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A new Christian novel based on Enochs writings.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 8:37 am
by wise_steward
Hi all,
A little while back I came across a christian forum where some guy had posted a book he claimed God gave him that includes the pseudoepigraphic writings of Enoch and some others. I cut and paste the link for anyone interested.

THE CALLED" - by Rahman Reuben - Chapters 1 to 3 - ... orum=35&29

I read the three chapters and found them so interesting. This guy got a lot of heat from some on that forum for mixing the Bible with these other books but what I read made me want to read the rest so I bought the book off Amazon - ... s&v=glance

All I can say is I have read Genesis before but after reading this book it makes a lot more sense now. I also did some more research on Wickepedia about the Enoch book and found that it is included as canon in the ethiopian church but not in the western church.The Enoch book was tossed out in 326 a.d. by a Catholic counsel at Laodicea. It also says that the book of Jude was almost not included in the Bible because it quoted from this book. Kinda weird to me why a book that seems to fill in the blanks of the first couple of chapters of Genesis so well is so rejected. It has sure made me wonder why since it talks about hell so much. More rings true to me in this book of Enoch than not. I hope this guys book really takes off just for the controversy of discussion it could cause in our western church. I ran it past my pastor an boy did it get him twisted. Has anyone else read Enoch or Jubilees? What do you think of them?

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:14 pm
by Iggy
although this "story" is pretty intresting, i doubt very much if it has any truth other than what it copies from the bible.