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Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 10:40 am
by Prodigal Son
cryogenics (spelled correctly?)...when the person is frozen aren't they essentially dead? wouldn't the soul leave the body? thus, we couldn't ever revive them?

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 4:52 pm
by Mastermind
SF cryogenics doesn't kill you, just slows down your vital functions to a crawl. In theory anyway...


Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 7:24 am
by madscientist
iNTERSTING... is it actually acceptable by God? Freeze someone so that he can live later? Anyway... when does the soul actually leave the body? When brain stops working forever? Why can/cannot people be revived?

Re: Cryogenics

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 9:17 am
by Canuckster1127
madscientist wrote:iNTERSTING... is it actually acceptable by God? Freeze someone so that he can live later? Anyway... when does the soul actually leave the body? When brain stops working forever? Why can/cannot people be revived?
Well, we have instances of near death or death situations where people are "clinically dead" and "come back."

We have instances of people in hypothermia who go well beyond the typical 4 -5 minutes before irreversible brain damage. I believe instances of over an hour have happened with no major impact.

We don't to my knowledge have any cases of cryogenics where a person has been frozen and "brought back." (Other than Dr Evil and Austin Powers and I suspect that maybe that was just a movie ...... ;) )

So it is hypothetical at best.

Could it happen? Possibly. Simpler organisms go into stages of suspended animation and are brought back.

Complex organisms, such as us, have more that can go wrong and all systems would have to come back more or less intact. My tendency, based upon the concept of the human spirit and understanding of what I believe the Bible teaches is that the Spirit leaves at death. "It is appointed unto men once to die and then the judgement." So I tend to believe that this is not something that man will accomplish.

There is a lot that is being accomplished now however that was never imagined before and it is causing quite a lot of difficulty in ethical and moral questions because that which presumed before to be impossible is now possible. Could this be such a case? Maybe.

I personally think however, that there are some limits God has presecribed upon man and just as He drew the lines in the past with the Flood and at Babel, I think there may be some lines that man will not cross before God intervenes.

I don't pretend to know what those lines are however or how He will draw the line. I suspect immortality or manipulation oof death, may be one of them however.