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Jill Carroll, journalist in Iraq

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 6:08 pm
by jabez
Can I call upon us all to support in prayer all the victims of violence, including kidnap, in Iraq, and throughout the world?

This may seem like a tall order, but as Christians we have the tools to help lift this imposition off humanity --- our prayers.

Very specifically, the situation of USA reporter Jill Carroll needs immediate prayer.....
"I ask myself, What will I - an avid consumer of news and a newly minted fan of Jill's work, but far from the scene of events - do with these remaining hours and minutes? I resolve: I will not squander them. I will not give these moments over to fear, to despair, and definitely not over to anger or vengeance. But can I consecrate these moments to prayer? Yes, I can."
The full article, from which the above quote is taken, can be found at:

Thanks for your love for your "neighbour".


Jill Carroll, journalist in Iraq

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 6:22 pm
by jabez
An addition to my first post:

I know that people of all faiths will be praying for a return to justice and peace in the world, including Iraq.

The Christian Chit-Chat forum seemed the nearest... but it's not wide enough.


Jill Carroll --- release

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 9:21 am
by jabez
“When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men” Eph. 4:8
Thank you to ALL who prayed for the release of Jill Carroll. In Friday's copy of The Christian Science Monitor, there is full coverage of the work that has been going on up front and behind the scenes to obtain her release.

You can see the whole edition on --- March 31 edition being made freely available on the web!

Paul's words above are taken from the Monitor's daily religious article, which digs deep into what freedom is :)

Many thanks to all, and let's pray to see everyone's captivity ended :D

With love
