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what should i do? <>< 19

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 5:03 pm
by JBirdAngel

i have been working for a family store that is lighting/accessories/gifts type things, there are some lamps for like 30 dollars, and some lamps for 500 dollars, Jesus has made it clear that He is not for people on this earth hoarding material items, i dont feel that it is teh best then or right to aide others in aquiring such material things, since i dont think it is right, and the Bible says that if you are uncertain of something and you do it it is to sin, or that if i think something is wrong and i do it then that is to sin, i dont want to sin, so i dont want to do this anymore, does this sound right to you?

my family was intending to buy the building they are now leasing space in, but it looks like the other person who the store shares space with is going to buy the building, my family is not sure what they are going to do, i think that if they decide to close the store up that i can help them to that end, i think that would be similiar to how Jesus told the one person to sell all his possessions and give to the needy

does that sound right?

im not sure however if i should just stop now since i think its wrong, or if i should give my family time to figure out waht they are going to do, the store wouldnt have been able to run without me, and it would be hard for them to maintain it as they both have full time jobs, however God is my obligation and my priority, i do not want to sin, but not sure if this would fall under honoring/respecting/obeying my parents?

any advice would be helpful, thank you - jason

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me."
- Jesus - John 14:1

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 5:52 pm
by Judah
Jason, if you were to apply your idea to every retailer in your town - or every Christian retailer in your town - then a lot of stores would have to go out of business. Then where would people buy things they need for their homes?
Jesus was not against people earning a living from retailing.
If people need a lamp, then they may go to your store to buy one. You are not to decide whether or not they need a lamp. How can you possibly make such a decision? You can't. To try and make this decision for other people is wrong - it is not for you to do.
So by having a store that sells lamps you are giving people a place where they can buy one from, and that is simply normal business which is quite well within a Christian lifestyle. There is nothing unChristian about earning an honest living from retailing the kinds of products you are talking about.

Your family business belongs to your parents, doesn't it? If so, the decision what to do with it belongs with them. If they are reliant on you to help run the store, you need to be talking with them about your concerns.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 7:02 pm
by JBirdAngel
i have talked to them.

someone who wants a lamp doesnt need to spend 500 dollars for it, and we arnt supposed to and cant decide what is right and wrong , but God already has.

Prostitution is wrong, so if i was talking about that you couldnt say that it can be right for those who are doing it or something

it is also wrong to hoarde material items.

if it was not a lamp that cost 500 dollars that would be different, but 500 dollars on a lamp is silly, and is no longer just a light source, but is an object that costs alot and really the money should be spent better

i cannot judge anyone, but what is wrong is wrong, waht is right is right, no matter anyones beliefs, i am not saying what they should do, i am saying what i should do, i dont think i should be a part of it, i dont think Jesus really wants us to do that, but he told the rich guy to sell his stuff, so i dont know, im confused i dont want to do the wrong thing either way.

it doesnt make sense to me that it oculd be right to sell 500 dollar lamps and such though...

and since i doubt it it would be a sin for me to do it.

i wouldnt mind at all someone showing me that Biblically it is okay, but i dont see that anywhere

i edited this and tried to straighted a couple things out, sorry if i got defensive hopefully isnt as such now..

okay thank you - jason

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me."
- Jesus - John 14:1

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 8:38 pm
by Jay_7
I respect what you say, but i honestly think its going a bit too far to stop running a shop, dont take offence by that. Do you really think God would be chucking things around because your selling lamps? :lol:

In all seriousness, i wouldn't worry..

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 8:02 am
by bizzt
JBirdAngel wrote:i have talked to them.

someone who wants a lamp doesnt need to spend 500 dollars for it, and we arnt supposed to and cant decide what is right and wrong , but God already has.

Prostitution is wrong, so if i was talking about that you couldnt say that it can be right for those who are doing it or something

it is also wrong to hoarde material items.

if it was not a lamp that cost 500 dollars that would be different, but 500 dollars on a lamp is silly, and is no longer just a light source, but is an object that costs alot and really the money should be spent better

i cannot judge anyone, but what is wrong is wrong, waht is right is right, no matter anyones beliefs, i am not saying what they should do, i am saying what i should do, i dont think i should be a part of it, i dont think Jesus really wants us to do that, but he told the rich guy to sell his stuff, so i dont know, im confused i dont want to do the wrong thing either way.

it doesnt make sense to me that it oculd be right to sell 500 dollar lamps and such though...

and since i doubt it it would be a sin for me to do it.

i wouldnt mind at all someone showing me that Biblically it is okay, but i dont see that anywhere

i edited this and tried to straighted a couple things out, sorry if i got defensive hopefully isnt as such now..

okay thank you - jason

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me."
- Jesus - John 14:1
Tell me something Jason. I can buy a Car Seat for $100 and another for $400 do you think it is right for you to tell me not to Buy the Car Seat for $400? Along with that God never said you can not spend money on Material things but he did say that do not let Money and Wealth become your God. He also said to be a Good Steward with his Money that he has given you. Does this not mean Tithe and Give abundantly to the things of God. However it does not say that you cannot spend that money to buy an Expensive thing. We recently bought that $400 car Seat. Why you might ask well it is all about Quality do I want something that will break down quickly or something that will last? Same reason why someone would buy a VW or BMW over so a Chev or Ford! They want the Car/Truck to last so they are willing to pay that extra Money.

Is Wealth Bad?


Deu 8:17 and lest thou say in thy heart, My power and the might of my hand hath gotten me this wealth.
Deu 8:18 But thou shalt remember Jehovah thy God, for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth; that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as at this day.

Jos 22:8 and spake unto them, saying, Return with much wealth unto your tents, and with very much cattle, with silver, and with gold, and with brass, and with iron, and with very much raiment: divide the spoil of your enemies with your brethren.
Jos 22:9 And the children of Reuben and the children of Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh returned, and departed from the children of Israel out of Shiloh, which is in the land of Canaan, to go unto the land of Gilead, to the land of their possession, whereof they were possessed, according to the commandment of Jehovah by Moses.

I will leave it at that.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 8:08 am
by August
Just to the whole discussion, you also have to bear in mind that by people spending money in your shop, they are puting money into a whole chain that goes back a few links, to people who depend on them buying items for their livelyhood. By not encouraging the sales of items in your shop, you can conceivably be putting people out of work lower down the chain, with all the consequences related to that.

I honestly don't think God would want us to do that, He'd rather we create an environment where everyone's needs are taken care of by their ability to be productive members of society.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 8:19 am
by Jbuza
Just to be sure what passage says to you that you shouldn't buy an expensive lamp? I understand what you are saying, but I'm not sure that it is wrong to buy nice things. Was Solomon with all his riches living in sin? What about living in heavenly mansions and walking golden streets? I don't understand where this interpretation is coming from.

I agree that we should not seek after the things of this world and treasure them, but that doesn't mean it is sinful.

The Bible clearly says if we seek the Kingdom of God FIRST, that all these things will be added unto us.

I don't think the outrageosly expensive lamp is wrong, but if it takes precedence over seeking the Kingdom of God FIRST, than it is.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 11:08 am
by JBirdAngel
<>< 19

thank you for the replies,

i think it is satan that tries to get you to take this personally or something, i am not asking about what you should do and your purchases, i am asking what i should do with my actions.

i cannot say what God has told you to do, and im not sure i know how to lsiten to what He tells me to do, so i am asking for Biblical help in my question about what i should do

spending more money doesnt equal better quality, and even if it does, that still may be a purchase someone shouldnt make, i would imagine you can spend more money on higher quality drugs, does that make it right? of course not.

i dont know much about cars, but quality is an issue, but i dont see how this 500 dollar lamp will provide light any longer than a 10 dollar lamp or other less expensive lamp.

other differences are that a car seat and a car are to me in different areas as that includes your safety, while anything can be unsafe, such as a lamp starting a fire, safety isnt something that generally comes up i dont think, its more about looks atleast for the lamps we sell i think

also talks about giving people jobs adn stuff doesnt really work, selling other bad things gives people jobs, drugs/death/sex/etc. but that doesnt make it right.

and i dont think the way things will be in Heaven can be used to fully judge our actions here, there are things that are allowed here that wont be in Heaven, eating meat etc. eating meat clearly wasnt God's original plan, God's plan didnt call for any death, but He has allowed it now, but im sure we wont be eating meat in Heaven, we will have delicious fruit to enjoy :)

also i dont have the specific verses right now, i can look some up if you want, but various ones about selling things for the Kingdom of Heaven, Jesus telling the one guy who asked about how to be saved to sell his things and give to the poor, the apostles all giving up all there things, most of the prophets i know of not having expensive things or selling them and so on.

also for me its not about just doing whats okay its about doing my all for Jesus.

i do have to understand that what God has made clean is clean, and i certaintly am not one to say otherwise, however i am certain that Jesus would rather someone give more money then to buy more expensive items that arent neccessary or useful.

the issue isnt about selling in general and such, selling food can be used by those who buy it both appropriatly and inappropriatly, i cant control that and i dont think im supposed to, im not sure that expensive lamps and such have an appropriate use though, all it does is take more money that could have a better use, a house doesnt need a 500 dollar lamp in order to be a warm and comforting place, with a loving family, and friends to share the Good News with and such.

so i dont know.

thank you for trying to help - jason

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me."

John 14:1

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 5:08 pm
by Jbuza
That's a great attitude to have.

If you do get a chance, do look up those verses, I would be interested.