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feeling God

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 9:49 pm
by Brigham
Hey, I just wanted to say that though Ive always labeled myself as Christian, deep down i never really solidly believed it (until I truly became Christian about a year ago). But I kept on for some reason, and thought that when my faith one day "peaked" it would be like feeling a sort of dreamy presence. I think this was because I really thought God wasn't real, so i thought that at best i would "imagine" something like that and go along with it, bcuz it was better than the alternative.

Well I've felt no "dreamy presence" or anything like that, but i can kind of sense a light in those i meet who are truly Christian. Other than that what really suprised me is how real its all been. I havent felt God beside me, but i do notice that when i give my will to God, and try to stay on the path, all my prayers are answered. I wish i could put an atheist in my shoes for like the past 5 months, bcuz there have probably been like 13+ SPECIFIC prayers answered very precisly, and Countless others that i couldnt push as specific, but were still answered. And even when i stray from the path, God always lifts me up, that level of forgiveness is beyond me, but i am humbled, and i thank and love Him for it. He has boosted my confidence, bcuz i dont care what others think now, its not that I hide, i really just dont care, bcuz I'm confident in Him. No psychologist or anyone else could have done this, and He has dont so much more. I just wanted to say that it seems like some people actually "feel" God, but its not like that for me. Do you guys understand what I'm trying to say. Do you "feel" God, or do you see the answered prayers that could not be chance?

God bless.


Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 10:46 pm
by Judah
When I was a young teenager going through a religious phase and falling in with an intensely charismatic group, it was all very emotional and "feely" kind of stuff. If you didn't feel Him with you, then it was suggested that was because He wasn't there with you - which meant you must be in sin which was why He had left. Then when you confessed and asked forgiveness, and you still couldn't feel Him, oh boy... that was a worry!

I dropped all that and became largely agnostic instead.

I think that how we experience God has a lot to do with our own personalities. Some folks are more up in their heads, and others are more in their hearts (feelings). Neither is necessarily right or wrong, of course, but it is good to be a well integrated mixture of both.

My real Christian experience has been quite different from the earlier religious phase that I had. This time I was looking for intellectual answers, reasons to believe. I did a great deal of reading, and not the "pop Christianity" books but the more literary stuff - George MacDonald, Francis Schaeffer, G.K. Chesterton, etc. And C.S. Lewis.
I also read the Bible, but in a more critical way, thinking about what it was saying rather than looking for any kind of feelings it might stimulate.
I guess I was being a little guarded due to my previous experience.

But both things happened to me. It was a decision of the Will to accept Jesus, and it was a delight and relief to do so.
I don't look for any feeling responses to prove God's presence, but I know He is there - a cognitive (intellectual) conviction that is separate to any feeling state I may be in at the time.

It did happen that I experienced a lot of grief when I made that decision - which I do understand for me - but the important thing has been the intellectual knowledge whereby I am convinced in my faith no matter what I am feeling or not feeling. I rather think that is more important for me as it is more substantial and convincing to me.

The feelings that come are now congruent with my beliefs, but they are not the things that I base my convictions on alone or indeed, at all.
Many times I can feel God with me, but at other times when I am not paying so much attention to feelings, I don't feel anything specific at all.
However, I still know He is there regardless.

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 11:58 pm
by Brigham
I dont feel God like i would feel a presence standing there. However i do KNOW he is there, intellectually. What i do feel, is like if im in a situation, and i pray for, for ex: peace. Peace WILL wash over me, as if the troubling situation wasnt even there, though it obviously still is. So like i said, i get very REAL help, but am I supposed to feel him like a person standing there? thats what i think of when you say you feel him. I know He helps me, and that I'm saved, i would just like to feel him like a person next to me if thats what you mean. Now that i think of it, when i pray it does feel like Im talking to Him, whereas when i was younger and thought it was real, it felt like i was praying to the cieling lol. I just want to be clear on exactly what you, and other mean by "feeling" him. Sorry if i couldnt explain more clearly or shorter lol. God bless.


Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 12:52 am
by IRQ Conflict
8) Well, I guess I have to chime in with my "feely" story heh.

I was born and raised in a Christian home PTL! Although I backslid a few times over the years God didn't seem to know when to let me go...He never has!

Anyway, at about 16 years of age I was at work and I was praising Him in the spirit and right out of the blue came this overwhelming feeling of joy and a feeling like I was on top of the world! It lasted several hours and I will never forget it.

I have never to my knowledge felt anything like that since! I consider myself to be a VERY laid back and unemotional person, almost introvert you might say. I was never one for dancing up and down the isles or anything so I know it wasn't flesh, It was God.

Just to let you know that God deals with people on many levels, so don't be disappointed if you never "feel" God. He does work in many many different ways.

Somewhere in the bible Jesus was talking to a (the)? disciples and said (my words): You have seen and believe, but Blessed are those that haven't seen and believe!

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 1:12 am
by Judah
So like i said, i get very REAL help, but am I supposed to feel him like a person standing there? thats what i think of when you say you feel him.
I don't think there are any rules or such about how you are supposed to feel God - it must surely be such an individual thing as we are all different. It is more important that you note your own experiences and that they are real for you.
The experience of a certain feeling washing over you - yes, I have felt that at times. Sometimes it is more like a reassurance, a quiet sense of calm, or a joyfulness, which is combined with a knowledge that He is there. It is more internal than external - something I experience within rather than alongside me.

I am sure there are a variety of experiences that people can report.
I have heard someone describe being held in God's arms, as though arms were actually placed around him.

You will know that verse, John 14:26 "But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you."

Often I have been in a situation when I will be thinking of something I have just read in the Bible, formulating a question in order to ask someone, and no sooner than I have got the question worked out - the answer comes! It is so fast, and the answer is complete. One instance I did not know it. The next instance I did. It is split second knowledge.

At first when that started happening I was quite taken aback. Now I know what is happening, and the verse that I quoted explains it all. I will often laugh now when it happens, and I get a strong sense that the enjoyment is shared. I am not on my own - I am actually sharing the enjoyment, and it must be with Him whom I am sharing it.

Well, those are some of my experiences. You probably need to hear from others too. I'm sure we all have different ways of experiencing Him, some more intensely at different times than others.
It is interesting to hear the experiences of others, but it is important not to rate your own by that of others and feel that there is something wrong about what you are feeling or not feeling.
The most important thing must surely be spending time with Him in prayer, waiting on Him, confident that He is there, and knowing that your relationship with Him is something unique and personal and special to you and Him.

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 8:15 am
by bizzt
IRQ Conflict wrote:8) Well, I guess I have to chime in with my "feely" story heh.

I was born and raised in a Christian home PTL! Although I backslid a few times over the years God didn't seem to know when to let me go...He never has!

Anyway, at about 16 years of age I was at work and I was praising Him in the spirit and right out of the blue came this overwhelming feeling of joy and a feeling like I was on top of the world! It lasted several hours and I will never forget it.

I have never to my knowledge felt anything like that since! I consider myself to be a VERY laid back and unemotional person, almost introvert you might say. I was never one for dancing up and down the isles or anything so I know it wasn't flesh, It was God.

Just to let you know that God deals with people on many levels, so don't be disappointed if you never "feel" God. He does work in many many different ways.

Somewhere in the bible Jesus was talking to a (the)? disciples and said (my words): You have seen and believe, but Blessed are those that haven't seen and believe!
I believe this is the Scripture you are looking for :wink:
Joh 20:29 Jesus saith unto him, Because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 7:20 pm
by IRQ Conflict
Yup! that be the one [highlander] ther can be only one [/highlander].

Thanks bizzt :)

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 10:37 pm
by Utah Extreme

I'm not sure if I am feeling God but, sometimes when I pray, I feel so moved by the spirit that I get teary eyed and cry. I get such a peaceful vibe in my heart when I pray to Jesus Christ our savior. Is it feeling God?...I'm certain of it.

Another feeling, (I believe is God given) is feeling satan. I've gotten that feeling when I've talked to certain folks.

-Utah Extreme

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 1:18 am
by IRQ Conflict
Utah Extreme wrote:Another feeling, (I believe is God given) is feeling satan. I've gotten that feeling when I've talked to certain folks.
Eye laddy, that'd be fear ya be decernin! :wink:

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 11:47 am
by Brigham
Its great to hear all of your experiences. Thanks for the responses! I understand now that it can be different for different people. God bless!


Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 2:58 pm
by IRQ Conflict
Yes, as there are no two snowflakes alike so are we. Individual, with Individual experiences and preconceptions.

When God deals with us He takes into account we are dust, our life experience, our level of faith ie. our knowledge of Him and His Word ect... and each will be different from the next.

I'm sure there are a myriad of things He looks after that we don't yet know or understand.