did you ever see the movie "Back to the Future?"
I think of God like that. There is no time with God. There is no future or past with God. He looks back on what he also looks forward on and therefore, there is no time with God.

Let's say you could go back in time and see the assassination of John F. Kennedy. You already know when you go back in time what is going to happen but you don't change anything. You just view it. Even though you are from the future, you go back to the time before the assassination and know it is about to happen.

That is a lot like God I think. He gives man the power of choice at the same time so he does not "go back" or "forward" and change things. He just allows it.