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The Gospel according to Kanye?

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 2:28 pm
Rapper Kanye West to be in the Bible

Cocky rap star Kanye West is calling for a revised edition of The Bible, because he thinks he should be a character in it.

The Jesus Walks hitmaker, who picked up three Grammy Awards on Wednesday night, feels sure he'd be "a griot" (West African storyteller) in a modern Bible.

He says: "I bring up historical subjects in a way that makes kids want to learn about them. I'm an inspirational speaker.

"I changed the sound of music more than one time... For all those reasons, I'd be a part of the Bible. I'm definitely in the history books already." ... =198892671

I hear this man is a great rapper, but i think he should calm down... Some of you may remember his other stunt, "Bush doesnt care about black people", in regards to the Hurricanes, but geez, this is just crossing the line...

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 6:28 pm
by IRQ Conflict
Kanye West, never heard of him. Till now.

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 12:24 am
by missangel
Wow, thats a little... umm... saying he should be in the bible...

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 4:39 am
by Iggy
he's a really good rapper... but he's over the line on this one. maybe... nah, i cant even justify it... his song "jesus walks" is pretty good. it goes... "Jesus walks, God show me the way cuz the devil tryin to break me down. Jesus walk with me..."

he also has a song called "gold digger" it goes "i ain't sayin she a gold digger, but she ain't messin wit no broke n*ggas." although the language isnt great, the message behind it is clear.

but revising the bible so he can be a "character" just gets me. i kinda lost a bit of respect for that.

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 9:20 am
by Canuckster1127
I get the idea that is this guy was sworn to give testimony in a court case, he would say,

"I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me me."

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 6:47 pm
by Iggy
i kinda see what he's tryin to say. put him in the bible, more people would be interested, the same way that people buy Nike shoes because back in the day, Nike shoes ment michael jordan (NBA All Star for those that dont know). or anyone who knows video games... if someone is on the cover of a game, reguardless if the game is good, they will buy it becuse of the assicuation of person with the product. (i.e. Madden 2006 on xbox 360 stinks, but Donivan McNabb is on the cover... so it's an automatic buy). but you cant really revise the bible like its a fictional story book or something... make it all gangsta... he be like
"And kanye said to judas 'shall i not off (shoot you in the head) you for betraying my bretherin jesus" lol they wouldve had chicken and beer at the last supper... no wait, that would be if ludachris was there...